// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef LIB_JXL_QUANT_WEIGHTS_H_ #define LIB_JXL_QUANT_WEIGHTS_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/jxl/ac_strategy.h" #include "lib/jxl/aux_out_fwd.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/cache_aligned.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/span.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/status.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" #include "lib/jxl/dec_bit_reader.h" #include "lib/jxl/image.h" namespace jxl { template constexpr T ArraySum(T (&a)[N], size_t i = N - 1) { static_assert(N > 0, "Trying to compute the sum of an empty array"); return i == 0 ? a[0] : a[i] + ArraySum(a, i - 1); } static constexpr size_t kMaxQuantTableSize = AcStrategy::kMaxCoeffArea; static constexpr size_t kNumPredefinedTables = 1; static constexpr size_t kCeilLog2NumPredefinedTables = 0; static constexpr size_t kLog2NumQuantModes = 3; struct DctQuantWeightParams { static constexpr size_t kLog2MaxDistanceBands = 4; static constexpr size_t kMaxDistanceBands = 1 + (1 << kLog2MaxDistanceBands); typedef std::array, 3> DistanceBandsArray; size_t num_distance_bands = 0; DistanceBandsArray distance_bands = {}; constexpr DctQuantWeightParams() : num_distance_bands(0) {} constexpr DctQuantWeightParams(const DistanceBandsArray& dist_bands, size_t num_dist_bands) : num_distance_bands(num_dist_bands), distance_bands(dist_bands) {} template explicit DctQuantWeightParams(const float dist_bands[3][num_dist_bands]) { num_distance_bands = num_dist_bands; for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { memcpy(distance_bands[c].data(), dist_bands[c], sizeof(float) * num_dist_bands); } } }; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-optin.performance.Padding) struct QuantEncodingInternal { enum Mode { kQuantModeLibrary, kQuantModeID, kQuantModeDCT2, kQuantModeDCT4, kQuantModeDCT4X8, kQuantModeAFV, kQuantModeDCT, kQuantModeRAW, }; template struct Tag {}; typedef std::array, 3> IdWeights; typedef std::array, 3> DCT2Weights; typedef std::array, 3> DCT4Multipliers; typedef std::array, 3> AFVWeights; typedef std::array DCT4x8Multipliers; static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal Library(uint8_t predefined) { return ((predefined < kNumPredefinedTables) || JXL_ABORT("Assert predefined < kNumPredefinedTables")), QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), predefined); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, uint8_t predefined) : mode(kQuantModeLibrary), predefined(predefined) {} // Identity // xybweights is an array of {xweights, yweights, bweights}. static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal Identity(const IdWeights& xybweights) { return QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), xybweights); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, const IdWeights& xybweights) : mode(kQuantModeID), idweights(xybweights) {} // DCT2 static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal DCT2(const DCT2Weights& xybweights) { return QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), xybweights); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, const DCT2Weights& xybweights) : mode(kQuantModeDCT2), dct2weights(xybweights) {} // DCT4 static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal DCT4( const DctQuantWeightParams& params, const DCT4Multipliers& xybmul) { return QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), params, xybmul); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, const DctQuantWeightParams& params, const DCT4Multipliers& xybmul) : mode(kQuantModeDCT4), dct_params(params), dct4multipliers(xybmul) {} // DCT4x8 static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal DCT4X8( const DctQuantWeightParams& params, const DCT4x8Multipliers& xybmul) { return QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), params, xybmul); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, const DctQuantWeightParams& params, const DCT4x8Multipliers& xybmul) : mode(kQuantModeDCT4X8), dct_params(params), dct4x8multipliers(xybmul) {} // DCT static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal DCT( const DctQuantWeightParams& params) { return QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), params); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, const DctQuantWeightParams& params) : mode(kQuantModeDCT), dct_params(params) {} // AFV static constexpr QuantEncodingInternal AFV( const DctQuantWeightParams& params4x8, const DctQuantWeightParams& params4x4, const AFVWeights& weights) { return QuantEncodingInternal(Tag(), params4x8, params4x4, weights); } constexpr QuantEncodingInternal(Tag /* tag */, const DctQuantWeightParams& params4x8, const DctQuantWeightParams& params4x4, const AFVWeights& weights) : mode(kQuantModeAFV), dct_params(params4x8), afv_weights(weights), dct_params_afv_4x4(params4x4) {} // This constructor is not constexpr so it can't be used in any of the // constexpr cases above. explicit QuantEncodingInternal(Mode mode) : mode(mode) {} Mode mode; // Weights for DCT4+ tables. DctQuantWeightParams dct_params; union { // Weights for identity. IdWeights idweights; // Weights for DCT2. DCT2Weights dct2weights; // Extra multipliers for coefficients 01/10 and 11 for DCT4 and AFV. DCT4Multipliers dct4multipliers; // Weights for AFV. {0, 1} are used directly for coefficients (0, 1) and (1, // 0); {2, 3, 4} are used directly corner DC, (1,0) - (0,1) and (0, 1) + // (1, 0) - (0, 0) inside the AFV block. Values from 5 to 8 are interpolated // as in GetQuantWeights for DC and are used for other coefficients. AFVWeights afv_weights = {}; // Extra multipliers for coefficients 01 or 10 for DCT4X8 and DCT8X4. DCT4x8Multipliers dct4x8multipliers; // Only used in kQuantModeRAW mode. struct { // explicit quantization table (like in JPEG) std::vector* qtable = nullptr; float qtable_den = 1.f / (8 * 255); } qraw; }; // Weights for 4x4 sub-block in AFV. DctQuantWeightParams dct_params_afv_4x4; union { // Which predefined table to use. Only used if mode is kQuantModeLibrary. uint8_t predefined = 0; // Which other quant table to copy; must copy from a table that comes before // the current one. Only used if mode is kQuantModeCopy. uint8_t source; }; }; class QuantEncoding final : public QuantEncodingInternal { public: QuantEncoding(const QuantEncoding& other) : QuantEncodingInternal( static_cast(other)) { if (mode == kQuantModeRAW && qraw.qtable) { // Need to make a copy of the passed *qtable. qraw.qtable = new std::vector(*other.qraw.qtable); } } QuantEncoding(QuantEncoding&& other) noexcept : QuantEncodingInternal( static_cast(other)) { // Steal the qtable from the other object if any. if (mode == kQuantModeRAW) { other.qraw.qtable = nullptr; } } QuantEncoding& operator=(const QuantEncoding& other) { if (mode == kQuantModeRAW && qraw.qtable) { delete qraw.qtable; } *static_cast(this) = QuantEncodingInternal(static_cast(other)); if (mode == kQuantModeRAW && qraw.qtable) { // Need to make a copy of the passed *qtable. qraw.qtable = new std::vector(*other.qraw.qtable); } return *this; } ~QuantEncoding() { if (mode == kQuantModeRAW && qraw.qtable) { delete qraw.qtable; } } // Wrappers of the QuantEncodingInternal:: static functions that return a // QuantEncoding instead. This is using the explicit and private cast from // QuantEncodingInternal to QuantEncoding, which would be inlined anyway. // In general, you should use this wrappers. The only reason to directly // create a QuantEncodingInternal instance is if you need a constexpr version // of this class. Note that RAW() is not supported in that case since it uses // a std::vector. static QuantEncoding Library(uint8_t predefined) { return QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::Library(predefined)); } static QuantEncoding Identity(const IdWeights& xybweights) { return QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::Identity(xybweights)); } static QuantEncoding DCT2(const DCT2Weights& xybweights) { return QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::DCT2(xybweights)); } static QuantEncoding DCT4(const DctQuantWeightParams& params, const DCT4Multipliers& xybmul) { return QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::DCT4(params, xybmul)); } static QuantEncoding DCT4X8(const DctQuantWeightParams& params, const DCT4x8Multipliers& xybmul) { return QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::DCT4X8(params, xybmul)); } static QuantEncoding DCT(const DctQuantWeightParams& params) { return QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::DCT(params)); } static QuantEncoding AFV(const DctQuantWeightParams& params4x8, const DctQuantWeightParams& params4x4, const AFVWeights& weights) { return QuantEncoding( QuantEncodingInternal::AFV(params4x8, params4x4, weights)); } // RAW, note that this one is not a constexpr one. static QuantEncoding RAW(const std::vector& qtable, int shift = 0) { QuantEncoding encoding(kQuantModeRAW); encoding.qraw.qtable = new std::vector(); *encoding.qraw.qtable = qtable; encoding.qraw.qtable_den = (1 << shift) * (1.f / (8 * 255)); return encoding; } private: explicit QuantEncoding(const QuantEncodingInternal& other) : QuantEncodingInternal(other) {} explicit QuantEncoding(QuantEncodingInternal::Mode mode) : QuantEncodingInternal(mode) {} }; // A constexpr QuantEncodingInternal instance is often downcasted to the // QuantEncoding subclass even if the instance wasn't an instance of the // subclass. This is safe because user will upcast to QuantEncodingInternal to // access any of its members. static_assert(sizeof(QuantEncoding) == sizeof(QuantEncodingInternal), "Don't add any members to QuantEncoding"); // Let's try to keep these 2**N for possible future simplicity. const float kInvDCQuant[3] = { 4096.0f, 512.0f, 256.0f, }; const float kDCQuant[3] = { 1.0f / kInvDCQuant[0], 1.0f / kInvDCQuant[1], 1.0f / kInvDCQuant[2], }; class ModularFrameEncoder; class ModularFrameDecoder; class DequantMatrices { public: enum QuantTable : size_t { DCT = 0, IDENTITY, DCT2X2, DCT4X4, DCT16X16, DCT32X32, // DCT16X8 DCT8X16, // DCT32X8 DCT8X32, // DCT32X16 DCT16X32, DCT4X8, // DCT8X4 AFV0, // AFV1 // AFV2 // AFV3 DCT64X64, // DCT64X32, DCT32X64, DCT128X128, // DCT128X64, DCT64X128, DCT256X256, // DCT256X128, DCT128X256, kNum }; static constexpr QuantTable kQuantTable[] = { QuantTable::DCT, QuantTable::IDENTITY, QuantTable::DCT2X2, QuantTable::DCT4X4, QuantTable::DCT16X16, QuantTable::DCT32X32, QuantTable::DCT8X16, QuantTable::DCT8X16, QuantTable::DCT8X32, QuantTable::DCT8X32, QuantTable::DCT16X32, QuantTable::DCT16X32, QuantTable::DCT4X8, QuantTable::DCT4X8, QuantTable::AFV0, QuantTable::AFV0, QuantTable::AFV0, QuantTable::AFV0, QuantTable::DCT64X64, QuantTable::DCT32X64, QuantTable::DCT32X64, QuantTable::DCT128X128, QuantTable::DCT64X128, QuantTable::DCT64X128, QuantTable::DCT256X256, QuantTable::DCT128X256, QuantTable::DCT128X256, }; static_assert(AcStrategy::kNumValidStrategies == sizeof(kQuantTable) / sizeof *kQuantTable, "Update this array when adding or removing AC strategies."); DequantMatrices() { encodings_.resize(size_t(QuantTable::kNum), QuantEncoding::Library(0)); size_t pos = 0; size_t offsets[kNum * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(QuantTable::kNum); i++) { encodings_[i] = QuantEncoding::Library(0); size_t num = required_size_[i] * kDCTBlockSize; for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { offsets[3 * i + c] = pos + c * num; } pos += 3 * num; } for (size_t i = 0; i < AcStrategy::kNumValidStrategies; i++) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { table_offsets_[i * 3 + c] = offsets[kQuantTable[i] * 3 + c]; } } // Default quantization tables need to be valid. JXL_CHECK(Compute()); } static const QuantEncoding* Library(); typedef std::array DequantLibraryInternal; // Return the array of library kNumPredefinedTables QuantEncoding entries as // a constexpr array. Use Library() to obtain a pointer to the copy in the // .cc file. static const DequantLibraryInternal LibraryInit(); JXL_INLINE size_t MatrixOffset(size_t quant_kind, size_t c) const { JXL_DASSERT(quant_kind < AcStrategy::kNumValidStrategies); return table_offsets_[quant_kind * 3 + c]; } // Returns aligned memory. JXL_INLINE const float* Matrix(size_t quant_kind, size_t c) const { JXL_DASSERT(quant_kind < AcStrategy::kNumValidStrategies); return &table_[MatrixOffset(quant_kind, c)]; } JXL_INLINE const float* InvMatrix(size_t quant_kind, size_t c) const { JXL_DASSERT(quant_kind < AcStrategy::kNumValidStrategies); return &inv_table_[MatrixOffset(quant_kind, c)]; } // DC quants are used in modular mode for XYB multipliers. JXL_INLINE float DCQuant(size_t c) const { return dc_quant_[c]; } JXL_INLINE const float* DCQuants() const { return dc_quant_; } JXL_INLINE float InvDCQuant(size_t c) const { return inv_dc_quant_[c]; } // For encoder. void SetEncodings(const std::vector& encodings) { encodings_ = encodings; } // For encoder. void SetDCQuant(const float dc[3]) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { dc_quant_[c] = 1.0f / dc[c]; inv_dc_quant_[c] = dc[c]; } } Status Decode(BitReader* br, ModularFrameDecoder* modular_frame_decoder = nullptr); Status DecodeDC(BitReader* br); const std::vector& encodings() const { return encodings_; } static constexpr size_t required_size_x[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 8, 4, 16, 8, 32, 16}; static_assert(kNum == sizeof(required_size_x) / sizeof(*required_size_x), "Update this array when adding or removing quant tables."); static constexpr size_t required_size_y[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 1, 1, 8, 8, 16, 16, 32, 32}; static_assert(kNum == sizeof(required_size_y) / sizeof(*required_size_y), "Update this array when adding or removing quant tables."); private: Status Compute(); static constexpr size_t required_size_[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 16, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 64, 32, 256, 128, 1024, 512}; static_assert(kNum == sizeof(required_size_) / sizeof(*required_size_), "Update this array when adding or removing quant tables."); static constexpr size_t kTotalTableSize = ArraySum(required_size_) * kDCTBlockSize * 3; // kTotalTableSize entries followed by kTotalTableSize for inv_table hwy::AlignedFreeUniquePtr table_storage_; const float* table_; const float* inv_table_; float dc_quant_[3] = {kDCQuant[0], kDCQuant[1], kDCQuant[2]}; float inv_dc_quant_[3] = {kInvDCQuant[0], kInvDCQuant[1], kInvDCQuant[2]}; size_t table_offsets_[AcStrategy::kNumValidStrategies * 3]; std::vector encodings_; }; } // namespace jxl #endif // LIB_JXL_QUANT_WEIGHTS_H_