// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hwy/targets.h" #include "jxl/decode.h" #include "jxl/decode_cxx.h" #include "jxl/thread_parallel_runner.h" #include "jxl/thread_parallel_runner_cxx.h" // Unpublised API. void SetDecoderMemoryLimitBase_(size_t memory_limit_base); namespace { // Externally visible value to ensure pixels are used in the fuzzer. int external_code = 0; constexpr const size_t kStreamingTargetNumberOfChunks = 128; // Options for the fuzzing struct FuzzSpec { JxlDataType output_type; JxlEndianness output_endianness; size_t output_align; bool get_alpha; bool get_grayscale; bool use_streaming; bool jpeg_to_pixels; // decode to pixels even if it is JPEG-reconstructible // Whether to use the callback mechanism for the output image or not. bool use_callback; bool keep_orientation; // Used for random variation of chunk sizes, extra channels, ... to get uint32_t random_seed; }; template void Consume(const It& begin, const It& end) { for (auto it = begin; it < end; ++it) { if (*it == 0) { external_code ^= ~0; } else { external_code ^= *it; } } } template void Consume(const T& entry) { const uint8_t* begin = reinterpret_cast(&entry); Consume(begin, begin + sizeof(T)); } // use_streaming: if true, decodes the data in small chunks, if false, decodes // it in one shot. bool DecodeJpegXl(const uint8_t* jxl, size_t size, size_t max_pixels, const FuzzSpec& spec, std::vector* pixels, std::vector* jpeg, size_t* xsize, size_t* ysize, std::vector* icc_profile) { SetDecoderMemoryLimitBase_(max_pixels); // Multi-threaded parallel runner. Limit to max 2 threads since the fuzzer // itself is already multithreaded. size_t num_threads = std::min(2, JxlThreadParallelRunnerDefaultNumWorkerThreads()); auto runner = JxlThreadParallelRunnerMake(nullptr, num_threads); std::mt19937 mt(spec.random_seed); std::exponential_distribution<> dis_streaming(kStreamingTargetNumberOfChunks); auto dec = JxlDecoderMake(nullptr); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSubscribeEvents( dec.get(), JXL_DEC_BASIC_INFO | JXL_DEC_EXTENSIONS | JXL_DEC_COLOR_ENCODING | JXL_DEC_PREVIEW_IMAGE | JXL_DEC_FRAME | JXL_DEC_FULL_IMAGE | JXL_DEC_JPEG_RECONSTRUCTION)) { return false; } if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetParallelRunner(dec.get(), JxlThreadParallelRunner, runner.get())) { return false; } if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetKeepOrientation(dec.get(), spec.keep_orientation)) { abort(); } JxlBasicInfo info; uint32_t channels = (spec.get_grayscale ? 1 : 3) + (spec.get_alpha ? 1 : 0); JxlPixelFormat format = {channels, spec.output_type, spec.output_endianness, spec.output_align}; if (!spec.use_streaming) { // Set all input at once JxlDecoderSetInput(dec.get(), jxl, size); } bool seen_basic_info = false; bool seen_extensions = false; bool seen_color_encoding = false; bool seen_preview = false; bool seen_need_image_out = false; bool seen_full_image = false; bool seen_success = false; bool seen_frame = false; uint32_t num_frames = 0; bool seen_jpeg_reconstruction = false; bool seen_jpeg_need_more_output = false; // If streaming and seen around half the input, test flushing bool tested_flush = false; // Size made available for the streaming input, emulating a subset of the // full input size. size_t streaming_size = 0; size_t leftover = size; size_t preview_xsize = 0; size_t preview_ysize = 0; bool want_preview = false; std::vector preview_pixels; std::vector extra_channel_pixels; // Callback function used when decoding with use_callback. struct DecodeCallbackData { JxlBasicInfo info; std::mutex called_rows_mutex; // For each row stores the segments of the row being called. For each row // the sum of all the int values in the map up to [i] (inclusive) tell how // many times a callback included the pixel i of that row. std::vector> called_rows; // Use the pixel values. uint32_t value = 0; }; DecodeCallbackData decode_callback_data; auto decode_callback = +[](void* opaque, size_t x, size_t y, size_t num_pixels, const void* pixels) { DecodeCallbackData* data = static_cast(opaque); if (num_pixels > data->info.xsize) abort(); if (x + num_pixels > data->info.xsize) abort(); if (y >= data->info.ysize) abort(); if (num_pixels && !pixels) abort(); // Keep track of the segments being called by the callback. { const std::lock_guard lock(data->called_rows_mutex); data->called_rows[y][x]++; data->called_rows[y][x + num_pixels]--; data->value += *static_cast(pixels); } }; JxlExtraChannelInfo extra_channel_info; for (;;) { JxlDecoderStatus status = JxlDecoderProcessInput(dec.get()); if (status == JXL_DEC_ERROR) { return false; } else if (status == JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { if (spec.use_streaming) { size_t remaining = JxlDecoderReleaseInput(dec.get()); // move any remaining bytes to the front if necessary size_t used = streaming_size - remaining; jxl += used; leftover -= used; streaming_size -= used; size_t chunk_size = std::max( 1, size * std::min(1.0, dis_streaming(mt))); size_t add_size = std::min(chunk_size, leftover - streaming_size); if (add_size == 0) { // End of the streaming data reached return false; } streaming_size += add_size; JxlDecoderSetInput(dec.get(), jxl, streaming_size); if (!tested_flush && seen_frame) { // Test flush max once to avoid too slow fuzzer run tested_flush = true; JxlDecoderFlushImage(dec.get()); } } else { return false; } } else if (status == JXL_DEC_JPEG_NEED_MORE_OUTPUT) { if (spec.jpeg_to_pixels) abort(); if (!seen_jpeg_reconstruction) abort(); seen_jpeg_need_more_output = true; size_t used_jpeg_output = jpeg->size() - JxlDecoderReleaseJPEGBuffer(dec.get()); jpeg->resize(std::max(4096, jpeg->size() * 2)); uint8_t* jpeg_buffer = jpeg->data() + used_jpeg_output; size_t jpeg_buffer_size = jpeg->size() - used_jpeg_output; if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetJPEGBuffer(dec.get(), jpeg_buffer, jpeg_buffer_size)) { return false; } } else if (status == JXL_DEC_BASIC_INFO) { if (seen_basic_info) abort(); // already seen basic info seen_basic_info = true; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetBasicInfo(dec.get(), &info)) { return false; } Consume(info); *xsize = info.xsize; *ysize = info.ysize; decode_callback_data.info = info; decode_callback_data.called_rows.resize(info.ysize); size_t num_pixels = *xsize * *ysize; // num_pixels overflow if (*xsize != 0 && num_pixels / *xsize != *ysize) return false; // limit max memory of this fuzzer test if (num_pixels > max_pixels) return false; if (info.have_preview) { want_preview = true; preview_xsize = info.preview.xsize; preview_ysize = info.preview.ysize; size_t preview_num_pixels = preview_xsize * preview_ysize; // num_pixels overflow if (preview_xsize != 0 && preview_num_pixels / preview_xsize != preview_ysize) { return false; } // limit max memory of this fuzzer test if (preview_num_pixels > max_pixels) return false; } for (size_t ec = 0; ec < info.num_extra_channels; ++ec) { memset(&extra_channel_info, 0, sizeof(extra_channel_info)); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetExtraChannelInfo(dec.get(), ec, &extra_channel_info)) { abort(); } Consume(extra_channel_info); std::vector ec_name(extra_channel_info.name_length + 1); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetExtraChannelName(dec.get(), ec, ec_name.data(), ec_name.size())) { abort(); } Consume(ec_name.cbegin(), ec_name.cend()); } } else if (status == JXL_DEC_EXTENSIONS) { if (!seen_basic_info) abort(); // expected basic info first if (seen_color_encoding) abort(); // should happen after this if (seen_extensions) abort(); // already seen extensions seen_extensions = true; // TODO(eustas): get extensions? } else if (status == JXL_DEC_COLOR_ENCODING) { if (!seen_basic_info) abort(); // expected basic info first if (seen_color_encoding) abort(); // already seen color encoding seen_color_encoding = true; // Get the ICC color profile of the pixel data size_t icc_size; if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetICCProfileSize( dec.get(), &format, JXL_COLOR_PROFILE_TARGET_DATA, &icc_size)) { return false; } icc_profile->resize(icc_size); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetColorAsICCProfile( dec.get(), &format, JXL_COLOR_PROFILE_TARGET_DATA, icc_profile->data(), icc_profile->size())) { return false; } if (want_preview) { size_t preview_size; if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderPreviewOutBufferSize(dec.get(), &format, &preview_size)) { return false; } preview_pixels.resize(preview_size); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetPreviewOutBuffer( dec.get(), &format, preview_pixels.data(), preview_pixels.size())) { abort(); } } } else if (status == JXL_DEC_PREVIEW_IMAGE) { if (seen_preview) abort(); if (!want_preview) abort(); if (!seen_color_encoding) abort(); want_preview = false; seen_preview = true; Consume(preview_pixels.cbegin(), preview_pixels.cend()); } else if (status == JXL_DEC_FRAME || status == JXL_DEC_NEED_IMAGE_OUT_BUFFER) { if (want_preview) abort(); // expected preview before frame if (!seen_color_encoding) abort(); // expected color encoding first if (status == JXL_DEC_FRAME) { if (seen_frame) abort(); // already seen JXL_DEC_FRAME seen_frame = true; JxlFrameHeader frame_header; memset(&frame_header, 0, sizeof(frame_header)); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetFrameHeader(dec.get(), &frame_header)) { abort(); } Consume(frame_header); std::vector frame_name(frame_header.name_length + 1); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderGetFrameName(dec.get(), frame_name.data(), frame_name.size())) { abort(); } Consume(frame_name.cbegin(), frame_name.cend()); // When not testing streaming, test that JXL_DEC_NEED_IMAGE_OUT_BUFFER // occurs instead, so do not set buffer now. if (!spec.use_streaming) continue; } if (status == JXL_DEC_NEED_IMAGE_OUT_BUFFER) { // expected JXL_DEC_FRAME instead if (!seen_frame) abort(); // already should have set buffer if streaming if (spec.use_streaming) abort(); // already seen need image out if (seen_need_image_out) abort(); seen_need_image_out = true; } if (info.num_extra_channels > 0) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, info.num_extra_channels); size_t ec_index = dis(mt); // There is also a probability no extra channel is chosen if (ec_index < info.num_extra_channels) { size_t ec_index = info.num_extra_channels - 1; size_t ec_size; if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderExtraChannelBufferSize( dec.get(), &format, &ec_size, ec_index)) { return false; } extra_channel_pixels.resize(ec_size); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetExtraChannelBuffer(dec.get(), &format, extra_channel_pixels.data(), ec_size, ec_index)) { return false; } } } if (spec.use_callback) { if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetImageOutCallback(dec.get(), &format, decode_callback, &decode_callback_data)) { return false; } } else { // Use the pixels output buffer. size_t buffer_size; if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderImageOutBufferSize(dec.get(), &format, &buffer_size)) { return false; } pixels->resize(buffer_size); void* pixels_buffer = (void*)pixels->data(); size_t pixels_buffer_size = pixels->size(); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetImageOutBuffer(dec.get(), &format, pixels_buffer, pixels_buffer_size)) { return false; } } } else if (status == JXL_DEC_JPEG_RECONSTRUCTION) { if (want_preview) abort(); // expected preview before frame if (seen_jpeg_reconstruction) abort(); seen_jpeg_reconstruction = true; if (!spec.jpeg_to_pixels) { // Make sure buffer is allocated, but current size is too small to // contain valid JPEG. jpeg->resize(1); uint8_t* jpeg_buffer = jpeg->data(); size_t jpeg_buffer_size = jpeg->size(); if (JXL_DEC_SUCCESS != JxlDecoderSetJPEGBuffer(dec.get(), jpeg_buffer, jpeg_buffer_size)) { return false; } } } else if (status == JXL_DEC_FULL_IMAGE) { if (want_preview) abort(); // expected preview before frame if (!spec.jpeg_to_pixels && seen_jpeg_reconstruction) { if (!seen_jpeg_need_more_output) abort(); jpeg->resize(jpeg->size() - JxlDecoderReleaseJPEGBuffer(dec.get())); } else { // expected need image out or frame first if (!seen_need_image_out && !seen_frame) abort(); } seen_full_image = true; // there may be multiple if animated // There may be a next animation frame so expect those again: seen_need_image_out = false; seen_frame = false; num_frames++; // "Use" all the pixels; MSAN needs a conditional to count as usage. Consume(pixels->cbegin(), pixels->cend()); Consume(jpeg->cbegin(), jpeg->cend()); // Nothing to do. Do not yet return. If the image is an animation, more // full frames may be decoded. This example only keeps the last one. } else if (status == JXL_DEC_SUCCESS) { if (!seen_full_image) abort(); // expected full image before finishing if (seen_success) abort(); // already seen success seen_success = true; // When decoding we may not get seen_need_image_out unless we were // decoding the image to pixels. if (seen_need_image_out && spec.use_callback) { // Check that the callback sent all the pixels for (uint32_t y = 0; y < info.ysize; y++) { // Check that each row was at least called once. if (decode_callback_data.called_rows[y].empty()) abort(); uint32_t last_idx = 0; int calls = 0; for (auto it : decode_callback_data.called_rows[y]) { if (it.first > last_idx) { if (static_cast(calls) != num_frames) abort(); } calls += it.second; last_idx = it.first; } } } // All decoding successfully finished. // It's not required to call JxlDecoderReleaseInput(dec.get()) here since // the decoder will be destroyed. return true; } else { return false; } } } int TestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { if (size < 4) return 0; uint32_t flags = 0; size_t used_flag_bits = 0; memcpy(&flags, data + size - 4, 4); size -= 4; const auto getFlag = [&flags, &used_flag_bits](size_t max_value) { size_t limit = 1; while (limit <= max_value) { limit <<= 1; used_flag_bits++; if (used_flag_bits > 32) abort(); } uint32_t result = flags % limit; flags /= limit; return result % (max_value + 1); }; FuzzSpec spec; // Allows some different possible variations in the chunk sizes of the // streaming case spec.random_seed = flags ^ size; spec.get_alpha = !!getFlag(1); spec.get_grayscale = !!getFlag(1); spec.use_streaming = !!getFlag(1); spec.jpeg_to_pixels = !!getFlag(1); spec.use_callback = !!getFlag(1); spec.keep_orientation = !!getFlag(1); spec.output_type = static_cast(getFlag(JXL_TYPE_FLOAT16)); spec.output_endianness = static_cast(getFlag(JXL_BIG_ENDIAN)); spec.output_align = getFlag(16); std::vector pixels; std::vector jpeg; std::vector icc; size_t xsize, ysize; size_t max_pixels = 1 << 21; const auto targets = hwy::SupportedAndGeneratedTargets(); hwy::SetSupportedTargetsForTest(targets[getFlag(targets.size() - 1)]); DecodeJpegXl(data, size, max_pixels, spec, &pixels, &jpeg, &xsize, &ysize, &icc); hwy::SetSupportedTargetsForTest(0); return 0; } } // namespace extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { return TestOneInput(data, size); }