// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "tools/box/box.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/byte_order.h" // for GetMaximumBrunsliEncodedSize #include "lib/jxl/jpeg/dec_jpeg_data.h" #include "lib/jxl/jpeg/jpeg_data.h" namespace jpegxl { namespace tools { namespace { // Checks if a + b > size, taking possible integer overflow into account. bool OutOfBounds(size_t a, size_t b, size_t size) { size_t pos = a + b; if (pos > size) return true; if (pos < a) return true; // overflow happened return false; } } // namespace // Parses the header of a BMFF box. Returns the result in a Box struct. // Sets the position to the end of the box header after parsing. The data size // is output if known, or must be handled by the caller and runs until the end // of the container file if not known. jxl::Status ParseBoxHeader(const uint8_t** next_in, size_t* available_in, Box* box) { size_t pos = 0; size_t size = *available_in; const uint8_t* in = *next_in; if (OutOfBounds(pos, 8, size)) return JXL_FAILURE("out of bounds"); const size_t initial_pos = pos; // Total box_size including this header itself. uint64_t box_size = LoadBE32(in + pos); memcpy(box->type, in + pos + 4, 4); pos += 8; if (box_size == 1) { // If the size is 1, it indicates extended size read from 64-bit integer. if (OutOfBounds(pos, 8, size)) return JXL_FAILURE("out of bounds"); box_size = LoadBE64(in + pos); pos += 8; } if (!memcmp("uuid", box->type, 4)) { if (OutOfBounds(pos, 16, size)) return JXL_FAILURE("out of bounds"); memcpy(box->extended_type, in + pos, 16); pos += 16; } // This is the end of the box header, the box data begins here. Handle // the data size now. const size_t data_pos = pos; const size_t header_size = data_pos - initial_pos; if (box_size != 0) { if (box_size < header_size) { return JXL_FAILURE("invalid box size"); } box->data_size_given = true; box->data_size = box_size - header_size; } else { // The size extends to the end of the file. We don't necessarily know the // end of the file here, since the input size may be only part of the full // container file. Indicate the size is not given, the caller must handle // this. box->data_size_given = false; box->data_size = 0; } // The remaining bytes are the data. If the box is a full box, the first // bytes of the data have a certain structure but this is to be handled by // the caller for the appropriate box type. *next_in += pos; *available_in -= pos; return true; } jxl::Status AppendBoxHeader(const Box& box, jxl::PaddedBytes* out) { bool use_extended = !memcmp("uuid", box.type, 4); uint64_t box_size = 0; bool large_size = false; if (box.data_size_given) { box_size = box.data_size + 8 + (use_extended ? 16 : 0); if (box_size >= 0x100000000ull) { large_size = true; } } out->resize(out->size() + 4); StoreBE32(large_size ? 1 : box_size, &out->back() - 4 + 1); out->resize(out->size() + 4); memcpy(&out->back() - 4 + 1, box.type, 4); if (large_size) { out->resize(out->size() + 8); StoreBE64(box_size, &out->back() - 8 + 1); } if (use_extended) { out->resize(out->size() + 16); memcpy(&out->back() - 16 + 1, box.extended_type, 16); } return true; } bool IsContainerHeader(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { const uint8_t box_header[] = {0, 0, 0, 0xc, 'J', 'X', 'L', ' ', 0xd, 0xa, 0x87, 0xa}; if (size < sizeof(box_header)) return false; return memcmp(box_header, data, sizeof(box_header)) == 0; } jxl::Status DecodeJpegXlContainerOneShot(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, JpegXlContainer* container) { const uint8_t* in = data; size_t available_in = size; container->exif = nullptr; container->exif_size = 0; container->exfc = nullptr; container->exfc_size = 0; container->xml.clear(); container->xmlc.clear(); container->jumb = nullptr; container->jumb_size = 0; container->codestream = nullptr; container->codestream_size = 0; container->jpeg_reconstruction = nullptr; container->jpeg_reconstruction_size = 0; size_t box_index = 0; while (available_in != 0) { Box box; if (!ParseBoxHeader(&in, &available_in, &box)) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid box header"); } size_t data_size = box.data_size_given ? box.data_size : available_in; if (box.data_size > available_in) { return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected end of file"); } if (box_index == 0) { // TODO(lode): leave out magic signature box? // Must be magic signature box. if (memcmp("JXL ", box.type, 4) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid magic signature"); } if (box.data_size != 4) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid magic signature"); if (in[0] != 0xd || in[1] != 0xa || in[2] != 0x87 || in[3] != 0xa) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid magic signature"); } } else if (box_index == 1) { // Must be ftyp box. if (memcmp("ftyp", box.type, 4) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid ftyp"); } if (box.data_size != 12) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid ftyp"); const char* expected = "jxl \0\0\0\0jxl "; if (memcmp(expected, in, 12) != 0) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid ftyp"); } else if (!memcmp("jxli", box.type, 4)) { // TODO(lode): parse JXL frame index box if (container->codestream) { return JXL_FAILURE("frame index must come before codestream"); } } else if (!memcmp("jxlc", box.type, 4)) { container->codestream = in; container->codestream_size = data_size; } else if (!memcmp("Exif", box.type, 4)) { if (data_size < 4) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Exif"); uint32_t tiff_header_offset = LoadBE32(in); if (tiff_header_offset > data_size - 4) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Exif tiff header offset"); container->exif = in + 4 + tiff_header_offset; container->exif_size = data_size - 4 - tiff_header_offset; } else if (!memcmp("Exfc", box.type, 4)) { container->exfc = in; container->exfc_size = data_size; } else if (!memcmp("xml ", box.type, 4)) { container->xml.emplace_back(in, data_size); } else if (!memcmp("xmlc", box.type, 4)) { container->xmlc.emplace_back(in, data_size); } else if (!memcmp("jumb", box.type, 4)) { container->jumb = in; container->jumb_size = data_size; } else if (!memcmp("jbrd", box.type, 4)) { container->jpeg_reconstruction = in; container->jpeg_reconstruction_size = data_size; } else { // Do nothing: box not recognized here but may be recognizable by // other software. } in += data_size; available_in -= data_size; box_index++; } return true; } static jxl::Status AppendBoxAndData(const char type[4], const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, jxl::PaddedBytes* out, bool exif = false) { Box box; memcpy(box.type, type, 4); box.data_size = data_size + (exif ? 4 : 0); box.data_size_given = true; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AppendBoxHeader(box, out)); // for Exif: always use tiff header offset 0 if (exif) for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) out->push_back(0); out->append(data, data + data_size); return true; } jxl::Status EncodeJpegXlContainerOneShot(const JpegXlContainer& container, jxl::PaddedBytes* out) { const unsigned char header[] = {0, 0, 0, 0xc, 'J', 'X', 'L', ' ', 0xd, 0xa, 0x87, 0xa, 0, 0, 0, 0x14, 'f', 't', 'y', 'p', 'j', 'x', 'l', ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'j', 'x', 'l', ' '}; size_t header_size = sizeof(header); out->append(header, header + header_size); if (container.exif) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AppendBoxAndData("Exif", container.exif, container.exif_size, out, true)); } if (container.exfc) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR( AppendBoxAndData("Exfc", container.exfc, container.exfc_size, out)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < container.xml.size(); i++) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AppendBoxAndData("xml ", container.xml[i].first, container.xml[i].second, out)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < container.xmlc.size(); i++) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AppendBoxAndData("xmlc", container.xmlc[i].first, container.xmlc[i].second, out)); } if (container.jpeg_reconstruction) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AppendBoxAndData("jbrd", container.jpeg_reconstruction, container.jpeg_reconstruction_size, out)); } if (container.codestream) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AppendBoxAndData("jxlc", container.codestream, container.codestream_size, out)); } else { return JXL_FAILURE("must have primary image frame"); } if (container.jumb) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR( AppendBoxAndData("jumb", container.jumb, container.jumb_size, out)); } return true; } // TODO(veluca): the format defined here encode some things multiple times. Fix // that. jxl::Status DecodeJpegXlToJpeg(jxl::DecompressParams params, const JpegXlContainer& container, jxl::CodecInOut* io, jxl::ThreadPool* pool) { params.keep_dct = true; if (container.jpeg_reconstruction == nullptr) { return JXL_FAILURE( "Cannot decode to JPEG without a JPEG reconstruction box"); } io->Main().jpeg_data = jxl::make_unique(); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeJPEGData( jxl::Span(container.jpeg_reconstruction, container.jpeg_reconstruction_size), io->Main().jpeg_data.get())); auto& jpeg_data = io->Main().jpeg_data; bool have_exif = false, have_xmp = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < jpeg_data->app_data.size(); i++) { if (jpeg_data->app_marker_type[i] == jxl::jpeg::AppMarkerType::kExif) { if (have_exif) return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected: more than one Exif box required?"); if (jpeg_data->app_data[i].size() != container.exif_size + 9) { return JXL_FAILURE( "Exif box size does not match JPEG reconstruction data"); } have_exif = true; memcpy(&jpeg_data->app_data[i][3 + 6], container.exif, container.exif_size); } if (jpeg_data->app_marker_type[i] == jxl::jpeg::AppMarkerType::kXMP) { if (have_xmp) return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected: more than one XMP box required?"); if (jpeg_data->app_data[i].size() != container.xml[0].second + 32) { return JXL_FAILURE( "XMP box size does not match JPEG reconstruction data"); } have_xmp = true; memcpy(&jpeg_data->app_data[i][3 + 29], container.xml[0].first, container.xml[0].second); } } JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeFile( params, jxl::Span(container.codestream, container.codestream_size), io, pool)); return true; } } // namespace tools } // namespace jpegxl