// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef LIB_JXL_BLENDING_H_ #define LIB_JXL_BLENDING_H_ #include "lib/jxl/dec_cache.h" #include "lib/jxl/dec_patch_dictionary.h" #include "lib/jxl/image_bundle.h" namespace jxl { Status PerformBlending(const float* const* bg, const float* const* fg, float* const* out, size_t xsize, const PatchBlending& color_blending, const PatchBlending* ec_blending, const std::vector& extra_channel_info); class ImageBlender { public: class RectBlender { public: // Does the blending for a given row of the rect passed to // ImageBlender::PrepareRect. Status DoBlending(size_t y); // If this returns true, then nothing needs to be done for this rect and // DoBlending can be skipped (but does not have to). bool done() const { return done_; } private: friend class ImageBlender; explicit RectBlender(bool done) : done_(done) {} bool done_; Rect current_overlap_; Rect current_cropbox_; const std::vector* extra_channel_info_; std::vector fg_ptrs_; std::vector fg_strides_; std::vector bg_ptrs_; std::vector bg_strides_; std::vector out_ptrs_; std::vector out_strides_; std::vector fg_row_ptrs_; std::vector bg_row_ptrs_; std::vector out_row_ptrs_; std::vector blending_info_; }; static bool NeedsBlending(PassesDecoderState* dec_state); Status PrepareBlending( PassesDecoderState* dec_state, FrameOrigin foreground_origin, size_t foreground_xsize, size_t foreground_ysize, const std::vector* extra_channel_info, const ColorEncoding& frame_color_encoding, const Rect& frame_rect, Image3F* output, const Rect& output_rect, std::vector* output_extra_channels, std::vector output_extra_channels_rects); // rect is relative to the full decoded foreground. // But foreground here can be a subset of the full foreground, and input_rect // indicates where that rect is in that subset. For example, if rect = // Rect(10, 10, 20, 20), and foreground is subrect (7, 7, 30, 30) of the full // foreground, then input_rect should be (3, 3, 20, 20), because that is where // rect is relative to the foreground crop. ImageBlender::RectBlender PrepareRect( const Rect& rect, const Image3F& foreground, const std::vector& extra_channels, const Rect& input_rect) const; // If this returns true, then it is not necessary to call further methods on // this ImageBlender to achieve blending, although it is not forbidden either // (those methods will just return immediately in that case). bool done() const { return done_; } private: BlendingInfo info_; const std::vector* extra_channel_info_; Rect frame_rect_; // Destination, as well as background before DoBlending is called. Image3F* output_; ImageBundle* bg_; Rect output_rect_; std::vector* output_extra_channels_; std::vector output_extra_channels_rects_; Rect cropbox_; Rect overlap_; bool done_ = false; const std::vector* ec_info_; FrameOrigin o_{}; }; } // namespace jxl #endif // LIB_JXL_BLENDING_H_