// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/jxl/fields.h" #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "lib/jxl/aux_out.h" #include "lib/jxl/aux_out_fwd.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/span.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" #include "lib/jxl/frame_header.h" #include "lib/jxl/headers.h" namespace jxl { namespace { // Ensures `value` round-trips and in exactly `expected_bits_written`. void TestU32Coder(const uint32_t value, const size_t expected_bits_written) { U32Coder coder; const U32Enc enc(Val(0), Bits(4), Val(0x7FFFFFFF), Bits(32)); BitWriter writer; BitWriter::Allotment allotment( &writer, RoundUpBitsToByteMultiple(U32Coder::MaxEncodedBits(enc))); size_t precheck_pos; EXPECT_TRUE(coder.CanEncode(enc, value, &precheck_pos)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_bits_written, precheck_pos); EXPECT_TRUE(coder.Write(enc, value, &writer)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_bits_written, writer.BitsWritten()); writer.ZeroPadToByte(); ReclaimAndCharge(&writer, &allotment, 0, nullptr); BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); const uint32_t decoded_value = coder.Read(enc, &reader); EXPECT_EQ(value, decoded_value); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); } TEST(FieldsTest, U32CoderTest) { TestU32Coder(0, 2); TestU32Coder(1, 6); TestU32Coder(15, 6); TestU32Coder(0x7FFFFFFF, 2); TestU32Coder(128, 34); TestU32Coder(0x7FFFFFFEu, 34); TestU32Coder(0x80000000u, 34); TestU32Coder(0xFFFFFFFFu, 34); } void TestU64Coder(const uint64_t value, const size_t expected_bits_written) { U64Coder coder; BitWriter writer; BitWriter::Allotment allotment( &writer, RoundUpBitsToByteMultiple(U64Coder::MaxEncodedBits())); size_t precheck_pos; EXPECT_TRUE(coder.CanEncode(value, &precheck_pos)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_bits_written, precheck_pos); EXPECT_TRUE(coder.Write(value, &writer)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_bits_written, writer.BitsWritten()); writer.ZeroPadToByte(); ReclaimAndCharge(&writer, &allotment, 0, nullptr); BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); const uint64_t decoded_value = coder.Read(&reader); EXPECT_EQ(value, decoded_value); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); } TEST(FieldsTest, U64CoderTest) { // Values that should take 2 bits (selector 00): 0 TestU64Coder(0, 2); // Values that should take 6 bits (2 for selector, 4 for value): 1..16 TestU64Coder(1, 6); TestU64Coder(2, 6); TestU64Coder(8, 6); TestU64Coder(15, 6); TestU64Coder(16, 6); // Values that should take 10 bits (2 for selector, 8 for value): 17..272 TestU64Coder(17, 10); TestU64Coder(18, 10); TestU64Coder(100, 10); TestU64Coder(271, 10); TestU64Coder(272, 10); // Values that should take 15 bits (2 for selector, 12 for value, 1 for varint // end): (0)..273..4095 TestU64Coder(273, 15); TestU64Coder(274, 15); TestU64Coder(1000, 15); TestU64Coder(4094, 15); TestU64Coder(4095, 15); // Take 24 bits (of which 20 actual value): (0)..4096..1048575 TestU64Coder(4096, 24); TestU64Coder(4097, 24); TestU64Coder(10000, 24); TestU64Coder(1048574, 24); TestU64Coder(1048575, 24); // Take 33 bits (of which 28 actual value): (0)..1048576..268435455 TestU64Coder(1048576, 33); TestU64Coder(1048577, 33); TestU64Coder(10000000, 33); TestU64Coder(268435454, 33); TestU64Coder(268435455, 33); // Take 42 bits (of which 36 actual value): (0)..268435456..68719476735 TestU64Coder(268435456ull, 42); TestU64Coder(268435457ull, 42); TestU64Coder(1000000000ull, 42); TestU64Coder(68719476734ull, 42); TestU64Coder(68719476735ull, 42); // Take 51 bits (of which 44 actual value): (0)..68719476736..17592186044415 TestU64Coder(68719476736ull, 51); TestU64Coder(68719476737ull, 51); TestU64Coder(1000000000000ull, 51); TestU64Coder(17592186044414ull, 51); TestU64Coder(17592186044415ull, 51); // Take 60 bits (of which 52 actual value): // (0)..17592186044416..4503599627370495 TestU64Coder(17592186044416ull, 60); TestU64Coder(17592186044417ull, 60); TestU64Coder(100000000000000ull, 60); TestU64Coder(4503599627370494ull, 60); TestU64Coder(4503599627370495ull, 60); // Take 69 bits (of which 60 actual value): // (0)..4503599627370496..1152921504606846975 TestU64Coder(4503599627370496ull, 69); TestU64Coder(4503599627370497ull, 69); TestU64Coder(10000000000000000ull, 69); TestU64Coder(1152921504606846974ull, 69); TestU64Coder(1152921504606846975ull, 69); // Take 73 bits (of which 64 actual value): // (0)..1152921504606846976..18446744073709551615 TestU64Coder(1152921504606846976ull, 73); TestU64Coder(1152921504606846977ull, 73); TestU64Coder(10000000000000000000ull, 73); TestU64Coder(18446744073709551614ull, 73); TestU64Coder(18446744073709551615ull, 73); } Status TestF16Coder(const float value) { F16Coder coder; size_t max_encoded_bits; // It is not a fatal error if it can't be encoded. if (!coder.CanEncode(value, &max_encoded_bits)) return false; EXPECT_EQ(F16Coder::MaxEncodedBits(), max_encoded_bits); BitWriter writer; BitWriter::Allotment allotment(&writer, RoundUpBitsToByteMultiple(max_encoded_bits)); EXPECT_TRUE(coder.Write(value, &writer)); EXPECT_EQ(F16Coder::MaxEncodedBits(), writer.BitsWritten()); writer.ZeroPadToByte(); ReclaimAndCharge(&writer, &allotment, 0, nullptr); BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); float decoded_value; EXPECT_TRUE(coder.Read(&reader, &decoded_value)); // All values we test can be represented exactly. EXPECT_EQ(value, decoded_value); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); return true; } TEST(FieldsTest, F16CoderTest) { for (float sign : {-1.0f, 1.0f}) { // (anything less than 1E-3 are subnormals) for (float mag : {0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 16.015625f, 1.0f / 4096, 1.0f / 16384, 65504.0f}) { EXPECT_TRUE(TestF16Coder(sign * mag)); } } // Out of range EXPECT_FALSE(TestF16Coder(65504.01f)); EXPECT_FALSE(TestF16Coder(-65505.0f)); } // Ensures Read(Write()) returns the same fields. TEST(FieldsTest, TestRoundtripSize) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { SizeHeader size; ASSERT_TRUE(size.Set(123 + 77 * i, 7 + i)); size_t extension_bits = 999, total_bits = 999; // Initialize as garbage. ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::CanEncode(size, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, extension_bits); BitWriter writer; ASSERT_TRUE(WriteSizeHeader(size, &writer, 0, nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(total_bits, writer.BitsWritten()); writer.ZeroPadToByte(); SizeHeader size2; BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); ASSERT_TRUE(ReadSizeHeader(&reader, &size2)); EXPECT_EQ(total_bits, reader.TotalBitsConsumed()); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); EXPECT_EQ(size.xsize(), size2.xsize()); EXPECT_EQ(size.ysize(), size2.ysize()); } } // Ensure all values can be reached by the encoding. TEST(FieldsTest, TestCropRect) { CodecMetadata metadata; for (int32_t i = -1000; i < 19000; ++i) { FrameHeader f(&metadata); f.custom_size_or_origin = true; f.frame_origin.x0 = i; f.frame_origin.y0 = i; f.frame_size.xsize = 1000 + i; f.frame_size.ysize = 1000 + i; size_t extension_bits = 0, total_bits = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::CanEncode(f, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, extension_bits); EXPECT_GE(total_bits, 9u); } } TEST(FieldsTest, TestPreview) { // (div8 cannot represent 4360, but !div8 can go a little higher) for (uint32_t i = 1; i < 4360; ++i) { PreviewHeader p; ASSERT_TRUE(p.Set(i, i)); size_t extension_bits = 0, total_bits = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::CanEncode(p, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, extension_bits); EXPECT_GE(total_bits, 6u); } } // Ensures Read(Write()) returns the same fields. TEST(FieldsTest, TestRoundtripFrame) { CodecMetadata metadata; FrameHeader h(&metadata); h.extensions = 0x800; size_t extension_bits = 999, total_bits = 999; // Initialize as garbage. ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::CanEncode(h, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, extension_bits); BitWriter writer; ASSERT_TRUE(WriteFrameHeader(h, &writer, nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(total_bits, writer.BitsWritten()); writer.ZeroPadToByte(); FrameHeader h2(&metadata); BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFrameHeader(&reader, &h2)); EXPECT_EQ(total_bits, reader.TotalBitsConsumed()); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); EXPECT_EQ(h.extensions, h2.extensions); EXPECT_EQ(h.flags, h2.flags); } #ifndef JXL_CRASH_ON_ERROR // Ensure out-of-bounds values cause an error. TEST(FieldsTest, TestOutOfRange) { SizeHeader h; ASSERT_TRUE(h.Set(0xFFFFFFFFull, 0xFFFFFFFFull)); size_t extension_bits = 999, total_bits = 999; // Initialize as garbage. ASSERT_FALSE(Bundle::CanEncode(h, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); } #endif struct OldBundle : public Fields { OldBundle() { Bundle::Init(this); } const char* Name() const override { return "OldBundle"; } Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->U32(Val(1), Bits(2), Bits(3), Bits(4), 1, &old_small)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->F16(1.125f, &old_f)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->U32(Bits(7), Bits(12), Bits(16), Bits(32), 0, &old_large)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->BeginExtensions(&extensions)); return visitor->EndExtensions(); } uint32_t old_small; float old_f; uint32_t old_large; uint64_t extensions; }; struct NewBundle : public Fields { NewBundle() { Bundle::Init(this); } const char* Name() const override { return "NewBundle"; } Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->U32(Val(1), Bits(2), Bits(3), Bits(4), 1, &old_small)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->F16(1.125f, &old_f)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->U32(Bits(7), Bits(12), Bits(16), Bits(32), 0, &old_large)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->BeginExtensions(&extensions)); if (visitor->Conditional(extensions & 1)) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->U32(Val(2), Bits(2), Bits(3), Bits(4), 2, &new_small)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->F16(-2.0f, &new_f)); } if (visitor->Conditional(extensions & 2)) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->U32(Bits(9), Bits(12), Bits(16), Bits(32), 0, &new_large)); } return visitor->EndExtensions(); } uint32_t old_small; float old_f; uint32_t old_large; uint64_t extensions; // If extensions & 1 uint32_t new_small = 2; float new_f = -2.0f; // If extensions & 2 uint32_t new_large = 0; }; TEST(FieldsTest, TestNewDecoderOldData) { OldBundle old_bundle; old_bundle.old_large = 123; old_bundle.old_f = 3.75f; old_bundle.extensions = 0; // Write to bit stream const size_t kMaxOutBytes = 999; BitWriter writer; // Make sure values are initialized by code under test. size_t extension_bits = 12345, total_bits = 12345; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::CanEncode(old_bundle, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); ASSERT_LE(total_bits, kMaxOutBytes * kBitsPerByte); EXPECT_EQ(0u, extension_bits); AuxOut aux_out; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::Write(old_bundle, &writer, kLayerHeader, &aux_out)); BitWriter::Allotment allotment(&writer, kMaxOutBytes * kBitsPerByte - total_bits); writer.Write(20, 0xA55A); // sentinel writer.ZeroPadToByte(); ReclaimAndCharge(&writer, &allotment, kLayerHeader, nullptr); ASSERT_LE(writer.GetSpan().size(), kMaxOutBytes); BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); NewBundle new_bundle; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::Read(&reader, &new_bundle)); EXPECT_EQ(reader.TotalBitsConsumed(), aux_out.layers[kLayerHeader].total_bits); EXPECT_EQ(reader.ReadBits(20), 0xA55Au); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); // Old fields are the same in both EXPECT_EQ(old_bundle.extensions, new_bundle.extensions); EXPECT_EQ(old_bundle.old_small, new_bundle.old_small); EXPECT_EQ(old_bundle.old_f, new_bundle.old_f); EXPECT_EQ(old_bundle.old_large, new_bundle.old_large); // New fields match their defaults EXPECT_EQ(2u, new_bundle.new_small); EXPECT_EQ(-2.0f, new_bundle.new_f); EXPECT_EQ(0u, new_bundle.new_large); } TEST(FieldsTest, TestOldDecoderNewData) { NewBundle new_bundle; new_bundle.old_large = 123; new_bundle.extensions = 3; new_bundle.new_f = 999.0f; new_bundle.new_large = 456; // Write to bit stream constexpr size_t kMaxOutBytes = 999; BitWriter writer; // Make sure values are initialized by code under test. size_t extension_bits = 12345, total_bits = 12345; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::CanEncode(new_bundle, &extension_bits, &total_bits)); EXPECT_NE(0u, extension_bits); AuxOut aux_out; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::Write(new_bundle, &writer, kLayerHeader, &aux_out)); ASSERT_LE(aux_out.layers[kLayerHeader].total_bits, kMaxOutBytes * kBitsPerByte); BitWriter::Allotment allotment( &writer, kMaxOutBytes * kBitsPerByte - aux_out.layers[kLayerHeader].total_bits); // Ensure Read skips the additional fields writer.Write(20, 0xA55A); // sentinel writer.ZeroPadToByte(); ReclaimAndCharge(&writer, &allotment, kLayerHeader, nullptr); BitReader reader(writer.GetSpan()); OldBundle old_bundle; ASSERT_TRUE(Bundle::Read(&reader, &old_bundle)); EXPECT_EQ(reader.TotalBitsConsumed(), aux_out.layers[kLayerHeader].total_bits); EXPECT_EQ(reader.ReadBits(20), 0xA55Au); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Close()); // Old fields are the same in both EXPECT_EQ(new_bundle.extensions, old_bundle.extensions); EXPECT_EQ(new_bundle.old_small, old_bundle.old_small); EXPECT_EQ(new_bundle.old_f, old_bundle.old_f); EXPECT_EQ(new_bundle.old_large, old_bundle.old_large); // (Can't check new fields because old decoder doesn't know about them) } } // namespace } // namespace jxl