// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "lib/extras/codec.h" #include "lib/jxl/color_management.h" #include "tools/ssimulacra.h" namespace ssimulacra { namespace { int PrintUsage(char** argv) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-v] orig.png distorted.png\n", argv[0]); return 1; } int Run(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) return PrintUsage(argv); bool verbose = false; int input_arg = 1; if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'v') { verbose = true; input_arg = 2; } if (argc < input_arg + 2) return PrintUsage(argv); jxl::CodecInOut io1; jxl::CodecInOut io2; JXL_CHECK(SetFromFile(argv[input_arg], jxl::ColorHints(), &io1)); JXL_CHECK(SetFromFile(argv[input_arg + 1], jxl::ColorHints(), &io2)); JXL_CHECK( io1.TransformTo(jxl::ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(io1.Main().IsGray()))); JXL_CHECK( io2.TransformTo(jxl::ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(io2.Main().IsGray()))); if (io1.xsize() != io2.xsize() || io1.ysize() != io2.ysize()) { fprintf(stderr, "Image size mismatch\n"); return 1; } if (io1.xsize() < 8 || io1.ysize() < 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Minimum image size is 8x8 pixels\n"); return 1; } Ssimulacra ssimulacra = ComputeDiff(*io1.Main().color(), *io2.Main().color()); if (verbose) { ssimulacra.PrintDetails(); } printf("%.8f\n", ssimulacra.Score()); return 0; } } // namespace } // namespace ssimulacra int main(int argc, char** argv) { return ssimulacra::Run(argc, argv); }