// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/jxl/enc_cache.h" #include #include #include #include "lib/jxl/ac_strategy.h" #include "lib/jxl/aux_out.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/padded_bytes.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/profiler.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/span.h" #include "lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" #include "lib/jxl/compressed_dc.h" #include "lib/jxl/dct_scales.h" #include "lib/jxl/dct_util.h" #include "lib/jxl/dec_frame.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_frame.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_group.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_modular.h" #include "lib/jxl/frame_header.h" #include "lib/jxl/image.h" #include "lib/jxl/image_bundle.h" #include "lib/jxl/image_ops.h" #include "lib/jxl/passes_state.h" #include "lib/jxl/quantizer.h" namespace jxl { void InitializePassesEncoder(const Image3F& opsin, ThreadPool* pool, PassesEncoderState* enc_state, ModularFrameEncoder* modular_frame_encoder, AuxOut* aux_out) { PROFILER_FUNC; PassesSharedState& JXL_RESTRICT shared = enc_state->shared; enc_state->histogram_idx.resize(shared.frame_dim.num_groups); enc_state->x_qm_multiplier = std::pow(1.25f, shared.frame_header.x_qm_scale - 2.0f); enc_state->b_qm_multiplier = std::pow(1.25f, shared.frame_header.b_qm_scale - 2.0f); if (enc_state->coeffs.size() < shared.frame_header.passes.num_passes) { enc_state->coeffs.reserve(shared.frame_header.passes.num_passes); for (size_t i = enc_state->coeffs.size(); i < shared.frame_header.passes.num_passes; i++) { // Allocate enough coefficients for each group on every row. enc_state->coeffs.emplace_back(make_unique>( kGroupDim * kGroupDim, shared.frame_dim.num_groups)); } } while (enc_state->coeffs.size() > shared.frame_header.passes.num_passes) { enc_state->coeffs.pop_back(); } Image3F dc(shared.frame_dim.xsize_blocks, shared.frame_dim.ysize_blocks); RunOnPool( pool, 0, shared.frame_dim.num_groups, ThreadPool::SkipInit(), [&](size_t group_idx, size_t _) { ComputeCoefficients(group_idx, enc_state, opsin, &dc); }, "Compute coeffs"); if (shared.frame_header.flags & FrameHeader::kUseDcFrame) { CompressParams cparams = enc_state->cparams; // Guess a distance that produces good initial results. cparams.butteraugli_distance = std::max(kMinButteraugliDistance, enc_state->cparams.butteraugli_distance * 0.1f); cparams.dots = Override::kOff; cparams.noise = Override::kOff; cparams.patches = Override::kOff; cparams.gaborish = Override::kOff; cparams.epf = 0; cparams.max_error_mode = true; cparams.resampling = 1; cparams.ec_resampling = 1; for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { cparams.max_error[c] = shared.quantizer.MulDC()[c]; } JXL_ASSERT(cparams.progressive_dc > 0); cparams.progressive_dc--; // The DC frame will have alpha=0. Don't erase its contents. cparams.keep_invisible = Override::kOn; // No EPF or Gaborish in DC frames. cparams.epf = 0; cparams.gaborish = Override::kOff; // Use kVarDCT in max_error_mode for intermediate progressive DC, // and kModular for the smallest DC (first in the bitstream) if (cparams.progressive_dc == 0) { cparams.modular_mode = true; cparams.quality_pair.first = cparams.quality_pair.second = 99.f - enc_state->cparams.butteraugli_distance * 0.2f; } ImageBundle ib(&shared.metadata->m); // This is a lie - dc is in XYB // (but EncodeFrame will skip RGB->XYB conversion anyway) ib.SetFromImage( std::move(dc), ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(shared.metadata->m.color_encoding.IsGray())); if (!ib.metadata()->extra_channel_info.empty()) { // Add dummy extra channels to the patch image: dc_level frames do not yet // support extra channels, but the codec expects that the amount of extra // channels in frames matches that in the metadata of the codestream. std::vector extra_channels; extra_channels.reserve(ib.metadata()->extra_channel_info.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < ib.metadata()->extra_channel_info.size(); i++) { extra_channels.emplace_back(ib.xsize(), ib.ysize()); // Must initialize the image with data to not affect blending with // uninitialized memory. // TODO(lode): dc_level must copy and use the real extra channels // instead. ZeroFillImage(&extra_channels.back()); } ib.SetExtraChannels(std::move(extra_channels)); } std::unique_ptr state = jxl::make_unique(); auto special_frame = std::unique_ptr(new BitWriter()); FrameInfo dc_frame_info; dc_frame_info.frame_type = FrameType::kDCFrame; dc_frame_info.dc_level = shared.frame_header.dc_level + 1; dc_frame_info.ib_needs_color_transform = false; dc_frame_info.save_before_color_transform = true; // Implicitly true // TODO(lode): the EncodeFrame / DecodeFrame pair here is likely broken in // case of dc_level >= 3, since EncodeFrame may output multiple frames // to the bitwriter, while DecodeFrame reads only one. JXL_CHECK(EncodeFrame(cparams, dc_frame_info, shared.metadata, ib, state.get(), pool, special_frame.get(), nullptr)); const Span encoded = special_frame->GetSpan(); enc_state->special_frames.emplace_back(std::move(special_frame)); BitReader br(encoded); ImageBundle decoded(&shared.metadata->m); std::unique_ptr dec_state = jxl::make_unique(); JXL_CHECK(dec_state->output_encoding_info.Set( *shared.metadata, ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(shared.metadata->m.color_encoding.IsGray()))); JXL_CHECK(DecodeFrame({}, dec_state.get(), pool, &br, &decoded, *shared.metadata, /*constraints=*/nullptr)); // TODO(lode): shared.frame_header.dc_level should be equal to // dec_state.shared->frame_header.dc_level - 1 here, since above we set // dc_frame_info.dc_level = shared.frame_header.dc_level + 1, and // dc_frame_info.dc_level is used by EncodeFrame. However, if EncodeFrame // outputs multiple frames, this assumption could be wrong. shared.dc_storage = CopyImage(dec_state->shared->dc_frames[shared.frame_header.dc_level]); ZeroFillImage(&shared.quant_dc); shared.dc = &shared.dc_storage; JXL_CHECK(br.Close()); } else { auto compute_dc_coeffs = [&](int group_index, int /* thread */) { modular_frame_encoder->AddVarDCTDC( dc, group_index, enc_state->cparams.butteraugli_distance >= 2.0f && enc_state->cparams.speed_tier < SpeedTier::kFalcon, enc_state); }; RunOnPool(pool, 0, shared.frame_dim.num_dc_groups, ThreadPool::SkipInit(), compute_dc_coeffs, "Compute DC coeffs"); // TODO(veluca): this is only useful in tests and if inspection is enabled. if (!(shared.frame_header.flags & FrameHeader::kSkipAdaptiveDCSmoothing)) { AdaptiveDCSmoothing(shared.quantizer.MulDC(), &shared.dc_storage, pool); } } auto compute_ac_meta = [&](int group_index, int /* thread */) { modular_frame_encoder->AddACMetadata(group_index, /*jpeg_transcode=*/false, enc_state); }; RunOnPool(pool, 0, shared.frame_dim.num_dc_groups, ThreadPool::SkipInit(), compute_ac_meta, "Compute AC Metadata"); if (aux_out != nullptr) { aux_out->InspectImage3F("compressed_image:InitializeFrameEncCache:dc_dec", shared.dc_storage); } } void EncCache::InitOnce() { PROFILER_FUNC; if (num_nzeroes.xsize() == 0) { num_nzeroes = Image3I(kGroupDimInBlocks, kGroupDimInBlocks); } } } // namespace jxl