// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/extras/codec_png.h" #include #include #include #include // Lodepng library: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/jxl/base/byte_order.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/file_io.h" #include "lib/jxl/color_management.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" #include "lib/jxl/dec_external_image.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_external_image.h" #include "lib/jxl/image.h" #include "lib/jxl/image_bundle.h" #include "lib/jxl/luminance.h" namespace jxl { namespace extras { namespace { #define JXL_PNG_VERBOSE 0 // Retrieves XMP and EXIF/IPTC from itext and text. class BlobsReaderPNG { public: static Status Decode(const LodePNGInfo& info, Blobs* blobs) { for (unsigned idx_itext = 0; idx_itext < info.itext_num; ++idx_itext) { // We trust these are properly null-terminated by LodePNG. const char* key = info.itext_keys[idx_itext]; const char* value = info.itext_strings[idx_itext]; if (strstr(key, "XML:com.adobe.xmp")) { blobs->xmp.resize(strlen(value)); // safe, see above memcpy(blobs->xmp.data(), value, blobs->xmp.size()); } } for (unsigned idx_text = 0; idx_text < info.text_num; ++idx_text) { // We trust these are properly null-terminated by LodePNG. const char* key = info.text_keys[idx_text]; const char* value = info.text_strings[idx_text]; std::string type; PaddedBytes bytes; // Handle text chunks annotated with key "Raw profile type ####", with // #### a type, which may contain metadata. const char* kKey = "Raw profile type "; if (strncmp(key, kKey, strlen(kKey)) != 0) continue; if (!MaybeDecodeBase16(key, value, &type, &bytes)) { JXL_WARNING("Couldn't parse 'Raw format type' text chunk"); continue; } if (type == "exif") { if (!blobs->exif.empty()) { JXL_WARNING("overwriting EXIF (%zu bytes) with base16 (%zu bytes)", blobs->exif.size(), bytes.size()); } blobs->exif = std::move(bytes); } else if (type == "iptc") { // TODO (jon): Deal with IPTC in some way } else if (type == "8bim") { // TODO (jon): Deal with 8bim in some way } else if (type == "xmp") { if (!blobs->xmp.empty()) { JXL_WARNING("overwriting XMP (%zu bytes) with base16 (%zu bytes)", blobs->xmp.size(), bytes.size()); } blobs->xmp = std::move(bytes); } else { JXL_WARNING( "Unknown type in 'Raw format type' text chunk: %s: %zu bytes", type.c_str(), bytes.size()); } } return true; } private: // Returns false if invalid. static JXL_INLINE Status DecodeNibble(const char c, uint32_t* JXL_RESTRICT nibble) { if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') { *nibble = 10 + c - 'a'; } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { *nibble = c - '0'; } else { *nibble = 0; return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid metadata nibble"); } JXL_ASSERT(*nibble < 16); return true; } // Parses a PNG text chunk with key of the form "Raw profile type ####", with // #### a type. // Returns whether it could successfully parse the content. // We trust key and encoded are null-terminated because they come from // LodePNG. static Status MaybeDecodeBase16(const char* key, const char* encoded, std::string* type, PaddedBytes* bytes) { const char* encoded_end = encoded + strlen(encoded); const char* kKey = "Raw profile type "; if (strncmp(key, kKey, strlen(kKey)) != 0) return false; *type = key + strlen(kKey); const size_t kMaxTypeLen = 20; if (type->length() > kMaxTypeLen) return false; // Type too long // Header: freeform string and number of bytes // Expected format is: // \n // profile name/description\n // 40\n (the number of bytes after hex-decoding) // 01234566789abcdef....\n (72 bytes per line max). // 012345667\n (last line) const char* pos = encoded; if (*(pos++) != '\n') return false; while (pos < encoded_end && *pos != '\n') { pos++; } if (pos == encoded_end) return false; // We parsed so far a \n, some number of non \n characters and are now // pointing at a \n. if (*(pos++) != '\n') return false; unsigned long bytes_to_decode; const int fields = sscanf(pos, "%8lu", &bytes_to_decode); if (fields != 1) return false; // Failed to decode metadata header JXL_ASSERT(pos + 8 <= encoded_end); pos += 8; // read %8lu // We need 2*bytes for the hex values plus 1 byte every 36 values. const unsigned long needed_bytes = bytes_to_decode * 2 + 1 + DivCeil(bytes_to_decode, 36); if (needed_bytes != static_cast(encoded_end - pos)) { return JXL_FAILURE("Not enough bytes to parse %lu bytes in hex", bytes_to_decode); } JXL_ASSERT(bytes->empty()); bytes->reserve(bytes_to_decode); // Encoding: base16 with newline after 72 chars. // pos points to the \n before the first line of hex values. for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes_to_decode; ++i) { if (i % 36 == 0) { if (pos + 1 >= encoded_end) return false; // Truncated base16 1 if (*pos != '\n') return false; // Expected newline ++pos; } if (pos + 2 >= encoded_end) return false; // Truncated base16 2; uint32_t nibble0, nibble1; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeNibble(pos[0], &nibble0)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeNibble(pos[1], &nibble1)); bytes->push_back(static_cast((nibble0 << 4) + nibble1)); pos += 2; } if (pos + 1 != encoded_end) return false; // Too many encoded bytes if (pos[0] != '\n') return false; // Incorrect metadata terminator return true; } }; // Stores XMP and EXIF/IPTC into itext and text. class BlobsWriterPNG { public: static Status Encode(const Blobs& blobs, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { if (!blobs.exif.empty()) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeBase16("exif", blobs.exif, info)); } if (!blobs.iptc.empty()) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeBase16("iptc", blobs.iptc, info)); } if (!blobs.xmp.empty()) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(EncodeBase16("xmp", blobs.xmp, info)); // Below is the official way, but it does not seem to work in ImageMagick. // Exiv2 and exiftool are OK with either way of encoding XMP. if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (0)) { const char* key = "XML:com.adobe.xmp"; const std::string text(reinterpret_cast(blobs.xmp.data()), blobs.xmp.size()); if (lodepng_add_itext(info, key, "", "", text.c_str()) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to add itext"); } } } return true; } private: static JXL_INLINE char EncodeNibble(const uint8_t nibble) { JXL_ASSERT(nibble < 16); return (nibble < 10) ? '0' + nibble : 'a' + nibble - 10; } static Status EncodeBase16(const std::string& type, const PaddedBytes& bytes, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { // Encoding: base16 with newline after 72 chars. const size_t base16_size = 2 * bytes.size() + DivCeil(bytes.size(), size_t(36)) + 1; std::string base16; base16.reserve(base16_size); for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); ++i) { if (i % 36 == 0) base16.push_back('\n'); base16.push_back(EncodeNibble(bytes[i] >> 4)); base16.push_back(EncodeNibble(bytes[i] & 0x0F)); } base16.push_back('\n'); JXL_ASSERT(base16.length() == base16_size); char key[30]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "Raw profile type %s", type.c_str()); char header[30]; snprintf(header, sizeof(header), "\n%s\n%8zu", type.c_str(), bytes.size()); const std::string& encoded = std::string(header) + base16; if (lodepng_add_text(info, key, encoded.c_str()) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to add text"); } return true; } }; // Retrieves ColorEncoding from PNG chunks. class ColorEncodingReaderPNG { public: // Fills original->color_encoding or returns false. Status operator()(const Span bytes, const bool is_gray, CodecInOut* io) { ColorEncoding* c_original = &io->metadata.m.color_encoding; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Decode(bytes, &io->blobs)); const ColorSpace color_space = is_gray ? ColorSpace::kGray : ColorSpace::kRGB; if (have_pq_) { c_original->SetColorSpace(color_space); c_original->white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; c_original->primaries = Primaries::k2100; c_original->tf.SetTransferFunction(TransferFunction::kPQ); c_original->rendering_intent = RenderingIntent::kRelative; if (c_original->CreateICC()) return true; JXL_WARNING("Failed to synthesize BT.2100 PQ"); // Else: try the actual ICC profile. } // ICC overrides anything else if present. if (c_original->SetICC(std::move(icc_))) { if (have_srgb_) { JXL_WARNING("Invalid PNG with both sRGB and ICC; ignoring sRGB"); } if (is_gray != c_original->IsGray()) { return JXL_FAILURE("Mismatch between ICC and PNG header grayscale"); } return true; // it's fine to ignore gAMA/cHRM. } // PNG requires that sRGB override gAMA/cHRM. if (have_srgb_) { return c_original->SetSRGB(color_space, rendering_intent_); } // Try to create a custom profile: c_original->SetColorSpace(color_space); // Attempt to set whitepoint and primaries if there is a cHRM chunk, or else // use default sRGB (the PNG then is device-dependent). // In case of grayscale, do not attempt to set the primaries and ignore the // ones the PNG image has (but still set the white point). if (!have_chrm_ || !c_original->SetWhitePoint(white_point_) || (!is_gray && !c_original->SetPrimaries(primaries_))) { #if JXL_PNG_VERBOSE >= 1 JXL_WARNING("No (valid) cHRM, assuming sRGB"); #endif c_original->white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; c_original->primaries = Primaries::kSRGB; } if (!have_gama_ || !c_original->tf.SetGamma(gamma_)) { #if JXL_PNG_VERBOSE >= 1 JXL_WARNING("No (valid) gAMA nor sRGB, assuming sRGB"); #endif c_original->tf.SetTransferFunction(TransferFunction::kSRGB); } c_original->rendering_intent = RenderingIntent::kRelative; if (c_original->CreateICC()) return true; JXL_WARNING( "DATA LOSS: unable to create an ICC profile for PNG gAMA/cHRM.\n" "Image pixels will be interpreted as sRGB. Please add an ICC \n" "profile to the input image"); return c_original->SetSRGB(color_space); } // Whether the image has any color profile information (ICC chunk, sRGB // chunk, cHRM chunk, and so on), or has no color information chunks at all. bool HaveColorProfile() const { return have_pq_ || have_srgb_ || have_gama_ || have_chrm_ || have_icc_; } private: Status DecodeICC(const unsigned char* const payload, const size_t payload_size) { if (payload_size == 0) return JXL_FAILURE("Empty ICC payload"); const unsigned char* pos = payload; const unsigned char* end = payload + payload_size; // Profile name if (*pos == '\0') return JXL_FAILURE("Expected ICC name"); for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) { if (i == 80) return JXL_FAILURE("ICC profile name too long"); if (pos == end) return JXL_FAILURE("Not enough bytes for ICC name"); if (*pos++ == '\0') break; } // Special case for BT.2100 PQ (https://w3c.github.io/png-hdr-pq/) - try to // synthesize the profile because table-based curves are less accurate. // strcmp is safe because we already verified the string is 0-terminated. if (!strcmp(reinterpret_cast(payload), "ITUR_2100_PQ_FULL")) { have_pq_ = true; } // Skip over compression method (only one is allowed) if (pos == end) return JXL_FAILURE("Not enough bytes for ICC method"); if (*pos++ != 0) return JXL_FAILURE("Unsupported ICC method"); // Decompress unsigned char* icc_buf = nullptr; size_t icc_size = 0; LodePNGDecompressSettings settings; lodepng_decompress_settings_init(&settings); const unsigned err = lodepng_zlib_decompress( &icc_buf, &icc_size, pos, payload_size - (pos - payload), &settings); if (err == 0) { icc_.resize(icc_size); memcpy(icc_.data(), icc_buf, icc_size); } free(icc_buf); have_icc_ = true; return true; } // Returns floating-point value from the PNG encoding (times 10^5). static double F64FromU32(const uint32_t x) { return static_cast(x) * 1E-5; } Status DecodeSRGB(const unsigned char* payload, const size_t payload_size) { if (payload_size != 1) return JXL_FAILURE("Wrong sRGB size"); // (PNG uses the same values as ICC.) if (payload[0] >= 4) return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Rendering Intent"); rendering_intent_ = static_cast(payload[0]); have_srgb_ = true; return true; } Status DecodeGAMA(const unsigned char* payload, const size_t payload_size) { if (payload_size != 4) return JXL_FAILURE("Wrong gAMA size"); gamma_ = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload)); have_gama_ = true; return true; } Status DecodeCHRM(const unsigned char* payload, const size_t payload_size) { if (payload_size != 32) return JXL_FAILURE("Wrong cHRM size"); white_point_.x = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 0)); white_point_.y = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 4)); primaries_.r.x = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 8)); primaries_.r.y = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 12)); primaries_.g.x = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 16)); primaries_.g.y = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 20)); primaries_.b.x = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 24)); primaries_.b.y = F64FromU32(LoadBE32(payload + 28)); have_chrm_ = true; return true; } Status DecodeEXIF(const unsigned char* payload, const size_t payload_size, Blobs* blobs) { // If we already have EXIF, keep the larger one. if (blobs->exif.size() > payload_size) return true; blobs->exif.resize(payload_size); memcpy(blobs->exif.data(), payload, payload_size); return true; } Status Decode(const Span bytes, Blobs* blobs) { // Look for colorimetry and text chunks in the PNG image. The PNG chunks // begin after the PNG magic header of 8 bytes. const unsigned char* chunk = bytes.data() + 8; const unsigned char* end = bytes.data() + bytes.size(); for (;;) { // chunk points to the first field of a PNG chunk. The chunk has // respectively 4 bytes of length, 4 bytes type, length bytes of data, // 4 bytes CRC. if (chunk + 4 >= end) { break; // Regular end reached. } char type_char[5]; if (chunk + 8 >= end) { JXL_NOTIFY_ERROR("PNG: malformed chunk"); break; } lodepng_chunk_type(type_char, chunk); std::string type = type_char; if (type == "acTL" || type == "fcTL" || type == "fdAT") { // this is an APNG file, without proper handling we would just return // the first frame, so for now codec_apng handles animation until the // animation chunk handling is added here return false; } if (type == "eXIf" || type == "iCCP" || type == "sRGB" || type == "gAMA" || type == "cHRM") { const unsigned char* payload = lodepng_chunk_data_const(chunk); const size_t payload_size = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk); // The entire chunk needs also 4 bytes of CRC after the payload. if (payload + payload_size + 4 >= end) { JXL_NOTIFY_ERROR("PNG: truncated chunk"); break; } if (lodepng_chunk_check_crc(chunk) != 0) { JXL_NOTIFY_ERROR("CRC mismatch in unknown PNG chunk"); chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk, end); continue; } if (type == "eXIf") { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeEXIF(payload, payload_size, blobs)); } else if (type == "iCCP") { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeICC(payload, payload_size)); } else if (type == "sRGB") { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeSRGB(payload, payload_size)); } else if (type == "gAMA") { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeGAMA(payload, payload_size)); } else if (type == "cHRM") { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(DecodeCHRM(payload, payload_size)); } } chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk, end); } return true; } PaddedBytes icc_; bool have_pq_ = false; bool have_srgb_ = false; bool have_gama_ = false; bool have_chrm_ = false; bool have_icc_ = false; // Only valid if have_srgb_: RenderingIntent rendering_intent_; // Only valid if have_gama_: double gamma_; // Only valid if have_chrm_: CIExy white_point_; PrimariesCIExy primaries_; }; // Stores ColorEncoding into PNG chunks. class ColorEncodingWriterPNG { public: static Status Encode(const ColorEncoding& c, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { // Prefer to only write sRGB - smaller. if (c.IsSRGB()) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddSRGB(c, info)); // PNG recommends not including both sRGB and iCCP, so skip the latter. } else if (!c.HaveFields() || !c.tf.IsGamma()) { // Having a gamma value means that the source was a PNG with gAMA and // without iCCP. JXL_ASSERT(!c.ICC().empty()); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddICC(c.ICC(), info)); } // gAMA and cHRM are always allowed but will be overridden by sRGB/iCCP. JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(MaybeAddGAMA(c, info)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(MaybeAddCHRM(c, info)); return true; } private: static Status AddChunk(const char* type, const PaddedBytes& payload, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { // Ignore original location/order of chunks; place them in the first group. if (lodepng_chunk_create(&info->unknown_chunks_data[0], &info->unknown_chunks_size[0], payload.size(), type, payload.data()) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to add chunk"); } return true; } static Status AddICC(const PaddedBytes& icc, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { LodePNGCompressSettings settings; lodepng_compress_settings_init(&settings); unsigned char* out = nullptr; size_t out_size = 0; if (lodepng_zlib_compress(&out, &out_size, icc.data(), icc.size(), &settings) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to compress ICC"); } PaddedBytes payload; payload.resize(3 + out_size); // TODO(janwas): use special name if PQ payload[0] = '1'; // profile name payload[1] = '\0'; payload[2] = 0; // compression method (zlib) memcpy(&payload[3], out, out_size); free(out); return AddChunk("iCCP", payload, info); } static Status AddSRGB(const ColorEncoding& c, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { PaddedBytes payload; payload.push_back(static_cast(c.rendering_intent)); return AddChunk("sRGB", payload, info); } // Returns PNG encoding of floating-point value (times 10^5). static uint32_t U32FromF64(const double x) { return static_cast(roundf(x * 1E5)); } static Status MaybeAddGAMA(const ColorEncoding& c, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { double gamma; if (c.tf.IsGamma()) { gamma = c.tf.GetGamma(); } else if (c.tf.IsLinear()) { gamma = 1; } else if (c.tf.IsSRGB()) { gamma = 0.45455; } else { return true; } PaddedBytes payload(4); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(gamma), payload.data()); return AddChunk("gAMA", payload, info); } static Status MaybeAddCHRM(const ColorEncoding& c, LodePNGInfo* JXL_RESTRICT info) { CIExy white_point = c.GetWhitePoint(); // A PNG image stores both whitepoint and primaries in the cHRM chunk, but // for grayscale images we don't have primaries. It does not matter what // values are stored in the PNG though (all colors are a multiple of the // whitepoint), so choose default ones. See // http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-Chunks.html section PrimariesCIExy primaries = c.IsGray() ? ColorEncoding().GetPrimaries() : c.GetPrimaries(); if (c.primaries == Primaries::kSRGB && c.white_point == WhitePoint::kD65) { // For sRGB, the cHRM chunk is supposed to have very specific values which // don't quite match the pre-quantized ones we have (red is off by // 0.00010). Technically, this is only required for full sRGB, but for // consistency, we might as well use them whenever the primaries and white // point are sRGB's. white_point.x = 0.31270; white_point.y = 0.32900; primaries.r.x = 0.64000; primaries.r.y = 0.33000; primaries.g.x = 0.30000; primaries.g.y = 0.60000; primaries.b.x = 0.15000; primaries.b.y = 0.06000; } PaddedBytes payload(32); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(white_point.x), &payload[0]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(white_point.y), &payload[4]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(primaries.r.x), &payload[8]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(primaries.r.y), &payload[12]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(primaries.g.x), &payload[16]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(primaries.g.y), &payload[20]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(primaries.b.x), &payload[24]); StoreBE32(U32FromF64(primaries.b.y), &payload[28]); return AddChunk("cHRM", payload, info); } }; // RAII - ensures state is freed even if returning early. struct PNGState { PNGState() { lodepng_state_init(&s); } ~PNGState() { lodepng_state_cleanup(&s); } LodePNGState s; }; Status CheckGray(const LodePNGColorMode& mode, bool has_icc, bool* is_gray) { switch (mode.colortype) { case LCT_GREY: case LCT_GREY_ALPHA: *is_gray = true; return true; case LCT_RGB: case LCT_RGBA: *is_gray = false; return true; case LCT_PALETTE: { if (has_icc) { // If an ICC profile is present, the PNG specification requires // palette to be interpreted as RGB colored, not grayscale, so we must // output color in that case and unfortunately can't optimize it to // gray if the palette only has gray entries. *is_gray = false; return true; } else { *is_gray = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < mode.palettesize; i++) { if (mode.palette[i * 4] != mode.palette[i * 4 + 1] || mode.palette[i * 4] != mode.palette[i * 4 + 2]) { *is_gray = false; break; } } return true; } } default: *is_gray = false; return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected PNG color type"); } } Status CheckAlpha(const LodePNGColorMode& mode, bool* has_alpha) { if (mode.key_defined) { // Color key marks a single color as transparent. *has_alpha = true; return true; } switch (mode.colortype) { case LCT_GREY: case LCT_RGB: *has_alpha = false; return true; case LCT_GREY_ALPHA: case LCT_RGBA: *has_alpha = true; return true; case LCT_PALETTE: { *has_alpha = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < mode.palettesize; i++) { // PNG palettes are always 8-bit. if (mode.palette[i * 4 + 3] != 255) { *has_alpha = true; break; } } return true; } default: *has_alpha = false; return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected PNG color type"); } } LodePNGColorType MakeType(const bool is_gray, const bool has_alpha) { if (is_gray) { return has_alpha ? LCT_GREY_ALPHA : LCT_GREY; } return has_alpha ? LCT_RGBA : LCT_RGB; } // Inspects first chunk of the given type and updates state with the information // when the chunk is relevant and present in the file. Status InspectChunkType(const Span bytes, const std::string& type, LodePNGState* state) { const unsigned char* chunk = lodepng_chunk_find_const( bytes.data(), bytes.data() + bytes.size(), type.c_str()); if (chunk && lodepng_inspect_chunk(state, chunk - bytes.data(), bytes.data(), bytes.size()) != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid chunk \"%s\" in PNG image", type.c_str()); } return true; } } // namespace Status DecodeImagePNG(const Span bytes, const ColorHints& color_hints, ThreadPool* pool, CodecInOut* io) { unsigned w, h; PNGState state; if (lodepng_inspect(&w, &h, &state.s, bytes.data(), bytes.size()) != 0) { return false; // not an error - just wrong format } JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(VerifyDimensions(&io->constraints, w, h)); io->SetSize(w, h); // Palette RGB values if (!InspectChunkType(bytes, "PLTE", &state.s)) { return false; } // Transparent color key, or palette transparency if (!InspectChunkType(bytes, "tRNS", &state.s)) { return false; } // ICC profile if (!InspectChunkType(bytes, "iCCP", &state.s)) { return false; } const LodePNGColorMode& color_mode = state.s.info_png.color; bool has_icc = state.s.info_png.iccp_defined; bool is_gray, has_alpha; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckGray(color_mode, has_icc, &is_gray)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckAlpha(color_mode, &has_alpha)); // We want LodePNG to promote 1/2/4 bit pixels to 8. size_t bits_per_sample = std::max(color_mode.bitdepth, 8u); if (bits_per_sample != 8 && bits_per_sample != 16) { return JXL_FAILURE("Unexpected PNG bit depth"); } io->metadata.m.SetUintSamples(static_cast(bits_per_sample)); io->metadata.m.SetAlphaBits( has_alpha ? io->metadata.m.bit_depth.bits_per_sample : 0); // Always decode to 8/16-bit RGB/RGBA, not LCT_PALETTE. state.s.info_raw.bitdepth = static_cast(bits_per_sample); state.s.info_raw.colortype = MakeType(is_gray, has_alpha); unsigned char* out = nullptr; const unsigned err = lodepng_decode(&out, &w, &h, &state.s, bytes.data(), bytes.size()); // Automatically call free(out) on return. std::unique_ptr out_ptr{out, free}; if (err != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("PNG decode failed: %s", lodepng_error_text(err)); } if (!BlobsReaderPNG::Decode(state.s.info_png, &io->blobs)) { JXL_WARNING("PNG metadata may be incomplete"); } ColorEncodingReaderPNG reader; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(reader(bytes, is_gray, io)); #if JXL_PNG_VERBOSE >= 1 printf("PNG read %s\n", Description(io->metadata.m.color_encoding).c_str()); #endif const size_t num_channels = (is_gray ? 1 : 3) + has_alpha; const size_t out_size = w * h * num_channels * bits_per_sample / kBitsPerByte; const JxlEndianness endianness = JXL_BIG_ENDIAN; // PNG requirement const Span span(out, out_size); const bool ok = ConvertFromExternal( span, w, h, io->metadata.m.color_encoding, has_alpha, /*alpha_is_premultiplied=*/false, io->metadata.m.bit_depth.bits_per_sample, endianness, /*flipped_y=*/false, pool, &io->Main(), /*float_in=*/false); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ok); io->dec_pixels = w * h; io->metadata.m.bit_depth.bits_per_sample = io->Main().DetectRealBitdepth(); io->metadata.m.xyb_encoded = false; SetIntensityTarget(io); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR( ApplyColorHints(color_hints, reader.HaveColorProfile(), is_gray, io)); return true; } Status EncodeImagePNG(const CodecInOut* io, const ColorEncoding& c_desired, size_t bits_per_sample, ThreadPool* pool, PaddedBytes* bytes) { if (bits_per_sample > 8) { bits_per_sample = 16; } else if (bits_per_sample < 8) { // PNG can also do 4, 2, and 1 bits per sample, but it isn't implemented bits_per_sample = 8; } ImageBundle ib = io->Main().Copy(); const size_t alpha_bits = ib.HasAlpha() ? bits_per_sample : 0; ImageMetadata metadata = io->metadata.m; ImageBundle store(&metadata); const ImageBundle* transformed; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR( TransformIfNeeded(ib, c_desired, pool, &store, &transformed)); size_t stride = ib.oriented_xsize() * DivCeil(c_desired.Channels() * bits_per_sample + alpha_bits, kBitsPerByte); PaddedBytes raw_bytes(stride * ib.oriented_ysize()); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertToExternal( *transformed, bits_per_sample, /*float_out=*/false, c_desired.Channels() + (ib.HasAlpha() ? 1 : 0), JXL_BIG_ENDIAN, stride, pool, raw_bytes.data(), raw_bytes.size(), /*out_callback=*/nullptr, /*out_opaque=*/nullptr, metadata.GetOrientation())); PNGState state; // For maximum compatibility, still store 8-bit even if pixels are all zero. state.s.encoder.auto_convert = 0; LodePNGInfo* info = &state.s.info_png; info->color.bitdepth = bits_per_sample; info->color.colortype = MakeType(ib.IsGray(), ib.HasAlpha()); state.s.info_raw = info->color; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ColorEncodingWriterPNG::Encode(c_desired, info)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(BlobsWriterPNG::Encode(io->blobs, info)); unsigned char* out = nullptr; size_t out_size = 0; const unsigned err = lodepng_encode(&out, &out_size, raw_bytes.data(), ib.oriented_xsize(), ib.oriented_ysize(), &state.s); // Automatically call free(out) on return. std::unique_ptr out_ptr{out, free}; if (err != 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to encode PNG: %s", lodepng_error_text(err)); } bytes->resize(out_size); memcpy(bytes->data(), out, out_size); return true; } } // namespace extras } // namespace jxl