/* * Platformer Game Engine by Wohlstand, a free platform for game making * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Vitaly Novichkov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef GLOBAL_PGE_VERSION #define GLOBAL_PGE_VERSION #define V_VP1 0 #define V_VP2 4 #define V_VP3 1 #define V_VP4 0 #define GEN_VERSION_NUMBER_2(v1,v2) v1 "." v2 #define GEN_VERSION_NUMBER_3(v1,v2,v3) v1 "." v2 "." v3 #define GEN_VERSION_NUMBER_4(v1,v2,v3,v4) v1 "." v2 "." v3 "." v4 #define STR_VALUE_REAL(arg) #arg #define STR_VALUE(verf) STR_VALUE_REAL(verf) #define V_VP1_s STR_VALUE(V_VP1) #define V_VP2_s STR_VALUE(V_VP2) #define V_VP3_s STR_VALUE(V_VP3) #define V_VP4_s STR_VALUE(V_VP4) #if V_VP4 == 0 #if V_VP3 == 0 #define V_PROJECT_VERSION_NUM GEN_VERSION_NUMBER_2(V_VP1_s, V_VP2_s) #else #define V_PROJECT_VERSION_NUM GEN_VERSION_NUMBER_3(V_VP1_s, V_VP2_s, V_VP3_s) #endif #else #define V_PROJECT_VERSION_NUM GEN_VERSION_NUMBER_4(V_VP1_s, V_VP2_s, V_VP3_s, V_VP4_s) #endif //Version of whole project #define V_VERSION V_PROJECT_VERSION_NUM #define V_RELEASE "" //Developing state (for release this field must be empty) #define V_COPYRIGHT "2014-2017 by Wohlstand" #define V_COMPANY "PGE Team" #define V_PGE_URL "wohlsoft.ru" #define V_PRODUCT_NAME "Platformer Game Engine" #if defined(_WIN64) #define OPERATION_SYSTEM "Windows x64" #elif defined(_WIN32) #define OPERATION_SYSTEM "Windows" #elif defined __APPLE__ #define OPERATION_SYSTEM "MacOSX" #elif defined __FreeBSD__ #define OPERATION_SYSTEM "FreeBSD" #elif defined __gnu_linux__ #define OPERATION_SYSTEM "GNU/Linux" #else #define OPERATION_SYSTEM "Other" #endif #if defined(_X86_)||defined(__i386__)||defined(__i486__)||defined(__i586__)||defined(__i686__)||defined(_M_IX86) #define FILE_CPU "x86 (32-bit)" #elif defined(__x86_64__)||defined(__amd64__)||defined(_WIN64)||defined(_M_X64)||defined(_M_AMD64) #define FILE_CPU "x86_64 (64-bit)" #elif defined(__arm__)||defined(_M_ARM)||defined(_M_ARMT) #ifdef __aarch64__ #define FILE_CPU "ARM (64-bit)" #else #define FILE_CPU "ARM (32-bit)" #endif #elif defined(__mips__)||defined(__mips)||defined(__MIPS__) #define FILE_CPU "MIPS" #elif defined(__powerpc__)||defined(_M_PPC)||defined(__POWERPC__) #if defined(__powerpc64__)||defined(__ppc64__)||defined(__PPC64__) #define FILE_CPU "PowerPC (64-bit)" #else #define FILE_CPU "PowerPC (32-bit)" #endif #else #define FILE_CPU "unknown" #endif #define V_DATE_OF_BUILD __DATE__ " " __TIME__ #endif