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1. Overview

A Little Bit About Me (author of original manual)

I am currently, as I write this document, a programmer for Raytheon. There I do all sorts of communications, network, GUI, and other general programming tasks in C/C++ on the Solaris and sometimes Linux Operating Systems. I have been programming sound code in my free time for only a little while now. Sound is an integral part to any game. The human senses are mostly starved during video game play. there’s only some tactile feedback on some controlers, and of course the eyes are in use but only for about 30% of their viewing area. So to add more we do need sound to help the game player feel more in the action, and to set certain moods as the game progresses. Sound ends up accounting for perhaps 50% or more of a gamers experience. Music and sound effects are all integral parts of the gaming experience. While this document doesn’t explain how to get music and samples to use, it will explain how to use them with SDL_mixer.

Feel free to contact me: [email protected]

I am also usually on IRC at irc.freenode.net in the #SDL channel as LIM

This is the README in the SDL_mixer source archive.

SDL Mixer X

The latest version of this library is available from:
SDL Mixer X GitHub repository

Due to popular demand, here is a simple multi-channel audio mixer. It supports 8 or more channels of 16 bit or more stereo audio, plus a single or multiple channels of music, mixed by the popular LibXMP/ModPlug MOD, Timidity/FluidSynth MIDI (also, libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI), OGG Vorbis, FLAC, Opus, and MPG123 MP3 libraries.

See the header file SDL_mixer_ext.h and the examples playwave.c and playmus.c for documentation on this mixer library.

The mixer can currently load Microsoft WAVE files and Creative Labs VOC files as audio samples, and can load MIDI files via Timidity/FluidSynth/libADLMIDI/libOPNMIDI and the following music formats via libXMP or ModPlug: .MOD .S3M .IT .XM. etc. It can load Ogg Vorbis / Opus / FLAC streams as music if built with related libraries, can play chiptunes via GME library if built with it, and finally it can load MP3 music using the DRMP3 or MPG123 library.

The process of mixing MIDI files to wave output in dependence on a synthesizer is very CPU intensive, so if playing regular WAVE files sound great, but playing MIDI files sound choppy, try using 8-bit audio, mono audio, or lower frequencies.

To play MIDI files with use of Timidity synthesizer, you’ll need to get a complete set of GUS patches from: Timidity GUS Patches and unpack them in /usr/local/lib under UNIX, and C:\ under Win32. Since SDL_mixer 2.x MIDI files can be played through native MIDI API of operating system (supported Windows, macOS and Haiku) or through FluidSynth. With SDL Mixer X fork you can use libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI synthesizers are working always and doesn’t requiring any external sound fonts or banks. libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI are FM synthesizers using emulators of YMF232 by libADLMIDI (OPL3), and YM2612 (OPN2) or YM2608 (OPNA) by libOPNMIDI. With SDL Mixer X it’s possible to switch MIDI synthesizer in real time while with original SDL Mixer it’s only possible to set MIDI synthesizer by environment variable only in a moment of library loading.

The SDL_mixer 1.x library is available under the GNU Library General Public License, see the file "COPYING" for details.

The SDL_mixer 2.x and SDL Mixer X fork library is available under the ZLib License, see the file "COPYING" for details.

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2. MixerX

It’s an extended fork of the SDL_mixer library made by Vitaly Novichkov "Wohlstand" in 13 January 2015. SDL_mixer is a quick and stable high-quality audio library, however, it has own bunch of deffects and lack of certain abilities such as inability to choose the MIDI backend in runtime, No support for cross-fade and parallel streams playing (has only one musical stream. Using of very long Chunks is ineffectively), etc. The goal of this fork is resolving those issues, providing more extended functionality than was originally, and providing support for more supported audio formats.

In this documentation, new-added functions, definitions, and enums in this fork will be marked by [Mixer X] label. That means those functions are existing only in SDL Mixer X fork and wasn’t existed in original SDL_mixer library.

This fork is based on SDL_mixer 2.x unlike original documentation which is created for SDL_mixer 1.2. Some functions would be marked by [Mixer X] label which means those functions are not available in SDL_mixer 1.x, but available in SDL_mixer 2.0 and SDL Mixer X fork.

IMPORTANT: The license for libADLMIDI, libOPNMIDI, libGME with MAME YM2612 emulator is GPL which means that in order to use it your application must also be GPL!

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3. Getting Started

This assumes you have gotten SDL Mixer X and installed it on your system. SDL_mixer has an INSTALL document in the source distribution to help you get it compiled and installed.

Generally, installation consists of:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

SDL Mixer X supports playing music and sound samples from the following formats:
- WAVE/RIFF (.wav)
- AIFF (.aiff)
- VOC (.voc)
- MOD (.mod .xm .s3m .669 .it .med and more) requiring libxmp or libmodplug [Mixer 2.0] built in package
- MIDI (.mid) using timidity, FluidSynth [Mixer 2.0], libADLMIDI [Mixer X], libOPNMIDI [Mixer X], libEDMIDI [Mixer X] or native midi hardware
- OggVorbis (.ogg) requiring ogg/vorbis libraries built in package, or stb_vorbis enabled isntead
- MP3 (.mp3) requiring MPG123 library built in package, or DRMP3 enabled instead
- FLAC (.flac) requiring the FLAC library built in package, or DRFLAC enabled instead
- Opus (.opus) requiring the Opus/OpusFile library built in package
- GME (.spc .nsf .hes .vgm and more) requiring the libGME library built in package [Mixer X]
- also any command-line player, which is not mixed by SDL Mixer X...

You may also want to look at some demonstration code which may be downloaded from:

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3.1 Includes

To use MixerX functions in a C/C++ source code file, you must use the SDL_mixer_ext.h include file:

#include "SDL_mixer_ext.h"

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3.2 Compiling

To link with SDL MixerX you should use sdl-config to get the required SDL compilation options. After that, compiling with MixerX is quite easy.
Note: Some systems may not have the SDL_mixer library and include file in the same place as the SDL library and includes are located, in that case you will need to add more -I and -L paths to these command lines.

Simple Example for compiling an object file:

cc -c `sdl2-config --cflags` mysource.c

Simple Example for linking a program:

cc -o myprogram mysource.o `sdl2-config --libs` -lSDL2_mixer_ext

Now myprogram is ready to run.

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4. Conflicts

When using SDL_mixer functions you need to avoid the following functions from SDL:


Use Mix_OpenAudio instead.


Use Mix_CloseAudio instead.


Use Mix_PauseAudio(0) instead, to pause.
Use Mix_PauseAudio(1) instead, to pause.
Use Mix_Pause(-1) and Mix_PauseMusic instead, to pause.
Use Mix_Resume(-1) and Mix_ResumeMusic instead, to unpause.


Use Mix_LockAudio instead.


Use Mix_UnlockAudio instead.

You may call the following functions freely:


This will still work as usual.


This will still work, though it will likely return SDL_AUDIO_PLAYING even though SDL_mixer is just playing silence.

It is also a BAD idea to call SDL_mixer and SDL audio functions from a callback. Callbacks include Effects functions and other SDL_mixer audio hooks.

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5. Functions

These are the functions in the SDL_mixer API.

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5.1 General

These functions are useful, as they are the only/best ways to work with SDL_mixer.

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5.1.1 Mix_Linked_Version

const SDL_version *Mix_Linked_Version()
void SDL_MIXER_VERSION(SDL_version *compile_version)

This works similar to SDL_Linked_Version and SDL_VERSION.
Using these you can compare the runtime version to the version that you compiled with.

SDL_version compile_version;
const SDL_version *link_version=Mix_Linked_Version();
printf("compiled with SDL_mixer version: %d.%d.%d\n",
printf("running with SDL_mixer version: %d.%d.%d\n",

See Also:
Mix_OpenAudio, Mix_QuerySpec

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5.1.2 Mix_Init

int Mix_Init(int flags)


bitwise OR’d set of sample/music formats to support by loading a library now. The values you may OR together to pass in are:

Initialize by loading support as indicated by the flags, or at least return success if support is already loaded. You may call this multiple times, which will actually require you to call Mix_Quit just once to clean up. You may call this function with a 0 to retrieve whether support was built-in or not loaded yet.
Note: you can call Mix_Init with the right MIX_INIT_* flags OR’d together before you program gets busy, to prevent a later hiccup while it loads and unloads the library, and to check that you do have the support that you need before you try and use it.
Note: this function does not always set the error string, so do not depend on Mix_GetError being meaningful all the time.

Returns: a bitmask of all the currently initted sample/music loaders.

// load support for the OGG and MOD sample/music formats
int initted=Mix_Init(flags);
if(initted&flags != flags) {
    printf("Mix_Init: Failed to init required ogg and mod support!\n");
    printf("Mix_Init: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // handle error

See Also:

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5.1.3 Mix_Quit

void Mix_Quit()

This function cleans up all dynamically loaded library handles, freeing memory. If support is required again it will be initialized again, either by Mix_Init or loading a sample or some music with dynamic support required. You may call this function when Mix_Load functions are no longer needed for the MIX_INIT_* formats. You should call this function for each time Mix_Init was called, otherwise it may not free all the dynamic library resources until the program ends. This is done so that multiple unrelated modules of a program may call Mix_Init and Mix_Quit without affecting the others performance and needs.

// indicate that we are ready to unload the dynamically loaded libraries

NOTE: Since each call to Mix_Init may set different flags, there is no way, currently, to request how many times each one was initted. In other words, the only way to quit for sure is to do a loop like so:

// force a quit

See Also:

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5.1.4 Mix_OpenAudio

int Mix_OpenAudio(int frequency, Uint16 format, int channels, int chunksize)


Output sampling frequency in samples per second (Hz).
you might use MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY(44100) since that is a good value for most games.


Output sample format.


Number of sound channels in output.
Set to 2 for stereo, 1 for mono. This has nothing to do with mixing channels.


Bytes used per output sample.

Initialize the mixer API.
This must be called before using other functions in this library.
SDL must be initialized with SDL_INIT_AUDIO before this call. frequency would be 44100 for 44.1KHz, which is CD audio rate. Some games use 22050, because 44100 requires too much CPU power on very old computers. chunksize is the size of each mixed sample. The smaller this is the more your hooks will be called. If make this too small on a slow system, sound may skip. If made to large, sound effects will lag behind the action more. You want a happy medium for your target computer. You also may make this 4096, or larger, if you are just playing music. MIX_CHANNELS(8) mixing channels will be allocated by default. You may call this function multiple times, however you will have to call Mix_CloseAudio just as many times for the device to actually close. The format will not changed on subsequent calls until fully closed. So you will have to close all the way before trying to open with different format parameters.

format is based on SDL audio support, see SDL_audio.h. Here are the values listed there:


Unsigned 8-bit samples


Signed 8-bit samples


Unsigned 16-bit samples, in little-endian byte order


Signed 16-bit samples, in little-endian byte order


Unsigned 16-bit samples, in big-endian byte order


Signed 16-bit samples, in big-endian byte order


same as AUDIO_U16LSB (for backwards compatability probably)


same as AUDIO_S16LSB (for backwards compatability probably)


Unsigned 16-bit samples, in system byte order


Signed 16-bit samples, in system byte order


Signed 32-bit samples, in little-endian byte order


Signed 32-bit samples, in bin-endian byte order


same as AUDIO_S32LSB (for backwards compatability probably)


Signed 32-bit samples, in system byte order


Floating 32-bit samples, in little-endian byte order


Floating 32-bit samples, in big-endian byte order


same as AUDIO_F32LSB (for backwards compatability probably)


Signed 32-bit float samples, in system byte order


Returns: 0 on success, -1 on errors

// start SDL with audio support
if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)==-1) {
    printf("SDL_Init: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// open 44.1KHz, signed 16bit, system byte order,
//      stereo audio, using 1024 byte chunks
if(Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_OpenAudio: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_OpenAudioDevice, Mix_CloseAudio, Mix_PauseAudio, Mix_QuerySpec, Mix_AllocateChannels, Mix_OpenAudioDevice

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5.1.5 Mix_OpenAudioDevice

int Mix_OpenAudioDevice(int frequency, Uint16 format, int channels, int chunksize, const char* device, int allowed_changes)


Output sampling frequency in samples per second (Hz).
you might use MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY(44100) since that is a good value for most games.


Output sample format. See Mix_OpenAudio for the table of available formats.


Number of sound channels in output.
Set to 2 for stereo, 1 for mono. This has nothing to do with mixing channels.


Bytes used per output sample.


A UTF-8 string reported by SDL_GetAudioDeviceName() or a driver-specific name as appropriate. NULL requests the most reasonable default device.


0, or one or more flags OR’d together.

Initialize the mixer API.
This must be called before using other functions in this library.
SDL must be initialized with SDL_INIT_AUDIO before this call. frequency would be 44100 for 44.1KHz, which is CD audio rate. Some games use 22050, because 44100 requires too much CPU power on very old computers. chunksize is the size of each mixed sample. The smaller this is the more your hooks will be called. If make this too small on a slow system, sound may skip. If made to large, sound effects will lag behind the action more. You want a happy medium for your target computer. You also may make this 4096, or larger, if you are just playing music. MIX_CHANNELS(8) mixing channels will be allocated by default. You may call this function multiple times, however you will have to call Mix_CloseAudio just as many times for the device to actually close. The format will not changed on subsequent calls until fully closed. So you will have to close all the way before trying to open with different format parameters.

Returns: 0 on success, -1 on errors

// start SDL with audio support
if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)==-1) {
    printf("SDL_Init: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
// open 44.1KHz, signed 16bit, system byte order,
//      stereo audio, using 1024 byte chunks
if(Mix_OpenAudioDevice(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024, NULL,
                        SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE |
                        SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_CHANNELS_CHANGE)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_OpenAudioDevice: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_OpenAudio, Mix_CloseAudio, Mix_PauseAudio, Mix_QuerySpec, Mix_AllocateChannels, Mix_OpenAudio

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5.1.6 Mix_PauseAudio

void Mix_PauseAudio(int pause_on)

Pauses or resume the whole audio processing: all playing music and channels will get paused synchroniously.


1 pauses the whole audio processing, 0 resumes the audio processing back.

See Also:
Mix_OpenAudio, Mix_OpenAudioDevice, Mix_CloseAudio, Mix_QuerySpec, Mix_AllocateChannels, Mix_OpenAudio

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5.1.7 Mix_CloseAudio

void Mix_CloseAudio()

Shutdown and cleanup the mixer API.
After calling this all audio is stopped, the device is closed, and the SDL_mixer functions should not be used. You may, of course, use Mix_OpenAudio to start the functionality again.
Note: This function doesn’t do anything until you have called it the same number of times that you called Mix_OpenAudio. You may use Mix_QuerySpec to find out how many times Mix_CloseAudio needs to be called before the device is actually closed.

// you could SDL_Quit(); here...or not.

See Also:
Mix_OpenAudio, Mix_OpenAudioDevice, Mix_QuerySpec, Mix_PauseAudio,

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5.1.8 Mix_InitMixer

void Mix_InitMixer(const SDL_AudioSpec *spec, SDL_bool skip_init_check)


The audio spec such as frequency, sample format, number of channels, and desired chunk size, using the SDL_AudioSpec structure.


Disable the internal check of the initialization state.

Initialize the mixer API without starting the audio processing. That means, you can make your own audio processing and manually run the mixer API by using callbacks you may retrieve using Mix_GetGeneralMixer, Mix_GetMusicMixer, and Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer calls.

CAUTION: Don’t even try to call this function and any of mixer callback if you initialized the mixer using Mix_OpenAudio or Mix_OpenAudioDevice calls.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicMixer, Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer, Mix_GetGeneralMixer, Mix_FreeMixer

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5.1.9 Mix_GetMusicMixer

Mix_CommonMixer_t Mix_GetMusicMixer()

Returns: The mixer callback to process the single-stream music.

Get the callback to process the single-stream music out of the main process of mixer API and receive the output of currently playing single-stream music. To receive the multi-stream music output use the Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer callback.

CAUTION: Don’t even try to call the returned callback if you initialized the mixer using Mix_OpenAudio or Mix_OpenAudioDevice calls.

See Also:
Mix_InitMixer, Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer, Mix_GetGeneralMixer, Mix_FreeMixer

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5.1.10 Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer

Mix_CommonMixer_t Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer()

Returns: The mixer callback to process the multi-stream music.

Get the callback to process the single-stream music out of the main process of mixer API and receive the output of all music streams except the single-stream music. To receive the single-stream music output use the Mix_GetMusicMixer callback.

CAUTION: Don’t even try to call the returned callback if you initialized the mixer using Mix_OpenAudio or Mix_OpenAudioDevice calls.

See Also:
Mix_InitMixer, Mix_GetMusicMixer, Mix_GetGeneralMixer, Mix_FreeMixer

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5.1.11 Mix_GetGeneralMixer

Mix_CommonMixer_t Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer()

Returns: The mixer callback to process the general mixer API.

Get the callback to process the general Mixer API out of the main process of mixer API and receive the generated output of all playing music streams and channels.

CAUTION 1: Don’t even try to call the returned callback if you initialized the mixer using Mix_OpenAudio or Mix_OpenAudioDevice calls.

CAUTION 2: Once you execute the callback returned by Mix_GetGeneralMixer()), callbacks returned by Mix_GetMusicMixer() and Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer() were already processed internally. You don’t need to call them at all.

See Also:
Mix_InitMixer, Mix_GetMusicMixer, Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer, Mix_FreeMixer

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5.1.12 Mix_FreeMixer

void Mix_FreeMixer()

Shutdown and cleanup the mixer API.
Use this call in only condition you initialized the mixer API using the Mix_InitMixer call.

CAUTION: Don’t even try to call this function and any of mixer callback if you initialized the mixer using Mix_OpenAudio or Mix_OpenAudioDevice calls.

See Also:
Mix_InitMixer, Mix_GetMusicMixer, Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer, Mix_GetGeneralMixer

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5.1.13 Mix_SetError

void Mix_SetError(const char *fmt, ...)

This is the same as SDL_SetError, which sets the error string which may be fetched with Mix_GetError (or SDL_GetError). This functions acts like printf, except that it is limited to SDL_ERRBUFIZE(1024) chars in length. It only accepts the following format types: %s, %d, %f, %p. No variations are supported, like %.2f would not work. For any more specifics read the SDL docs.

int mymixfunc(int i) {
    Mix_SetError("mymixfunc is not implemented! %d was passed in.",i);

See Also:

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5.1.14 Mix_GetError

char *Mix_GetError()

This is the same as SDL_GetError, which returns the last error set as a string which you may use to tell the user what happened when an error status has been returned from an SDL_mixer function call.

Returns: a char pointer (string) containing a humam readble version or the reason for the last error that occured.

printf("Oh My Goodness, an error : %s", Mix_GetError());

See Also:

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5.1.15 Mix_QuerySpec

int Mix_QuerySpec(int *frequency, Uint16 *format, int *channels)


A pointer to an int where the frequency actually used by the opened audio device will be stored.


A pointer to a Uint16 where the output format actually being used by the audio device will be stored.


A pointer to an int where the number of audio channels will be stored.
2 will mean stereo, 1 will mean mono.

Get the actual audio format in use by the opened audio device. This may or may not match the parameters you passed to Mix_OpenAudio.

Returns: 0 on error. If the device was open the number of times it was opened will be returned. The values of the arguments variables are not set on an error.

// get and print the audio format in use
int numtimesopened, frequency, channels;
Uint16 format;
numtimesopened=Mix_QuerySpec(&frequency, &format, &channels);
if(!numtimesopened) {
    printf("Mix_QuerySpec: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
else {
    char *format_str="Unknown";
    switch(format) {
        case AUDIO_U8: format_str="U8"; break;
        case AUDIO_S8: format_str="S8"; break;
        case AUDIO_U16LSB: format_str="U16LSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_S16LSB: format_str="S16LSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_U16MSB: format_str="U16MSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_S16MSB: format_str="S16MSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_S32LSB: format_str="S32LSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_S32MSB: format_str="S32MSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_F32LSB: format_str="F32LSB"; break;
        case AUDIO_F32MSB: format_str="F32MSB"; break;
    printf("opened=%d times  frequency=%dHz  format=%s  channels=%d",
            numtimesopened, frequency, format_str, channels);

See Also:

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5.2 Samples

These functions work with Mix_Chunk samples.

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5.2.1 Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders

int Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders()

Get the number of sample chunk decoders available from the Mix_GetChunkDecoder function. This number can be different for each run of a program, due to the change in availability of shared libraries that support each format.

Returns: The number of sample chunk decoders available.

// print the number of sample chunk decoders available
printf("There are %d sample chunk deocoders available\n", Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders());

See Also:
Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders, Mix_GetChunkDecoder, Mix_HasChunkDecoder, Mix_LoadWAV

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5.2.2 Mix_GetChunkDecoder

const char *Mix_GetChunkDecoder(int index)


The index number of sample chunk decoder to get.
In the range from 0(zero) to Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders()-1, inclusive.

Get the name of the indexed sample chunk decoder. You need to get the number of sample chunk decoders available using the Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders function.

Returns: The name of the indexed sample chunk decoder. This string is owned by the SDL_mixer library, do not modify or free it. It is valid until you call Mix_CloseAudio the final time.

// print sample chunk decoders available
int i,max=Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders();
for(i=0; i<max; ++i)
	printf("Sample chunk decoder %d is for %s",Mix_GetChunkDecoder(i));

See Also:
Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders, Mix_GetMusicDecoder, Mix_HasChunkDecoder, Mix_LoadWAV

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5.2.3 Mix_HasChunkDecoder

SDL_bool Mix_HasChunkDecoder(const char *name)


The decoder name to check it’s presence.

Check if the sample chunk decoder named as name presented in this library build.

Returns: SDL_TRUE if the requested codec name is available in this library build or SDL_FALSE if not.

See Also:
Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders, Mix_GetChunkDecoder, Mix_GetMusicDecoder, Mix_LoadWAV

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5.2.4 Mix_LoadWAV

Mix_Chunk *Mix_LoadWAV(char *file)


File name to load sample from.

Load file for use as a sample. This is actually Mix_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromFile(file, "rb"), 1). This can load WAVE, AIFF, RIFF, OGG, FLAC, MP3, and VOC files.
Note: You must call SDL_OpenAudio before this. It must know the output characteristics so it can convert the sample for playback, it does this conversion at load time.

Returns: a pointer to the sample as a Mix_Chunk. NULL is returned on errors.

// load sample.wav in to sample
Mix_Chunk *sample;
if(!sample) {
    printf("Mix_LoadWAV: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // handle error

See Also:
Mix_LoadWAV_RW, Mix_QuickLoad_WAV, Mix_FreeChunk

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5.2.5 Mix_LoadWAV_RW

Mix_Chunk *Mix_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc)


The source SDL_RWops as a pointer. The sample is loaded from this.


A non-zero value mean is will automatically close/free the src for you.

Load src for use as a sample. This can load WAVE, AIFF, RIFF, OGG, FLAC, MP3, and VOC formats. Using SDL_RWops is not covered here, but they enable you to load from almost any source. Note: You must call SDL_OpenAudio before this. It must know the output characteristics so it can convert the sample for playback, it does this conversion at load time.

Returns: a pointer to the sample as a Mix_Chunk. NULL is returned on errors.

// load sample.wav in to sample
Mix_Chunk *sample;
sample=Mix_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.wav", "rb"), 1);
if(!sample) {
    printf("Mix_LoadWAV_RW: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // handle error

See Also:
Mix_LoadWAV, Mix_QuickLoad_WAV, Mix_FreeChunk

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5.2.6 Mix_QuickLoad_WAV

Mix_Chunk *Mix_QuickLoad_WAV(Uint8 *mem)


Memory buffer containing a WAVE file in output format.

Load mem as a WAVE/RIFF file into a new sample. The WAVE in mem must be already in the output format. It would be better to use Mix_LoadWAV_RW if you aren’t sure.
Note: This function does very little checking. If the format mismatches the output format, or if the buffer is not a WAVE, it will not return an error. This is probably a dangerous function to use.

Returns: a pointer to the sample as a Mix_Chunk. NULL is returned on errors.

// quick-load a wave from memory
// Uint8 *wave; // I assume you have the wave loaded raw,
                // or compiled in the program...
Mix_Chunk *wave_chunk;
if(!(wave_chunk=Mix_QuickLoad_WAV(wave))) {
    printf("Mix_QuickLoad_WAV: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // handle error

See Also:
Mix_LoadWAV, Mix_QuickLoad_RAW, Mix_FreeChunk

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5.2.7 Mix_QuickLoad_RAW

Mix_Chunk *Mix_QuickLoad_RAW(Uint8 *mem)


Memory buffer containing a WAVE file in output format.

Load mem as a raw sample. The data in mem must be already in the output format. If you aren’t sure what you are doing, this is not a good function for you!
Note: This function does very little checking. If the format mismatches the output format it will not return an error. This is probably a dangerous function to use.

Returns: a pointer to the sample as a Mix_Chunk. NULL is returned on errors, such as when out of memory.

// quick-load a raw sample from memory
// Uint8 *raw; // I assume you have the raw data here,
                // or compiled in the program...
Mix_Chunk *raw_chunk;
if(!(raw_chunk=Mix_QuickLoad_RAW(raw))) {
    printf("Mix_QuickLoad_RAW: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // handle error

See Also:
Mix_LoadWAV, Mix_QuickLoad_WAV, Mix_FreeChunk

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5.2.8 Mix_VolumeChunk

int Mix_VolumeChunk(Mix_Chunk *chunk, int volume)


Pointer to the Mix_Chunk to set the volume in.


The volume to use from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME(128).
If greater than MIX_MAX_VOLUME,
then it will be set to MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
If less than 0 then chunk->volume will not be set.

Set chunk->volume to volume.
The volume setting will take effect when the chunk is used on a channel, being mixed into the output.

Returns: previous chunk->volume setting. if you passed a negative value for volume then this volume is still the current volume for the chunk.

// set the sample's volume to 1/2
// Mix_Chunk *sample;
int previous_volume;
previous_volume=Mix_VolumeChunk(sample, MIX_MAX_VOLUME/2);
printf("previous_volume: %d\n", previous_volume);

See Also:

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5.2.9 Mix_FreeChunk

void Mix_FreeChunk(Mix_Chunk *chunk)


Pointer to the Mix_Chunk to free.

Free the memory used in chunk, and free chunk itself as well. Do not use chunk after this without loading a new sample to it. Note: It’s a bad idea to free a chunk that is still being played...

// free the sample
// Mix_Chunk *sample;
sample=NULL; // to be safe...

See Also:
Mix_LoadWAV, Mix_LoadWAV_RW, Mix_QuickLoad_WAV,

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5.3 Channels

These functions work with sound effect mixer channels. Music is not affected by these functions.

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5.3.1 Mix_AllocateChannels

int Mix_AllocateChannels(int numchans)


Number of channels to allocate for mixing.
A negative number will not do anything, it will tell you how many channels are currently allocated.

Set the number of channels being mixed. This can be called multiple times, even with sounds playing. If numchans is less than the current number of channels, then the higher channels will be stopped, freed, and therefore not mixed any longer. It’s probably not a good idea to change the size 1000 times a second though.
If any channels are deallocated, any callback set by Mix_ChannelFinished will be called when each channel is halted to be freed. Note: passing in zero WILL free all mixing channels, however music will still play.

Returns: The number of channels allocated. Never fails...but a high number of channels can segfault if you run out of memory. We’re talking REALLY high!

// allocate 16 mixing channels

See Also:

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5.3.2 Mix_Volume

int Mix_Volume(int channel, int volume)


Channel to set mix volume for.
-1 will set the volume for all allocated channels.


The volume to use from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME(128).
If greater than MIX_MAX_VOLUME,
then it will be set to MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
If less than 0 then the volume will not be set.

Set the volume for any allocated channel. If channel is -1 then all channels at are set at once. The volume is applied during the final mix, along with the sample volume. So setting this volume to 64 will halve the output of all samples played on the specified channel. All channels default to a volume of 128, which is the max. Newly allocated channels will have the max volume set, so setting all channels volumes does not affect subsequent channel allocations.

Returns: current volume of the channel. If channel is -1, the average volume is returned.

// set channel 1 to half volume

// print the average volume
printf("Average volume is %d\n",Mix_Volume(-1,-1));

See Also:
Mix_VolumeChunk, Mix_VolumeMusic

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5.3.3 Mix_PlayChannel

int Mix_PlayChannel(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops)


Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).

Play chunk on channel, or if channel is -1, pick the first free unreserved channel. The sample will play for loops+1 number of times, unless stopped by halt, or fade out, or setting a new expiration time of less time than it would have originally taken to play the loops, or closing the mixer.
Note: this just calls Mix_PlayChannelTimed() with ticks set to -1.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it exactly once through
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sample, 0)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannelTimed, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannel, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_ExpireChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.4 Mix_PlayChannelTimed

int Mix_PlayChannelTimed(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ticks)


Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Millisecond limit to play sample, at most.
If not enough loops or the sample chunk is not long enough, then the sample may stop before this timeout occurs.
-1 means play forever.

If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds. Otherwise this function is the same as Mix_PlayChannel.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it for half a second
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_PlayChannelTimed(-1, sample, -1 , 500)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannel, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.5 Mix_PlayChannelVol

int Mix_PlayChannelVol(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int vol)


Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Initial volume level between 0 and MIX_MAX_VOLUME

Play chunk on channel, or if channel is -1, pick the first free unreserved channel. The vol will set initial channel volume. The sample will play for loops+1 number of times, unless stopped by halt, or fade out, or setting a new expiration time of less time than it would have originally taken to play the loops, or closing the mixer.
Note: this just calls Mix_PlayChannelTimed() with ticks set to -1.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it exactly once through
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_PlayChannelVol(-1, sample, 0, 56)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayChannelVol: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannel, Mix_PlayChannelTimed, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannel, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_ExpireChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.6 Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume

int Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ticks)


Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Millisecond limit to play sample, at most.
If not enough loops or the sample chunk is not long enough, then the sample may stop before this timeout occurs.
-1 means play forever.


Initial volume level between 0 and MIX_MAX_VOLUME

If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds. Otherwise this function is the same as Mix_PlayChannelVol.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it for half a second
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume(-1, sample, -1 , 500, 80)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannel, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.7 Mix_FadeInChannel

int Mix_FadeInChannel(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ms)


Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Milliseconds of time that the fade-in effect should take to go from silence to full volume.

Play chunk on channel, or if channel is -1, pick the first free unreserved channel.
The channel volume starts at 0 and fades up to full volume over ms milliseconds of time. The sample may end before the fade-in is complete if it is too short or doesn’t have enough loops. The sample will play for loops+1 number of times, unless stopped by halt, or fade out, or setting a new expiration time of less time than it would have originally taken to play the loops, or closing the mixer.
Note: this just calls Mix_FadeInChannelTimed() with ticks set to -1.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it exactly 3 times through
// fade in over one second
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_FadeInChannel(-1, sample, 2, 1000)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_FadeInChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannel, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.8 Mix_FadeInChannelTimed

int Mix_FadeInChannelTimed(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk,
                           int loops, int ms, int ticks)

Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Milliseconds of time that the fade-in effect should take to go from silence to full volume.


Millisecond limit to play sample, at most.
If not enough loops or the sample chunk is not long enough, then the sample may stop before this timeout occurs.
-1 means play forever.

If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds. Otherwise this function is the same as Mix_FadeInChannel.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it for half a second
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_PlayChannelTimed(-1, sample, -1 , 500)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannelTimed, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannel, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_ExpireChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.9 Mix_FadeInChannelVolume

int Mix_FadeInChannelVolume(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk, int loops, int ms, int vol)


Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Milliseconds of time that the fade-in effect should take to go from silence to full volume.


Initial volume level between 0 and MIX_MAX_VOLUME

Play chunk on channel, or if channel is -1, pick the first free unreserved channel.
The channel volume starts at 0 and fades up to full volume over ms milliseconds of time. The sample may end before the fade-in is complete if it is too short or doesn’t have enough loops. The sample will play for loops+1 number of times, unless stopped by halt, or fade out, or setting a new expiration time of less time than it would have originally taken to play the loops, or closing the mixer.
The vol will set initial channel volume. Note: this just calls Mix_FadeInChannelTimed() with ticks set to -1.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it exactly 3 times through
// fade in over one second
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_FadeInChannelVolume(-1, sample, 2, 1000, 70)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_FadeInChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannel, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.10 Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume

int Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume(int channel, Mix_Chunk *chunk,
                           int loops, int ms, int ticks, int vol)

Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.


Sample to play.


Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops.
Passing one here plays the sample twice (1 loop).


Milliseconds of time that the fade-in effect should take to go from silence to full volume.


Millisecond limit to play sample, at most.
If not enough loops or the sample chunk is not long enough, then the sample may stop before this timeout occurs.
-1 means play forever.


Initial volume level between 0 and MIX_MAX_VOLUME

If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds. Otherwise this function is the same as Mix_FadeInChannelVolume.

Returns: the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.

// play sample on first free unreserved channel
// play it for half a second
// Mix_Chunk *sample; //previously loaded
if(Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume(-1, sample, -1 , 500, 78)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayChannel: %s\n",Mix_GetError());
    // may be critical error, or maybe just no channels were free.
    // you could allocated another channel in that case...

See Also:
Mix_PlayChannelTimed, Mix_PlayChannelVol, Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume, Mix_FadeInChannel, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeInChannelVolume, Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_ExpireChannel, Mix_ReserveChannels

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5.3.11 Mix_Pause

void Mix_Pause(int channel)


Channel to pause on, or -1 for all channels.

Pause channel, or all playing channels if -1 is passed in. You may still halt a paused channel.
Note: Only channels which are actively playing will be paused.

// pause all sample playback

See Also:
Mix_Resume, Mix_Paused, Mix_HaltChannel

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5.3.12 Mix_Resume

void Mix_Resume(int channel)


Channel to resume playing, or -1 for all channels.

Unpause channel, or all playing and paused channels if -1 is passed in.

// resume playback on all previously active channels

See Also:
Mix_Pause, Mix_Paused

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5.3.13 Mix_HaltChannel

int Mix_HaltChannel(int channel)


Channel to stop playing, or -1 for all channels.

Halt channel playback, or all channels if -1 is passed in.
Any callback set by Mix_ChannelFinished will be called.

Returns: always returns zero. (kinda silly)

// halt playback on all channels

See Also:
Mix_ExpireChannel, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_ChannelFinished

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5.3.14 Mix_ExpireChannel

int Mix_ExpireChannel(int channel, int ticks)


Channel to stop playing, or -1 for all channels.


Millisecons until channel(s) halt playback.

Halt channel playback, or all channels if -1 is passed in, after ticks milliseconds. Any callback set by Mix_ChannelFinished will be called when the channel expires.

Returns: Number of channels set to expire. Whether or not they are active.

// halt playback on all channels in 2 seconds
Mix_ExpireChannel(-1, 2000);

See Also:
Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_ChannelFinished

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5.3.15 Mix_FadeOutChannel

int Mix_FadeOutChannel(int channel, int ms)


Channel to fade out, or -1 to fade all channels out.


Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.

Gradually fade out which channel over ms milliseconds starting from now. The channel will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only channels that are playing are set to fade out, including paused channels. Any callback set by Mix_ChannelFinished will be called when the channel finishes fading out.

Returns: The number of channels set to fade out.

// fade out all channels to finish 3 seconds from now
printf("starting fade out of %d channels\n", Mix_FadeOutChannel(-1, 3000));

See Also:
Mix_FadeInChannel, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_ChannelFinished

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5.3.16 Mix_ChannelFinished

void Mix_ChannelFinished(void (*channel_finished)(int channel))


Function to call when any channel finishes playback.

When channel playback is halted, then the specified channel_finished function is called. The channel parameter will contain the channel number that has finished.
NOTE: NEVER call SDL_Mixer functions, nor SDL_LockAudio, from a callback function.

// a simple channel_finished function
void channelDone(int channel) {
    printf("channel %d finished playback.\n",channel);
// make a channelDone function
void channelDone(int channel)
    printf("channel %d finished playing.\n", channel);
// set the callback for when a channel stops playing

See Also:
Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_ExpireChannel

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5.3.17 Mix_Playing

int Mix_Playing(int channel)


Channel to test whether it is playing or not.
-1 will tell you how many channels are playing.

Tells you if channel is playing, or not.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been paused.

Returns: Zero if the channel is not playing. Otherwise if you passed in -1, the number of channels playing is returned. If you passed in a specific channel, then 1 is returned if it is playing.

// check how many channels are playing samples
printf("%d channels are playing\n", Mix_Playing(-1));

See Also:
Mix_Paused, Mix_Fading, Mix_PlayChannel, Mix_Pause,

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5.3.18 Mix_Paused

int Mix_Paused(int channel)


Channel to test whether it is paused or not.
-1 will tell you how many channels are paused.

Tells you if channel is paused, or not.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been halted after it was paused, which may seem a little weird.

Returns: Zero if the channel is not paused. Otherwise if you passed in -1, the number of paused channels is returned. If you passed in a specific channel, then 1 is returned if it is paused.

// check the pause status on all channels
printf("%d channels are paused\n", Mix_Paused(-1));

See Also:
Mix_Playing, Mix_Pause, Mix_Resume

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5.3.19 Mix_FadingChannel

Mix_Fading Mix_FadingChannel(int which)


Channel to get the fade activity status from.
-1 is not valid, and will probably crash the program.

Tells you if which channel is fading in, out, or not. Does not tell you if the channel is playing anything, or paused, so you’d need to test that separately.

Returns: the fading status. Never returns an error.

// check the fade status on channel 0
switch(Mix_FadingChannel(0)) {
    case MIX_NO_FADING:
        printf("Not fading.\n");
    case MIX_FADING_OUT:
        printf("Fading out.\n");
    case MIX_FADING_IN:
        printf("Fading in.\n");

See Also:
Mix_Fading, Mix_Playing, Mix_Paused, Mix_FadeInChannel, Mix_FadeInChannelTimed, Mix_FadeOutChannel

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5.3.20 Mix_GetChunk

Mix_Chunk *Mix_GetChunk(int channel)


Channel to get the current Mix_Chunk playing.
-1 is not valid, but will not crash the program.

Get the most recent sample chunk pointer played on channel. This pointer may be currently playing, or just the last used.
Note: The actual chunk may have been freed, so this pointer may not be valid anymore.

Returns: Pointer to the Mix_Chunk. NULL is returned if the channel is not allocated, or if the channel has not played any samples yet.

// get the last chunk used by channel 0
printf("Mix_Chunk* last in use on channel 0 was: %08p\n", Mix_GetChunk(0));

See Also:
Mix_Chunk, Mix_Playing

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5.4 Groups

These functions work with groupings of mixer channels.

The default group tag number of -1, which refers to ALL channels.

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5.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels

int Mix_ReserveChannels(int num)


Number of channels to reserve from default mixing.
Zero removes all reservations.

Reserve num channels from being used when playing samples when passing in -1 as a channel number to playback functions. The channels are reserved starting from channel 0 to num-1. Passing in zero will unreserve all channels. Normally SDL_mixer starts without any channels reserved.

The following functions are affected by this setting:

Returns: The number of channels reserved. Never fails, but may return less channels than you ask for, depending on the number of channels previously allocated.

// reserve the first 8 mixing channels
int reserved_count;
if(reserved_count!=8) {
    printf("reserved %d channels from default mixing.\n",reserved_count);
    printf("8 channels were not reserved!\n");
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:

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5.4.2 Mix_GroupChannel

int Mix_GroupChannel(int which, int tag)


Channel number of channels to assign tag to.


A group number Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 is the default group. Use -1 to remove a group tag essentially.

Add which channel to group tag, or reset it’s group to the default group tag (-1).

Returns: True(1) on success. False(0) is returned when the channel specified is invalid.

// add channel 0 to group 1
if(!Mix_GroupChannel(0,1)) {
    // bad channel, apparently channel 1 isn't allocated

See Also:
Mix_GroupChannels, Mix_AllocateChannels

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5.4.3 Mix_GroupChannels

int Mix_GroupChannels(int from, int to, int tag)


First Channel number of channels to assign tag to. Must be less or equal to to.


Last Channel number of channels to assign tag to. Must be greater or equal to from.


A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 is the default group. Use -1 to remove a group tag essentially.

Add channels starting at from up through to to group tag, or reset it’s group to the default group tag (-1).

Returns: The number of tagged channels on success. If that number is less than to-from+1 then some channels were no tagged because they didn’t exist.

// add channels 0 through 7 to group 1
if(Mix_GroupChannels(0,7,1)!=8) {
    // some bad channels, apparently some channels aren't allocated

See Also:
Mix_GroupChannel, Mix_AllocateChannels

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5.4.4 Mix_GroupCount

int Mix_GroupCount(int tag)


A group number Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 will count ALL channels.

Count the number of channels in group tag.

Returns: The number of channels found in the group. This function never fails.

// count the number of channels in group 1
printf("There are %d channels in group 1\n", Mix_GroupCount(1));

See Also:
Mix_GroupChannel, Mix_GroupChannels

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5.4.5 Mix_GroupAvailable

int Mix_GroupAvailable(int tag)


A group number Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 will search ALL channels.

Find the first available (not playing) channel in group tag.

Returns: The channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are available.

// find the first available channel in group 1
int channel;
if (channel==-1) {
    // no channel available...
    // perhaps search for oldest or newest channel in use...

See Also:
Mix_GroupOldest, Mix_GroupNewer, Mix_GroupChannel, Mix_GroupChannels

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5.4.6 Mix_GroupOldest

int Mix_GroupOldest(int tag)


A group number Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 will search ALL channels.

Find the oldest actively playing channel in group tag.

Returns: The channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are playing or the group is empty.

// find the oldest playing channel in group 1
int channel;
if (channel==-1) {
    // no channel playing or allocated...
    // perhaps just search for an available channel...

See Also:
Mix_GroupNewer, Mix_GroupAvailable, Mix_GroupChannel, Mix_GroupChannels

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5.4.7 Mix_GroupNewer

int Mix_GroupNewer(int tag)


A group number Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 will search ALL channels.

Find the newest, most recently started, actively playing channel in group tag.

Returns: The channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are playing or the group is empty.

// find the newest playing channel in group 1
int channel;
if (channel==-1) {
    // no channel playing or allocated...
    // perhaps just search for an available channel...

See Also:
Mix_GroupOldest, Mix_GroupAvailable, Mix_GroupChannel, Mix_GroupChannels

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5.4.8 Mix_FadeOutGroup

int Mix_FadeOutGroup(int tag, int ms)


Group to fade out.
NOTE: -1 will NOT fade all channels out. Use Mix_FadeOutChannel(-1) for that instead.


Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.

Gradually fade out channels in group tag over ms milliseconds starting from now. The channels will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only channels that are playing are set to fade out, including paused channels. Any callback set by Mix_ChannelFinished will be called when each channel finishes fading out.

Returns: The number of channels set to fade out.

// fade out all channels in group 1 to finish 3 seconds from now
printf("starting fade out of %d channels\n", Mix_FadeOutGroup(1, 3000));

See Also:
Mix_HaltGroup, Mix_FadeOutChannel, Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_ChannelFinished

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5.4.9 Mix_HaltGroup

int Mix_HaltGroup(int tag)


Group to fade out.
NOTE: -1 will NOT halt all channels. Use Mix_HaltChannel(-1) for that instead.

Halt playback on all channels in group tag.
Any callback set by Mix_ChannelFinished will be called once for each channel that stops.

Returns: always returns zero. (more silly than Mix_HaltChannel)

// halt playback on all channels in group 1

See Also:
Mix_FadeOutGroup, Mix_HaltChannel, Mix_ChannelFinished

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5.5 Music

These functions work with music. Music is not played on a normal mixer channel. Music is therefore manipulated separately, except in post-processing hooks.

There are two different music sub-systems provided:
- single-music: the old API of the SDL_mixer. The most of given calls don’t even has the Mix_Music argument and intended to manipulate the currently playing music.
- multi-music: the new API of the MixerX. Every given call intended to work with the multi-music has the Mix_Music argument to manipulate every music individually as they are able to work in parallel.

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5.5.1 Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders

int Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders()

Get the number of music decoders available from the Mix_GetMusicDecoder function. This number can be different for each run of a program, due to the change in availability of shared libraries that support each format.

Returns: The number of music decoders available.

// print the number of music decoders available
printf("There are %d music deocoders available\n", Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders());

See Also:
Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders, Mix_GetMusicDecoder, Mix_LoadMUS

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5.5.2 Mix_GetMusicDecoder

const char *Mix_GetMusicDecoder(int index)


The index number of music decoder to get.
In the range from 0(zero) to Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders()-1, inclusive.

Get the name of the indexed music decoder. You need to get the number of music decoders available using the Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders function.

Returns: The name of the indexed music decoder. This string is owned by the SDL_mixer library, do not modify or free it. It is valid until you call Mix_CloseAudio the final time.

// print music decoders available
int i,max=Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders();
for(i=0; i<max; ++i)
	printf("Music decoder %d is for %s",Mix_GetMusicDecoder(i));

See Also:
Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders, Mix_GetChunkDecoder, Mix_LoadWAV

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5.5.3 Mix_HasMusicDecoder

SDL_bool Mix_HasMusicDecoder(const char *name)


The decoder name to check it’s presence.

Check if the music decoder named as name presented in this library build.

Returns: SDL_TRUE if the requested codec name is available in this library build or SDL_FALSE if not.

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.4 Mix_LoadMUS

Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUS(const char *file)


Name of music file to use. You may add the Music Arguments after the filepath using the | symbol as the separator.

Load music file to use. This can load WAVE, MOD, MIDI, OGG, MP3, FLAC, and any file that you use a command to play with.
If you are using an external command to play the music, you must call Mix_SetMusicCMD before this, otherwise the internal players will be used. Alternatively, if you have set an external command up and don’t want to use it, you must call Mix_SetMusicCMD(NULL) to use the built-in players again.

Returns: A pointer to a Mix_Music. NULL is returned on errors.

// load the MP3 file "music.mp3" to play as music
Mix_Music *music;
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUS(\"music.mp3\"): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...
// load the MIDI file "music.mid" to play as music
// and add the Music Arguments string "s3;c2;" into it
Mix_Music *music;
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUS(\"music.mid|s3;c2;\"): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.5 Mix_LoadMUS_RW

Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUS_RW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc)


SDL RWops instance of music file / memory


Automatically close SDL_RWops instance on complete loading of music

Load a music file from an SDL_RWop object

Returns: A pointer to a Mix_Music. NULL is returned on errors.

SDL_RWops *file = SDL_RWopen("music.mp3", "rb");
// load the MP3 file "music.mp3" to play as music
Mix_Music *music;
music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(file, 0);
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUS_RW(file, 0): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.6 Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG

Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc, const char *args)


SDL RWops instance of music file / memory


Automatically close SDL_RWops instance on complete loading of music


The Music Arguments string supported by specific library

Load a music file from an SDL_RWop object with custom arguments

Returns: A pointer to a Mix_Music. NULL is returned on errors.

// load the MIDI file "music.mid" to play as music with ADLMIDI synthesizer
Mix_Music *music;
SDL_RWops *file = SDL_RWopen("music.mid", "rb");
music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG(file, 1, "s0;t1;v1;b68;");
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG(file, 1, \"s0;t1;v1;b68;\"): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_LoadMUS_RW, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.7 Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME

Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc, int trackID)


SDL RWops instance of music file / memory


Automatically close SDL_RWops instance on complete loading of music


ID of GME file track

Load music file to use.

Returns: A pointer to a Mix_Music. NULL is returned on errors.

// load the PC Engine chiptune file "music.hes" to play as music with GME library
Mix_Music *music;
SDL_RWops *file = SDL_RWopen("music.hes", "rb");
music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME(file, 1, 4);
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME(file, 1, 4): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_LoadMUS_RW, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.8 Mix_LoadMUSType_RW

Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUSType_RW(SDL_RWops *src, Mix_MusicType type, int freesrc)


SDL RWops instance of music file / memory


A music type identificator


Automatically close SDL_RWops instance on complete loading of music

Load a music file from an SDL_RWop object assuming a specific format

Returns: A pointer to a Mix_Music. NULL is returned on errors.

// load the MIDI file "music.mid" to play as music with ADLMIDI synthesizer
Mix_Music *music;
SDL_RWops *file = SDL_RWopen("music.mid", "rb");
music = Mix_LoadMUSType_RW(file, MUS_MID, 1);
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUSType_RW(file, MUS_MID, 1): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_LoadMUS_RW, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.9 Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG

Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG(SDL_RWops *src, Mix_MusicType type, int freesrc)


SDL RWops instance of music file / memory


A music type identificator


Automatically close SDL_RWops instance on complete loading of music


The Music Arguments string supported by specific library

Load a music file from an SDL_RWop object assuming a specific format with custom arguments (trackID for GME or settings for a MIDI playing)

Returns: A pointer to a Mix_Music. NULL is returned on errors.

// load the MIDI file "music.mid" to play as music with ADLMIDI synthesizer
Mix_Music *music;
SDL_RWops *file = SDL_RWopen("music.mid", "rb");
music = Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG(file, MUS_MID, 1, "s0;t1;v1;b68;");
if(!music) {
    printf("Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG(file, MUS_MID, 1, \"s0;t1;v1;b68;\"): %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_Music, Mix_LoadMUS_RW, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW, Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.10 Mix_FreeMusic

void Mix_FreeMusic(Mix_Music *music)


Pointer to Mix_Music to free.

Free the loaded music. If music is playing it will be halted. If music is fading out, then this function will wait (blocking) until the fade out is complete.

// free music
Mix_Music *music;
music=NULL; // so we know we freed it...

See Also:

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5.5.11 Mix_SetFreeOnStop

void Mix_FreeMusic(Mix_Music *music, int free_on_stop)


Pointer to Mix_Music to free.


1 - make music to be free automatically when it finishes the playback, 0 - cancel the automatical free.

Mark the loaded music to be free automatically when it get halted. Can be used to simplify the dynamic stream processing when you want to automatically free the music once it get halted.

Note: Music will NOT be free when you stop it manually using the Mix_HaltMusicStream call. However, it will get free automatically when you will use the Mix_FadeOutMusicStream call with a non-zero ms delay.
Supported by multi-stream music sub-system only.

// free music
Mix_Music *music;
// play music once
Mix_PlayMusicStream(music, 1);
// Mark music to be free automatically
Mix_SetFreeOnStop(music, 1);
music=NULL; // we are safe to NULL this, no memory leak promised

See Also:

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5.5.12 Mix_PlayMusicStream

int Mix_PlayMusicStream(Mix_Music *music, int loops)


Pointer to Mix_Music to play.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)

Play the loaded music loop times through from start to finish. The previous music will continue play or fade concurrently. You can use this function to play multiple parallel music files (or long atmosphere sound effects).

CAUTION: You can’t use this function with MIDI played through Native MIDI interface: this interface doesn’t support parallel playing of multiple music files. Please use the Mix_PlayMusic function to playNativeMidi as a single-stream music.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever
// Mix_Music *music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_PlayMusicStream(music, -1)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayMusicStream: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicStream Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream

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5.5.13 Mix_FadeInMusicStream

int Mix_FadeInMusicStream(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms)


Pointer to Mix_Music to play.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)


Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.

Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loop times through from start to finish.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
Any previous music will continue play or fade concurrently. You can use this function to play multiple parallel music files (or long atmosphere sound effects).
This function is the same as Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos(music, loops, ms, 0).

CAUTION: You can’t use this function with MIDI played through Native MIDI interface: this interface doesn’t support parallel playing of multiple music files. Please use the Mix_FadeInMusic function to play NativeMidi as a single-stream music.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever, fading in over 2 seconds
// Mix_Music *music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_FadeInMusicStream(music, -1, 2000)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_FadeInMusicStream: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusicStream, Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos

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5.5.14 Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos

int Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms, double position)


Pointer to Mix_Music to play.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)


Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.


Position to play from, see Mix_SetMusicPositionStream for meaning.

Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loop times through from start to finish.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
The first time the music is played, it position will be set to position, which means different things for different types of music files, see Mix_SetMusicPosition for more info on that.
Any previous music will continue play or fade concurrently. You can use this function to play multiple parallel music files (or long atmosphere sound effects).

CAUTION: You can’t use this function with MIDI played through Native MIDI interface: this interface doesn’t support parallel playing of multiple music files. Please use the Mix_FadeInMusicPos function to play NativeMidi as a single-stream music.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever, fading in over 2 seconds
// Mix_Music *music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos(music, -1, 2000)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_FadeInMusicStream: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusicStream, Mix_FadeInMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicPosition Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos

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5.5.15 Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream

int Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream(Mix_Music *old_music, Mix_Music *new_music, int loops, int ms, int free_old)


Pointer to old playing Mix_Music to stop with the fade out effect.


Pointer to new Mix_Music to play with the fade in effect.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)


Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.


Automatically free the old music after it will complete the fade out.
0 keeps the old music untouched.
1 music will be deleted after it will complete the fade out.

Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded new_music, playing it loop times through from start to finish.
Fade out the old_music at the same time as fade in the new_music.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
Any previous music will continue play or fade concurrently.
This function is the same as Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos(old_music, new_music, loops, ms, 0, 0).

CAUTION: You can’t use this function with MIDI played through Native MIDI interface: this interface doesn’t support parallel playing of multiple music files.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever, fading in over 2 seconds
// Mix_Music *old_music; // I assume this has been loaded already and playing now
// Mix_Music *new_music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream(old_music, new_music, -1, 2000, 0)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusicStream, Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos

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5.5.16 Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos

int Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos(Mix_Music *old_music, Mix_Music *new_music, int loops, int ms, double position, int free_old)


Pointer to old playing Mix_Music to stop with the fade out effect.


Pointer to new Mix_Music to play with the fade in effect.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)


Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.


Position to play from, see Mix_SetMusicPositionStream for meaning.


Automatically free the old music after it will complete the fade out.
0 keeps the old music untouched.
1 music will be deleted after it will complete the fade out.

Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loop times through from start to finish.
Fade out the old_music at the same time as fade in the new_music.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
The first time the music is played, it position will be set to position, which means different things for different types of music files, see Mix_SetMusicPosition for more info on that.
Any previous music will continue play or fade concurrently.

CAUTION: You can’t use this function with MIDI played through Native MIDI interface: this interface doesn’t support parallel playing of multiple music files.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever, fading in over 2 seconds
// Mix_Music *old_music; // I assume this has been loaded already and playing now
// Mix_Music *new_music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos(old_music, new_music, -1, 2000, 0)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusicStream, Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicPosition

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5.5.17 Mix_HookMusic

void Mix_HookMusic(void (*mix_func)(void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len),
                   void *arg)

Function pointer to a music player mixer function.
NULL will stop the use of the music player, returning the mixer to using the internal music players like usual.


This is passed to the mix_func’s udata parameter when it is called.

This sets up a custom music player function. The function will be called with arg passed into the udata parameter when the mix_func is called. The stream parameter passes in the audio stream buffer to be filled with len bytes of music. The music player will then be called automatically when the mixer needs it. Music playing will start as soon as this is called. All the music playing and stopping functions have no effect on music after this. Pause and resume will work. Using a custom music player and the internal music player is not possible, the custom music player takes priority. To stop the custom music player call Mix_HookMusic(NULL, NULL).
NOTE: NEVER call SDL_Mixer functions, nor SDL_LockAudio, from a callback function.

// make a music play function
// it expects udata to be a pointer to an int
void myMusicPlayer(void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
    int i, pos=*(int*)udata;

    // fill buffer with...uh...music...
    for(i=0; i<len; i++)

    // set udata for next time
// use myMusicPlayer for playing...uh...music
int music_pos=0;
Mix_HookMusic(myMusicPlayer, &music_pos);

See Also:
Mix_SetMusicCMD, Mix_GetMusicHookData

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5.5.18 Mix_PlayMusic

int Mix_PlayMusic(Mix_Music *music, int loops)


Pointer to Mix_Music to play.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)

Play the loaded music loop times through from start to finish. The previous music will be halted, or if fading out it waits (blocking) for that to finish.
Please use the Mix_PlayMusicStream function to play multiple music streams in parallel.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever
// Mix_Music *music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_PlayMusic(music, -1)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_PlayMusic: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:

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5.5.19 Mix_FadeInMusic

int Mix_FadeInMusic(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms)


Pointer to Mix_Music to play.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)


Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.

Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loop times through from start to finish.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
Any previous music will be halted, or if it is fading out it will wait (blocking) for the fade to complete.
This function is the same as Mix_FadeInMusicPos(music, loops, ms, 0).
Please use the Mix_FadeInMusicStream function to play multiple music streams in parallel.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever, fading in over 2 seconds
// Mix_Music *music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_FadeInMusic(music, -1, 2000)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_FadeInMusic: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos

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5.5.20 Mix_FadeInMusicPos

int Mix_FadeInMusicPos(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms, double position)


Pointer to Mix_Music to play.


number of times to play through the music.
0 plays the music zero times...
-1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that)


Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.


Position to play from, see Mix_SetMusicPosition for meaning.

Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loop times through from start to finish.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
The first time the music is played, it position will be set to position, which means different things for different types of music files, see Mix_SetMusicPosition for more info on that.
Any previous music will be halted, or if it is fading out it will wait (blocking) for the fade to complete.
Please use the Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos function to play multiple music streams in parallel.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on errors.

// play music forever, fading in over 2 seconds
// Mix_Music *music; // I assume this has been loaded already
if(Mix_FadeInMusicPos(music, -1, 2000)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_FadeInMusic: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // well, there's no music, but most games don't break without music...

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_SetMusicPosition

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5.5.21 Mix_VolumeMusicStream

int Mix_VolumeMusicStream(Mix_Music *music, int volume)


Music to set the volume.


Music volume, from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME(128).
Values greater than MIX_MAX_VOLUME will use MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
-1 does not set the volume, but does return the current volume setting.

Set the volume to volume, if it is 0 or greater, and return the previous volume setting. Setting the volume during a fade will not work, the faders use this function to perform their effect! Setting volume while using an external music player set by Mix_SetMusicCMD will have no effect, and Mix_GetError will show the reason why not.

Returns: The previous volume setting.

// set the music volume to 1/2 maximum, and then check it
printf("volume was    : %d\n", Mix_VolumeMusicStream(someMusic, MIX_MAX_VOLUME/2));
printf("volume is now : %d\n", Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream(someMusic));

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicVolume, Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream, Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_FadeInMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicCMD

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5.5.22 Mix_GetMusicVolume

int Mix_GetMusicVolume(Mix_Music *music)


Music to get the volume.

Get the current volume set on the music.

Returns: The current volume setting set on the music.

See Also:
Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream, Mix_VolumeMusicStream, Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_FadeInMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicCMD

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5.5.23 Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream

int Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


Music to get the volume.

Get the current volume set on the music. This is an alias to the Mix_GetMusicVolume function.

Returns: The current volume setting set on the music.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicVolume, Mix_VolumeMusicStream, Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_FadeInMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicCMD

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5.5.24 Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral

void Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral(int volume)


General multi-stream music volume, from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME(128).
Values greater than MIX_MAX_VOLUME will use MIX_MAX_VOLUME.

Set the general multi-stream music volume to volume, if it is 0 or greater. Setting volume while using an external music player set by Mix_SetMusicCMD will have no effect.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicVolume, Mix_VolumeMusicStream, Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_FadeInMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicCMD

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5.5.25 Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral

int Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral()

Get the current general multi-stream music volume.

Returns: The current general multi-stream music volume.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicVolume, Mix_VolumeMusicStream, Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral, Mix_FadeInMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream, Mix_SetMusicCMD

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5.5.26 Mix_PauseMusicStream

void Mix_PauseMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


Music to pause.

Pause the music playback. You may halt paused music.
Note: Music can only be paused if it is actively playing.

// pause music playback

See Also:
Mix_ResumeMusicStream, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_HaltMusicStream

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5.5.27 Mix_PauseMusicStreamAll

void Mix_PauseMusicStreamAll()

Pause all multi-stream music playback. You may halt any paused music.
Note: Music can only be paused if it is actively playing.

// pause music playback

See Also:
Mix_ResumeMusicStream, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_HaltMusicStream

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5.5.28 Mix_ResumeMusicStream

void Mix_ResumeMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


Paused music to resume.

Unpause the music. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music.

// resume music playback

See Also:
Mix_PauseMusicStream, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_HaltMusicStream

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5.5.29 Mix_ResumeMusicStreamAll

void Mix_ResumeMusicStreamAll()

Unpause all multi-stream music. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music.

// resume music playback

See Also:
Mix_ResumeMusicStream, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_HaltMusicStream

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5.5.30 Mix_RewindMusicStream

void Mix_RewindMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


Music to rewind.

Rewind the music to the start. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music. It is not useful to rewind the music immediately after starting playback, because it starts at the beginning by default.

This function only works for streams that supports the seekability.

// rewind music playback to the start

See Also:

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5.5.31 Mix_SetMusicPositionStream

int Mix_SetMusicPositionStream(Mix_Music *music, double position)


Music to change the position.


Position to play from in seconds.

Set the position of the music. The position takes different meanings for different music sources. It only works on the music sources listed below.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


ModPlug or XMP: Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.
Passing zero is similar to rewinding the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Works for libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI. Doesn’t works for Timidity, FluidSynth, and NativeMIDI. Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 if the codec doesn’t support this function.

// skip one minute into the song, from the start
if(Mix_SetMusicPositionStream(music, 60.0)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_SetMusicPositionStream: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_GetMusicPosition Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.32 Mix_GetMusicPosition

double Mix_GetMusicPosition(Mix_Music *music)


A pointer to current music stream

Get the time current position of music stream. It only works on some of music sources listed in table shown in description of Mix_SetMusicPosition function.

Returns: seconds value of current music position or -1.0 if this feature is not supported for some codec

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_SetMusicPositionStream Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.33 Mix_ModMusicStreamJumpToOrder

int Mix_ModMusicStreamJumpToOrder(Mix_Music *music, int order)


Music to change the position.


A pattern number in the module.

Jump to a given order in mod music. Only for MOD music formats.

Returns: 0 if successful, or -1 if failed or isn’t implemented.

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_SetMusicPositionStream Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.34 Mix_MusicDuration

double Mix_MusicDuration(Mix_Music *music)


A pointer to current music stream

Get the full duration time of music stream. It only works on some of music sources listed in table shown in description of Mix_SetMusicPosition function.

Returns: seconds value of current music total length or -1.0 if this feature is not supported for some codec

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicPos Mix_GetMusicPosition Mix_SetMusicPosition

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5.5.35 Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime

double Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime(Mix_Music *music)


A pointer to current music stream

A part of loop points feature. Get the loop start time position of music stream. It only works on some of music sources.

Returns: seconds value of current music loop start position or -1.0 if this feature is not supported for some codec

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime Mix_GetMusicLoopLengthTime

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5.5.36 Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime

double Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime(Mix_Music *music)


A pointer to current music stream

A part of loop points feature. Get the loop time length of music stream. It only works on some of music sources.

Returns: seconds value of current music loop end position or -1.0 if this feature is not supported for some codec

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime Mix_GetMusicLoopLengthTime

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5.5.37 Mix_GetMusicLoopLengthTime

double Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime(Mix_Music *music)


A pointer to current music stream

A part of loop points feature. Get the loop time length of music stream. It only works on some of music sources.

Returns: seconds value of current music loop length time or -1.0 if this feature is not supported for some codec

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime

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5.5.38 Mix_SetMusicTempo

int Mix_SetMusicTempo(Mix_Music *music, double tempo)


Music to change the tempo.


Tempo multiplier. Setting value into the 1.0 will reset the tempo into default.

Set the current tempo multiplier in the music stream.

Returns: 0 if successful, or -1 if failed or isn’t implemented.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTempo Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_SetMusicPositionStream Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.39 Mix_GetMusicTempo

double Mix_GetMusicTempo(Mix_Music *music)


Music to get the tempo.

Returns the current tempo multiplier of the music stream.

Returns: positive value if successful, or -1.0 if failed or isn’t implemented.

See Also:
Mix_SetMusicTempo Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_SetMusicPositionStream Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.40 Mix_GetMusicTracks

int Mix_GetMusicTracks(Mix_Music *music)


Music to get the number of tracks/channels.

Get the count of concurrently playing tracks at the song (MIDI, Tracker, Chiptune, etc.)

Returns: count of tracks/channels if successful, or -1 if failed or isn’t implemented.

See Also:
Mix_SetMusicTrackMute Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_SetMusicPositionStream Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.41 Mix_SetMusicTrackMute

int Mix_GetMusicTracks(Mix_Music *music, int track, int mute)


Music to get the number of tracks/channels.


Track/Channel number to mute


The mute state: 1 mute, 0 unmute

Mute one of playing tracks (or channels) at the song (MIDI, Tracker, Chiptune, etc.)

Returns: 0 if successful, or -1 if failed or isn’t implemented.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTracks Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos Mix_SetMusicPositionStream Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.42 Mix_SetMusicCMD

int Mix_SetMusicCMD(const char *command)


System command to play the music. Should be a complete command, as if typed in to the command line, but it should expect the filename to be added as the last argument.
NULL will turn off using an external command for music, returning to the internal music playing functionality.

Setup a command line music player to use to play music. Any music playing will be halted. The music file to play is set by calling Mix_LoadMUS(filename), and the filename is appended as the last argument on the commandline. This allows you to reuse the music command to play multiple files. The command will be sent signals SIGTERM to halt, SIGSTOP to pause, and SIGCONT to resume. The command program should react correctly to those signals for it to function properly with SDL_Mixer. Mix_VolumeMusic has no effect when using an external music player, and Mix_GetError will have an error code set. You should set the music volume in the music player’s command if the music player supports that. Looping music works, by calling the command again when the previous music player process has ended. Playing music through a command uses a forked process to execute the music command.
To use the internal music players set the command to NULL.
NOTE: External music is not mixed by SDL_mixer, so no post-processing hooks will be for music.
NOTE: Playing music through an external command may not work if the sound driver does not support multiple openings of the audio device, since SDL_Mixer already has the audio device open for playing samples through channels.
NOTE: Commands are not totally portable, so be careful.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on any errors, such as running out of memory.

// use mpg123 to play music
Mix_Music *music=NULL;
if(Mix_SetMusicCMD("mpg123 -q")==-1) {
} else {
    // play some mp3 file
    if(music) {

See Also:
Mix_PlayMusic, Mix_VolumeMusic

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5.5.43 Mix_GetSynchroValue

int Mix_GetSynchroValue()

Not supported by any players at this time.

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5.5.44 Mix_SetSynchroValue

int Mix_SetSynchroValue(int value)

Not supported by any players at this time.

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5.5.45 Mix_SetMusicFileName

void Mix_SetMusicFileName(Mix_Music *music, const char *file)


The music to change the reported filename.


The file name or file path.

Change the filename reported by the Mix_GetMusicTitle function in a case when the actual title tag is not specified in the file.

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5.5.46 Mix_VolumeMusic

int Mix_VolumeMusic(int volume)


Music volume, from 0 to MIX_MAX_VOLUME(128).
Values greater than MIX_MAX_VOLUME will use MIX_MAX_VOLUME.
-1 does not set the volume, but does return the current volume setting.

Set the volume to volume, if it is 0 or greater, and return the previous volume setting. Setting the volume during a fade will not work, the faders use this function to perform their effect! Setting volume while using an external music player set by Mix_SetMusicCMD will have no effect, and Mix_GetError will show the reason why not.

Returns: The previous volume setting.

// set the music volume to 1/2 maximum, and then check it
printf("volume was    : %d\n", Mix_VolumeMusic(MIX_MAX_VOLUME/2));
printf("volume is now : %d\n", Mix_VolumeMusic(-1));

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusic, Mix_FadeOutMusic, Mix_SetMusicCMD

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5.5.47 Mix_PauseMusic

void Mix_PauseMusic()

Pause the music playback. You may halt paused music.
Note: Music can only be paused if it is actively playing.

// pause music playback

See Also:
Mix_ResumeMusic, Mix_PausedMusic, Mix_HaltMusic

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5.5.48 Mix_ResumeMusic

void Mix_ResumeMusic()

Unpause the music. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music.

// resume music playback

See Also:
Mix_PauseMusic, Mix_PausedMusic

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5.5.49 Mix_RewindMusic

void Mix_RewindMusic()

Rewind the music to the start. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music. It is not useful to rewind the music immediately after starting playback, because it starts at the beginning by default.

This function only works for these streams: MOD, OGG, MP3, Native MIDI.

// rewind music playback to the start

See Also:

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5.5.50 Mix_SetMusicPosition

int Mix_SetMusicPosition(double position)


Position to play from.

Set the position of the currently playing music. The position takes different meanings for different music sources. It only works on the music sources listed below.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


ModPlug or XMP: Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.
Passing zero is similar to rewinding the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.


Works for libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI. Doesn’t works for Timidity, FluidSynth, and NativeMIDI. Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 if the codec doesn’t support this function.

// skip one minute into the song, from the start
if(Mix_SetMusicPosition(60.0)==-1) {
    printf("Mix_SetMusicPosition: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicPos Mix_GetMusicPosition Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.51 Mix_ModMusicJumpToOrder

int Mix_ModMusicJumpToOrder(int order)


A pattern number in the module.

Jump to a given order in mod music currently playing as a single-stream. Only for MOD music formats.

Returns: 0 if successful, or -1 if failed or isn’t implemented.

See Also:
Mix_FadeInMusicPos Mix_SetMusicPosition Mix_MusicDuration

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5.5.52 Mix_GetMidiPlayer

int Mix_GetMidiPlayer()

Tells currently using MIDI sequencer to play MIDI files.

Returns: The type of currently using MIDI device.

// print the type of music currently playing
        printf("ADLMIDI is active.\n");
        printf("Operating system native MIDI is active.\n");
        printf("Timidity is active.\n");
        printf("OPNMIDI is active.\n");
        printf("FluidSynth is active.\n");
        printf("Unknown MIDI device is using.\n");

See Also:

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5.5.53 Mix_GetNextMidiPlayer

int Mix_GetNextMidiPlayer()

Tells MIDI sequencer recently choosen by Mix_SetMidiPlayer which will be use in next open of MIDI file.

Returns: The type of currently using MIDI device.

// print the type of music currently playing
        printf("ADLMIDI is next.\n");
        printf("Operating system native MIDI is next.\n");
        printf("Timidity is next.\n");
        printf("OPNMIDI is next.\n");
        printf("FluidSynth is next.\n");
        printf("Unknown MIDI device is next.\n");

See Also:
Mix_GetMidiPlayer, Mix_SetMidiPlayer

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5.5.54 Mix_SetMidiPlayer

int Mix_SetMidiPlayer(int device)


A MIDI_* enum value which identifies MIDI sequencer you want to use

Allows to choose a MIDI sequencer to play MIDI files. NOTE: new choosen MIDI device begins to work on MIDI music file reopen

Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on any errors, such as MIDI sequencer is unknown or does not built with this library assembly.

//Set libOPNMIDI as MIDI playing sequencer

See Also:

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5.5.55 Mix_SetLockMIDIArgs

void Mix_SetLockMIDIArgs(int lock_midiargs)


0 to disable locking or 1 to enable locking of MIDI arguments passed through Mix_LoadMUS(filename) function

Allows to don’t reset MIDI arguments to default when is no arguments passed through Mix_LoadMUS(filename) function, or different arguments was passed.

//Turn on ignoring of MIDI arguments

See Also:

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5.5.56 Mix_HaltMusicStream

int Mix_HaltMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


Playing music to halt.

Halt playback of music. This interrupts music fader effects. Any callback set by Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished will be called when the music stops.

Note: Music will not be free automatically if you called the Mix_SetFreeOnStop function before.

Returns: always returns zero. (even more silly than Mix_HaltGroup)

// halt music playback

See Also:
Mix_FadeOutMusicStream, Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished, Mix_HookMusicStreamFinishedAny

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5.5.57 Mix_FadeOutMusicStream

int Mix_FadeOutMusicStream(Mix_Music *music, int ms)


Playing music to fade out.


Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.

Gradually fade out the music over ms milliseconds starting from now. The music will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only when music is playing and not fading already are set to fade out, including paused channels. Any callback set by Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished will be called when the music finishes fading out.

Note: Music will not be free automatically if you called the Mix_SetFreeOnStop function before and if you set the ms delay to be 0.

Returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

// fade out music to finish 3 seconds from now
while(!Mix_FadeOutMusicStream(music, 3000) && Mix_PlayingMusicStream(music)) {
    // wait for any fades to complete

See Also:
Mix_HaltMusicStream, Mix_FadingMusicStream, Mix_PlayingMusicStream, Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished, Mix_HookMusicStreamFinishedAny

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5.5.58 Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished

void Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished(Mix_Music *music, void (*music_finished)(SDLCALL *music_finished)(Mix_Music*, void*), void *user_data)


Music to set the hook.


Function pointer to a void function(Mix_Music *music, void *user_data).
NULL will remove the hook.


User data pointer used with the the music_finished callback

This sets up a function to be called when music playback is halted. Any time music stops, the music_finished function will be called. Call with NULL to remove the callback.
NOTE: NEVER call SDL_Mixer functions, nor SDL_LockAudio, from a callback function.

// make a music finished function
void musicFinished(Mix_Music *music, void *user_data)
    printf("Music stopped.\n");
// use musicFinished for when music stops
Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished(music, musicFinished);

See Also:
Mix_HaltMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream

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5.5.59 Mix_HookMusicStreamFinishedAny

void Mix_HookMusicStreamFinishedAny(void (*music_finished)())


Function pointer to a void function().
NULL will remove the hook.

This sets up a function to be called when any multi-stream music playback is halted. Any time music stops, the music_finished function will be called. Call with NULL to remove the callback.
NOTE: NEVER call SDL_Mixer functions, nor SDL_LockAudio, from a callback function.

// make a music finished function
void musicFinished()
    printf("Music stopped.\n");
// use musicFinished for when any music stops

See Also:
Mix_HaltMusicStream, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream

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5.5.60 Mix_HaltMusic

int Mix_HaltMusic()

Halt playback of music. This interrupts music fader effects. Any callback set by Mix_HookMusicFinished will be called when the music stops.

Returns: always returns zero. (even more silly than Mix_HaltGroup)

// halt music playback

See Also:
Mix_FadeOutMusic, Mix_HookMusicFinished

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5.5.61 Mix_FadeOutMusic

int Mix_FadeOutMusic(int ms)


Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.

Gradually fade out the music over ms milliseconds starting from now. The music will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only when music is playing and not fading already are set to fade out, including paused channels. Any callback set by Mix_HookMusicFinished will be called when the music finishes fading out.

Returns: 1 on success, 0 on failure.

// fade out music to finish 3 seconds from now
while(!Mix_FadeOutMusic(3000) && Mix_PlayingMusic()) {
    // wait for any fades to complete

See Also:
Mix_HaltMusic, Mix_FadingMusic, Mix_PlayingMusic, Mix_HookMusicFinished

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5.5.62 Mix_HookMusicFinished

void Mix_HookMusicFinished(void (*music_finished)())


Function pointer to a void function().
NULL will remove the hook.

This sets up a function to be called when single-stream music playback is halted. Any time music stops, the music_finished function will be called. Call with NULL to remove the callback.
NOTE: NEVER call SDL_Mixer functions, nor SDL_LockAudio, from a callback function.

// make a music finished function
void musicFinished()
    printf("Music stopped.\n");
// use musicFinished for when music stops

See Also:
Mix_HaltMusic, Mix_FadeOutMusic

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5.5.63 Mix_GetMusicType

Mix_MusicType Mix_GetMusicType(const Mix_Music *music)


The music to get the type of.
NULL will get the currently playing single-stream music type.

Tells you the file format encoding of the music. This may be handy when used with Mix_SetMusicPosition, and other music functions that vary based on the type of music being played. If you want to know the type of music currently being played, pass in NULL to music.

Returns: The type of music or if music is NULL then the currently playing music type, otherwise MUS_NONE if no music is playing.

// print the type of music currently playing
    case MUS_NONE:
        printf("Command based music is playing.\n");
        printf("WAVE/RIFF music is playing.\n");
        printf("MOD (XMP/ModPlug) music is playing.\n");
        printf("MIDI music is playing.\n");
        printf("OGG music is playing.\n");
        printf("MP3 music is playing.\n");
    MUS_OPUS: // [Mixer 2.0]
        printf("OPUS music is playing.\n");
    MUS_GME: // [Mixer X]
        printf("Game Music Emulators music is playing.\n");
    MUS_ADLMIDI: // [Mixer X]
        printf("IMF/CMF/XMI music is playing\n");
        printf("Unknown music is playing.\n");

See Also:
Mix_MusicType, Mix_SetPosition

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5.5.64 Mix_PlayingMusicStream

int Mix_PlayingMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


The music to get playing state.
NULL will get the currently playing music playing state.

Tells you if music is actively playing, or not.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been paused.

Returns: Zero if the music is not playing, or 1 if it is playing.

// check if music is playing
printf("music is%s playing.\n", Mix_PlayingMusicStream(music)?"":" not");

See Also:
Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_FadingMusicStream, Mix_PlayMusicStream

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5.5.65 Mix_PausedMusicStream

int Mix_PausedMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


The music to get paused state.
NULL will get the currently playing music paused state.

Tells you if music is paused, or not.
Note: Does not check if the music was been halted after it was paused, which may seem a little weird.

Returns: Zero if music is not paused. 1 if it is paused.

// check the music pause status
printf("music is%s paused\n", Mix_PausedMusicStream(music)?"":" not");

See Also:
Mix_PlayingMusicStream, Mix_PauseMusicStream, Mix_ResumeMusicStream

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5.5.66 Mix_FadingMusicStream

Mix_Fading Mix_FadingMusicStream(Mix_Music *music)


The music to get fading state.
NULL will get the currently playing music fading state.

Tells you if music is fading in, out, or not at all. Does not tell you if the channel is playing anything, or paused, so you’d need to test that separately.

Returns: the fading status. Never returns an error.

// check the music fade status
switch(Mix_FadingMusicStream(music)) {
    case MIX_NO_FADING:
        printf("Not fading music.\n");
    case MIX_FADING_OUT:
        printf("Fading out music.\n");
    case MIX_FADING_IN:
        printf("Fading in music.\n");

See Also:
Mix_Fading, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_PlayingMusicStream, Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos, Mix_FadeOutMusicStream

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5.5.67 Mix_GetMusicHookData

void *Mix_GetMusicHookData()

Get the arg passed into Mix_HookMusic.

Returns: the arg pointer.

// retrieve the music hook data pointer
void *data;

See Also:

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5.5.68 Mix_PlayingMusic

int Mix_PlayingMusic()

Tells you if any single-stream music is actively playing, or not.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been paused.

Returns: Zero if the any single-stream music is not playing, or 1 if it is playing.

// check if any single-stream music is playing
printf("music is%s playing.\n", Mix_PlayingMusic()?"":" not");

See Also:
Mix_PausedMusic, Mix_FadingMusic, Mix_PlayMusic

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5.5.69 Mix_PausedMusic

int Mix_PausedMusic()

Tells you if music is paused, or not.
Note: Does not check if the music was been halted after it was paused, which may seem a little weird.

Returns: Zero if music is not paused. 1 if it is paused.

// check the music pause status
printf("music is%s paused\n", Mix_PausedMusic()?"":" not");

See Also:
Mix_PlayingMusic, Mix_PauseMusic, Mix_ResumeMusic

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5.5.70 Mix_FadingMusic

Mix_Fading Mix_FadingMusic()

Tells you if music is fading in, out, or not at all. Does not tell you if the channel is playing anything, or paused, so you’d need to test that separately.

Returns: the fading status. Never returns an error.

// check the music fade status
switch(Mix_FadingMusic()) {
    case MIX_NO_FADING:
        printf("Not fading music.\n");
    case MIX_FADING_OUT:
        printf("Fading out music.\n");
    case MIX_FADING_IN:
        printf("Fading in music.\n");

See Also:
Mix_Fading, Mix_PausedMusic, Mix_PlayingMusic, Mix_FadeInMusicPos, Mix_FadeOutMusic

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5.5.71 Mix_GetMusicTitle

const char *Mix_GetMusicTitle(const Mix_Music *music)

Get music title from meta-tag if possible. If title tag is empty, filename will be returned unlike the Mix_GetMusicTitleTag() call.

Returns: the music title string pointer.

// retrieve the music title meta-tag
void *title;

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTitleTag, Mix_GetMusicArtistTag, Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag, Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag

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5.5.72 Mix_GetMusicTitleTag

const char *Mix_GetMusicTitleTag(const Mix_Music *music)

Get music title from meta-tag if possible. If title tag is empty, returns NULL

Returns: the music title string pointer or NULL.

// retrieve the music title meta-tag
void *title;

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTitle, Mix_GetMusicArtistTag, Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag, Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag

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5.5.73 Mix_GetMusicArtistTag

const char *Mix_GetMusicArtistTag(const Mix_Music *music)

Get music artist from meta-tag if possible. If artist tag is empty, returns NULL

Returns: the music artist string pointer or NULL.

// retrieve the music artist meta-tag
void *title;

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTitle, Mix_GetMusicTitleTag, Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag, Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag

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5.5.74 Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag

const char *Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag(const Mix_Music *music)

Get music album from meta-tag if possible. If album tag is empty, returns NULL

Returns: the music album string pointer or NULL.

// retrieve the music album meta-tag
void *title;

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTitle, Mix_GetMusicTitleTag, Mix_GetMusicArtistTag, Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag

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5.5.75 Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag

const char *Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag(const Mix_Music *music)

Get music copyright from meta-tag if possible. If copyright tag is empty, returns NULL

Returns: the music copyright string pointer or NULL.

// retrieve the music copyright meta-tag
void *title;

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicTitle, Mix_GetMusicTitleTag, Mix_GetMusicArtistTag, Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag

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5.5.76 Mix_SetTimidityCfg

int Mix_SetTimidityCfg(const char *path)


Timidity config file path.
Set the NULL to let Timidity use the default system paths by the internal logic.

The Timidity cfg file path which defines the set of patches used by the Timidity during playback.
Note: Takes no effect when no MIDI music files currently loaded by Timidity. To apply the config path change you should unload all MIDI music using Mix_FreeMusic() call and open them back again. Timidity doesn’t support individual different patch sets per song.

Returns: 0 if success, -1 on failure.

// change the timidity config path

See Also:
Mix_GetTimidityCfg, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_FadingMusicStream, Mix_PlayMusicStream

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5.5.77 Mix_GetTimidityCfg

const char *Mix_GetTimidityCfg()

Reports the full path to the current config file. NULL if no custom config paths was set.

Returns: The full Timidity config file path or NULL.

See Also:
Mix_SetTimidityCfg, Mix_PausedMusicStream, Mix_FadingMusicStream, Mix_PlayMusicStream

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5.5.78 Mix_SetSoundFonts

int Mix_SetSoundFonts(const char *paths)


Semicolon separated paths to sound font files.
NULL to use default sound font paths from environment.

Set the paths list to sound font files will be used by FluidSynth MIDI backend.

Returns: 1 if path successfully set, or 0 if error has occouped.

if(Mix_SetSoundFonts("./myfonts/melodic.sf2;myfonts/drups.sf2")==0) {
    printf("Mix_SetSoundFonts: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // this might be a critical error...

See Also:
Mix_GetSoundFonts, Mix_EachSoundFont, Mix_EachSoundFontEx

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5.5.79 Mix_GetSoundFonts

const char *Mix_GetSoundFonts()


Semicolon separated paths to sound font files.
NULL to use default sound font paths from environment.

Get the current set of paths list to sound font files will be used by FluidSynth MIDI backend. If there are wasn’t set by Mix_SetSoundFonts function, there are will be tooken from SDL_SOUNDFONTS or SDL_FORCE_SOUNDFONTS environment variables.

Returns: Semicolon-separated sound font paths.

//Print list of available sound fonts
char *context, *path = NULL;
char *fonts = Mix_GetSoundFonts();
printf("Available sound fonts:\n");
for(path = strtok_r(fonts, ";", &context); path; path = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &context)) {
    printf(" - %s\n", path);

See Also:
Mix_SetSoundFonts, Mix_EachSoundFont, Mix_EachSoundFontEx

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5.5.80 Mix_EachSoundFont

const char *Mix_EachSoundFont(int (*function)(const char *, void *), void *data)


The callback function will be called for each sound font listed in the paths. Has arguments path and data.


User data passed to the callback

Iterate the current set of paths list to sound font files will be used by FluidSynth MIDI backend. If there are wasn’t set by Mix_SetSoundFonts function, there are will be tooken from SDL_SOUNDFONTS or SDL_FORCE_SOUNDFONTS environment variables.

Returns: 1 if function successfully completed, or 0 if error has occouped.

int print_sound_font(const char *path, void *data) {
    printf(" - %s\n", path);
    return 1;


//Print list of available sound fonts
char *fonts = Mix_GetSoundFonts();
printf("Available sound fonts:\n");
for(!Mix_EachSoundFont(print_sound_font, NULL)) {
    printf(" - %s\n", path);

See Also:
Mix_SetSoundFonts, Mix_GetSoundFonts, Mix_EachSoundFontEx

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5.5.81 Mix_EachSoundFontEx

const char *Mix_EachSoundFontEx(const char* cpaths, int (*function)(const char *, void *), void *data)


The semicolon-separated list of custom SoundFont file paths


The callback function will be called for each sound font listed in the paths. Has arguments path and data.


User data passed to the callback

Iterate the current set of internal paths list to sound font files will be used by FluidSynth MIDI backend, and additionally, iterate through the custom paths list given by the cpaths argument. If there are wasn’t set by Mix_SetSoundFonts function, there are will be tooken from SDL_SOUNDFONTS or SDL_FORCE_SOUNDFONTS environment variables.

Returns: 1 if function successfully completed, or 0 if error has occouped.

int print_sound_font(const char *path, void *data) {
    printf(" - %s\n", path);
    return 1;


//Print list of available sound fonts
char *fonts = Mix_GetSoundFonts();
char *other_fonts = "/path/to/font1.sf2:/path/to/font2.sf2:/path/to/fontN.sf2";
printf("Available sound fonts:\n");
for(!Mix_EachSoundFontEx(other_fonts, print_sound_font, NULL)) {
    printf(" - %s\n", path);

See Also:
Mix_SetSoundFonts, Mix_GetSoundFonts, Mix_EachSoundFont

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5.5.82 Mix_ADLMIDI_getTotalBanks

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getTotalBanks()

Returns: Total count of embedded ADLMIDI banks.

Get total count of available embedded banks.

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5.5.83 Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankNames

const char *const * Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankNames()

Returns: array of strings are names of embedded ADLMIDI banks.

Get array of embedded bank titles.

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5.5.84 Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankID

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankID()

Returns: currently using ID of embedded ADLMIDI bank.

Get currently using ID of embedded ADLMIDI bank.

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5.5.85 Mix_ADLMIDI_setBankID

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setBankID(int bnk)


Embedded ADLMIDI bank ID

Change current embedded ADLMIDI bank. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.86 Mix_ADLMIDI_getTremolo

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getTremolo()

Returns: 0 if Deep Tremolo is inactive, or 1 if Deep Tremolo is activated.

Get current state of "Deep Tremolo" OPL3 flag in ADLMIDI.

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5.5.87 Mix_ADLMIDI_setTremolo

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setTremolo(int tr)


State of Deep Tremolo flag: 0 if Deep Tremolo is inactive, or 1 if Deep Tremolo is activated

Set state of "Deep Tremolo" OPL3 flag. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.88 Mix_ADLMIDI_getVibrato

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getVibrato()

Returns: 0 if Deep Vibrato is inactive, or 1 if Deep Vibrato is activated.

Get current state of "Deep Vibrato" OPL3 flag in ADLMIDI.

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5.5.89 Mix_ADLMIDI_setVibrato

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setVibrato(int vib)


State of Deep Vibrato flag: 0 if Deep Vibrato is inactive, or 1 if Deep Vibrato is activated

Set state of "Deep Vibrato" OPL3 flag. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.90 Mix_ADLMIDI_getScaleMod

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getScaleMod()

Returns: 0 if Scalable Modulation is inactive, or 1 if Scalable Modulation is activated.

Get current state of "Scalable modulation mode" flag

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5.5.91 Mix_ADLMIDI_setScaleMod

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setScaleMod(int sc)


State of Scalable Modulation flag: 0 if Scalable Modulation is inactive, or 1 if Scalable Modulation is activated

Turn on/off scalable modulation mode flag. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.92 Mix_ADLMIDI_getVolumeModel

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getVolumeModel()

Returns: value of Mix_ADLMIDI_VolumeModel enum which a current volume model.

Get ID of current volumes model of ADLMIDI

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5.5.93 Mix_ADLMIDI_setVolumeModel

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setVolumeModel(int vm)


Value of Mix_ADLMIDI_VolumeModel enum.

Change current volume model. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.94 Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness()

Returns: 0 when full-ranged CC74 is disabled, or 1 when full-ranged mode of CC74 is enabled

Get full range mode for CC74-Brightness controller

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5.5.95 Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness(int frb)


0 to disable full-ranged CC74, or 1 to enable full-ranged mode of CC74

Set full range mode for CC74-Brightness controller NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.96 Mix_ADLMIDI_getAutoArpeggio

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getAutoArpeggio()

Returns: 0 when automatic arpeggio disabled, or 1 when automatic arpeggio is enabled

Get the automatic apreggion enable/disable setting state

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5.5.97 Mix_ADLMIDI_setAutoArpeggio

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setAutoArpeggio(int aa_en)


0 to disable the automatic arpeggio, or 1 to enable automatic arpeggio

Set the automatic apreggion enable/disable setting state NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.98 Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullPanStereo

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullPanStereo()

Returns: 0 when full panning stereo is disabled, or 1 when full panning stereo is enabled

Get full panning stereo mode

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5.5.99 Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullPanStereo

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullPanStereo(int fp)


0 to disable full panning stereo, or 1 to enable full panning stereo

Set full panning stereo mode NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.100 Mix_ADLMIDI_getEmulator

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getEmulator()

Returns: value of Mix_ADLMIDI_Emulator enum which a current OPL3 emulator.

Get ID of current OPL3 emulator of ADLMIDI

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5.5.101 Mix_ADLMIDI_setEmulator

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setVolumeModel(int emu)


Value of Mix_ADLMIDI_Emulator enum.

Select the default OPL3 Emulator for ADLMIDI used for every new MIDI file opened.
Note: Using path arguments may override this setting.

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5.5.102 Mix_ADLMIDI_getChipsCount

int Mix_ADLMIDI_getChipsCount()

Returns: initial number of emulated chips running by ADLMIDI.

Get the number of emulated chips used by ADLMIDI for every new MIDI file opened.

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5.5.103 Mix_ADLMIDI_setChipsCount

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setChipsCount(int chips)


Number of emulated chips.

Get the number of emulated chips used by ADLMIDI for every new MIDI file opened.
Note: Using path arguments may override this setting.

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5.5.104 Mix_ADLMIDI_setSetDefaults

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setSetDefaults()

Resets all settings of ADLMIDI into default state. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.105 Mix_ADLMIDI_setCustomBankFile

void Mix_ADLMIDI_setCustomBankFile(const char *bank_wonl_path)


Path to custom WOPL bank or NULL to use embedded banks.

Sets path to custom WOPL bank file. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

//Set custom ADLMIDI bank

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5.5.106 Mix_OPNMIDI_getVolumeModel

int Mix_OPNMIDI_getVolumeModel()

Returns: value of Mix_OPNMIDI_VolumeModel enum which a current volume model.

Get ID of current volumes model of OPNMIDI

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5.5.107 Mix_OPNMIDI_setVolumeModel

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setVolumeModel(int vm)


Value of Mix_OPNMIDI_VolumeModel enum.

Change current volume model. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.108 Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness

int Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness()

Returns: 0 when full-ranged CC74 is disabled, or 1 when full-ranged mode of CC74 is enabled

Get full range mode for CC74-Brightness controller

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5.5.109 Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness(int frb)


0 to disable full-ranged CC74, or 1 to enable full-ranged mode of CC74

Set full range mode for CC74-Brightness controller NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.110 Mix_OPNMIDI_getAutoArpeggio

int Mix_OPNMIDI_getAutoArpeggio()

Returns: 0 when automatic arpeggio disabled, or 1 when automatic arpeggio is enabled

Get the automatic apreggion enable/disable setting state

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5.5.111 Mix_OPNMIDI_setAutoArpeggio

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setAutoArpeggio(int aa_en)


0 to disable the automatic arpeggio, or 1 to enable automatic arpeggio

Set the automatic apreggion enable/disable setting state NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.112 Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullPanStereo

int Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullPanStereo()

Returns: 0 when full panning stereo is disabled, or 1 when full panning stereo is enabled

Get full panning stereo mode

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5.5.113 Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullPanStereo

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullPanStereo(int fp)


0 to disable full panning stereo, or 1 to enable full panning stereo

Set full panning stereo mode NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.114 Mix_OPNMIDI_getEmulator

int Mix_OPNMIDI_getEmulator()

Returns: value of Mix_OPNMIDI_Emulator enum which a current OPN2 emulator.

Get ID of current OPN2 emulator of OPNMIDI

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5.5.115 Mix_OPNMIDI_setEmulator

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setVolumeModel(int emu)


Value of Mix_OPNMIDI_Emulator enum.

Select the OPN2 Emulator for OPNMIDI NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.116 Mix_OPNMIDI_getChipsCount

int Mix_OPNMIDI_getChipsCount()

Returns: initial number of emulated chips running by OPNMIDI.

Get the number of emulated chips used by OPNMIDI for every new MIDI file opened.

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5.5.117 Mix_OPNMIDI_setChipsCount

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setChipsCount(int chips)


Number of emulated chips.

Get the number of emulated chips used by OPNMIDI for every new MIDI file opened.
Note: Using path arguments may override this setting.

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5.5.118 Mix_OPNMIDI_setSetDefaults

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setSetDefaults()

Resets all settings of OPNMIDI into default state. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

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5.5.119 Mix_OPNMIDI_setCustomBankFile

void Mix_OPNMIDI_setCustomBankFile(const char *bank_wonp_path)


Path to custom WOPN bank or NULL to use default bank.

Sets path to custom WOPN bank file. NOTE: Applies on MIDI file reopen

//Set custom OPNMIDI bank

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5.5.120 Music Arguments

Also known as a Path arguments. This is a special formatted string that can be concoctated with the music file path using the | separator, or being passed as a dedicated argument. There are individual music properties given to it during the load time. Using these arguments you can choose the track to play (suitable for files that contains multiple songs inside the same file), or select the MIDI synthesizer or its porperties and a banks or SoundFont paths, etc.

Depending on the music format and the codec library there are different arguments supported

Game music emulators

The first argument - an integer from 0 to n - a number of the track from multi-track file formats like NSF, NSFE, HES, GBS, etc.

Example 1 of the music path with music arguments given:


Example 2 of the music path with music arguments given:


Example music arguments strings to be sent as a dedicated argument:


All arguments after the first integer are optional. The leading integer is required, even it’s a single-track file. The last argument must be closed with semicolon.


Initial tempo factor (1.0 is the default value, accepting positive floating-point number values, for example, t=1.75;), increase or decrease the initial tempo of the song.


Gain factor (1.0 is the default value, accepting positive floating-point number values, for example, g=1.75;), increase or decrease the volume level of the song. Use it to increase the volume of too silent songs, or decrease the volume of too loud songs.


Accepts a list of letter-marked integer arguments separated by semicolons.

Example 1 of the music path with music arguments given:


Example 2 of the music path with music arguments given:


Example music arguments strings to be sent as a dedicated argument:


All arguments are optional. The last argument must be closed with semicolon.


Synthesizer type:
0 - ADLMIDI, emulated OPL3 (YMF262) synthesizer with loop tags and System Exclusive Messages support. Working by Default. (Recorded examples to listen to are presented here). OPL3 chip was widely used on PC sound cards in 80/90’th years.
1 - Timidity, requires the set of patches to be properly installed (can be customized with Mix_SetTimidityCfg function).
2 - Native MIDI, uses the default operating system MIDI interface.
3 - OPNMIDI, emulated OPN2 (YM2612) synthesizer with loop tags and System Exclusive Messages support. OPN2 chip is used on the Sega MegaDrive / Genesis game console.
4 - FluidSynth, the WaveTable MIDI synthesizer with SoundFont banks support, has the support for loop tags support.


General flags:

ADLMIDI, OPNMIDI, and FluidSynth
Initial tempo factor (1.0 is the default value, accepting positive floating-point number values, for example, t=1.75;), increase or decrease the initial tempo of the song. Don’t confuse with t0 and t1 which is a different setting.



ADLMIDI, OPNMIDI, and FluidSynth
Gain factor (2.0 is the default value, accepting positive floating-point number values, for example, g=1.75;), increase or decrease the volume level of the song. Use it to increase the volume of too silent songs, or decrease the volume of too loud songs.



Set bank ID (look for available banks list into PGE MusPlay application to preview them). Default is 58.



Deep tremolo (1 or 0, or -1 an auto-mode), increase the amplitude of tremolo effect for instruments that are using tremolo OPL flag. Default -1. Don’t confuse with t= which is a different setting.



Deep vibrato (1 or 0, or -1 an auto-mode), increase the amplitude of vibrato effect for instruments that are using vibrato OPL flag. Default -1.



Enables scalable modulation (1 or 0), Allows dynamic scaling of the modulator result with volume. Default 0.



Count of chip emulators are allowing to excite limit of voice channels. Default 4 for ADLMIDI and 8 for OPNMIDI. Allowed value from 1 to 100.



Count of four-operator channels between all chip emulators (6 channels maximum per every chip. For example, you have used 2 chips, you can have 12 four-op channels maximum).



Enable or disable the automatic arpeggio (1 or 0). Default 1.



Volume scaling model code (0 - auto, 1 - Generic, - 2 OPL3-Native, 3 - DMX, 4 - Apogee, - 5 - Win9X-like) - an algorithm to scale a volume level, affects music expressionism.



Use full-ranged CC74 Brightness MIDI controller (1 or 0). Default 0.



Enable full-panning stereo support (1 or 0). Default 1.



Choose OPL3 emulator: 0 - Nuked OPL3 (Very accurate, may lag on older CPUs), 1 - Nuked OPL3 1.7.4 that was optimized by Troosh, and 2 - DosBox 0.74 (Well-accurate, fastest).



Choose OPN2 emulator: 0 - Mame YM2612 (Well-accurate, fast), 1 - Nuked OPN2 (Very accurate, requires VERY powerful CPU. Suggested to use up to 2 chips max with it), 2 - GENS 2.10 (Very outdated, inaccurate, but fastest)



Load custom bank file by absolute path (WOPN bank for OPNMIDI or WOPL for ADLMIDI). Accepting strings without quotes.



Enable or disable the reverb effect: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.



Reverb room size value (0.0-1.0).



Reverb damping value (0.0-1.0).



Reverb width value (0.0-100.0).



Reverb level value (0.0-1.0).



Enable or disable the chorus effect: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled.



Chorus voice count (0-99, CPU time consumption proportional to this value).



Chorus level (0.0-10.0).



Chorus speed in Hz (0.1-5.0).



Chorus depth (max value depends on synth sample-rate, 0.0-21.0 is safe for sample-rate values up to 96KHz).



Chorus waveform type: 0 - Sine, 1 - Triangle.



Define the allowed polyphony (8-512).



Load custom SoundFont files by absolute path. Accepting strings without quotes, for example, x=/path/to/bank/file.sf2;. You can specify multiple SoundFont files by using an ampersand separator: x=/p/file1.sf2&/p/file2.sf2&/p/filen.sf2;



See Also:
Mix_LoadMUS, Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG, Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG

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5.6 Effects

These functions are for special effects processing. Not all effects are all that special. All effects are post processing routines that are either built-in to SDL_mixer or created by you. Effects can be applied to individual channels, or to the final mixed stream which contains all the channels including music.

The built-in processors: Mix_SetPanning, Mix_SetPosition, Mix_SetDistance, and
, all look for an environment variable, MIX_EFFECTSMAXSPEED to be defined. If the environment variable is defined these processors may use more memory or reduce the quality of the effects, all for better speed.

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5.6.1 Mix_RegisterEffect

int Mix_RegisterEffect(int chan, Mix_EffectFunc_t f, Mix_EffectDone_t d,
                       void *arg)

channel number to register f and d on.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.


The function pointer for the effects processor.


The function pointer for any cleanup routine to be called when the channel is done playing a sample.
This may be NULL for any processors that don’t need to clean up any memory or other dynamic data.


A pointer to data to pass into the f’s and d’s udata parameter. It is a good place to keep the state data for the processor, especially if the processor is made to handle multiple channels at the same time.
This may be NULL, depending on the processor.

Hook a processor function f into a channel for post processing effects. You may just be reading the data and displaying it, or you may be altering the stream to add an echo. Most processors also have state data that they allocate as they are in use, this would be stored in the arg pointer data space. When a processor is finished being used, any function passed into d will be called, which is when your processor should clean up the data in the arg data space.
The effects are put into a linked list, and always appended to the end, meaning they always work on previously registered effects output. Effects may be added multiple times in a row. Effects are cumulative this way.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as a nonexisting channel.

// make a passthru processor function that does nothing...
void noEffect(int chan, void *stream, int len, void *udata)
    // you could work with stream here...
// register noEffect as a postmix processor
if(!Mix_RegisterEffect(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, noEffect, NULL, NULL)) {
    printf("Mix_RegisterEffect: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_UnregisterEffect, Mix_UnregisterAllEffects

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5.6.2 Mix_UnregisterEffect

int Mix_UnregisterEffect(int channel, Mix_EffectFunc_t f)


Channel number to remove f from as a post processor.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST for the postmix stream.


The function to remove from channel.

Remove the oldest (first found) registered effect function f from the effect list for channel. This only removes the first found occurance of that function, so it may need to be called multiple times if you added the same function multiple times, just stop removing when Mix_UnregisterEffect returns an error, to remove all occurances of f from a channel.
If the channel is active the registered effect will have its Mix_EffectDone_t function called, if it was specified in Mix_RegisterEffect.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as invalid channel, or effect function not registered on channel.

// unregister the noEffect from the postmix effects
// this removes all occurances of noEffect registered to the postmix
while(Mix_UnregisterEffect(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, noEffect));
// you may print Mix_GetError() if you want to check it.
// it should say "No such effect registered" after this loop.

See Also:
Mix_UnregisterAllEffects, Mix_RegisterEffect

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5.6.3 Mix_UnregisterAllEffects

int Mix_UnregisterAllEffects(int channel)


Channel to remove all effects from.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST for the postmix stream.

This removes all effects registered to channel. If the channel is active all the registered effects will have their Mix_EffectDone_t functions called, if they were specified in Mix_RegisterEffect.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as channel not existing.

// remove all effects from channel 0
if(!Mix_UnregisterAllEffects(0)) {
    printf("Mix_UnregisterAllEffects: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_UnregisterEffect, Mix_RegisterEffect

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5.6.4 Mix_RegisterMusicEffect

int Mix_RegisterMusicEffect(Mix_Music *music, Mix_MusicEffectFunc_t f,
                                Mix_MusicEffectDone_t d, void *arg)

music to register f and d on.


The function pointer for the music effects processor.


The function pointer for any cleanup routine to be called when the music is getting closed up.
This may be NULL for any processors that don’t need to clean up any memory or other dynamic data.


A pointer to data to pass into the f’s and d’s udata parameter. It is a good place to keep the state data for the processor, especially if the processor is made to handle multiple channels at the same time.
This may be NULL, depending on the processor.

Hook a processor function f into a music for post processing effects. You may just be reading the data and displaying it, or you may be altering the stream to add an echo. Most processors also have state data that they allocate as they are in use, this would be stored in the arg pointer data space. When a processor is finished being used, any function passed into d will be called, which is when your processor should clean up the data in the arg data space.
The effects are put into a linked list, and always appended to the end, meaning they always work on previously registered effects output. Effects may be added multiple times in a row. Effects are cumulative this way.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as a nonexisting music.

// make a passthru processor function that does nothing...
void noEffect(Mix_Music *music, void *stream, int len, void *udata)
    // you could work with stream here...

// Mix_Music *someMusic = Mix_LoadMUS("somemusic.ogg");
// register noEffect as a someMusic processor
if(!Mix_RegisterMusicEffect(someMusic, noEffect, NULL, NULL)) {
    printf("Mix_RegisterMusicEffect: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect, Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects

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5.6.5 Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect

int Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect(Mix_Music music, Mix_MusicEffectFunc_t f)


Music to remove f from as a post processor.


The function to remove from music.

Remove the oldest (first found) registered effect function f from the effect list for channel. This only removes the first found occurance of that function, so it may need to be called multiple times if you added the same function multiple times, just stop removing when Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect returns an error, to remove all occurances of f from a channel.
If the music is active the registered effect will have its Mix_MusicEffectDone_t function called, if it was specified in Mix_RegisterMusicEffect.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as invalid music, or effect function not registered on music.

// unregister the noEffect from the someMusic effects
// this removes all occurances of noEffect registered to the postmix
while(Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect(someMusic, noEffect));
// you may print Mix_GetError() if you want to check it.
// it should say "No such effect registered" after this loop.

See Also:
Mix_RegisterMusicEffect, Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects

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5.6.6 Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects

int Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects(Mix_Music *music)


Music to remove all effects from.

This removes all effects registered to music. If the music is active all the registered effects will have their Mix_MusicEffectDone_t functions called, if they were specified in Mix_RegisterMusicEffect.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as music not existing.

// remove all effects from someMusic
if(!Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects(someMusic)) {
    printf("Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects: %s\n", Mix_GetError());

See Also:
Mix_RegisterMusicEffect, Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect

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5.6.7 Mix_SetPostMix

void Mix_SetPostMix(void (*mix_func)(void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len),
                    void *arg)

The function pointer for the postmix processor.
NULL unregisters the current postmixer.


A pointer to data to pass into the mix_func’s udata parameter. It is a good place to keep the state data for the processor, especially if the processor is made to handle multiple channels at the same time.
This may be NULL, depending on the processor.

Hook a processor function mix_func to the postmix stream for post processing effects. You may just be reading the data and displaying it, or you may be altering the stream to add an echo. Most processors also have state data that they allocate as they are in use, this would be stored in the arg pointer data space. This processor is never really finished, until the audio device is closed, or you pass NULL as the mix_func.
There can only be one postmix function used at a time through this method. Use Mix_RegisterEffect(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, mix_func, NULL, arg) to use multiple postmix processors.
This postmix processor is run AFTER all the registered postmixers set up by Mix_RegisterEffect.

// make a passthru processor function that does nothing...
void noEffect(void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
    // you could work with stream here...
// register noEffect as a postmix processor
Mix_SetPostMix(noEffect, NULL);

See Also:

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5.6.8 Mix_SetPanning

int Mix_SetPanning(int channel, Uint8 left, Uint8 right)


Channel number to register this effect on.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.


Volume for the left channel, range is 0(silence) to 255(loud)


Volume for the left channel, range is 0(silence) to 255(loud)

This effect will only work on stereo audio. Meaning you called Mix_OpenAudio with 2 channels (MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS). The easiest way to do true panning is to call Mix_SetPanning(channel, left, 254 - left); so that the total volume is correct, if you consider the maximum volume to be 127 per channel for center, or 254 max for left, this works, but about halves the effective volume.
This Function registers the effect for you, so don’t try to Mix_RegisterEffect it yourself.
NOTE: Setting both left and right to 255 will unregister the effect from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllEffects on the channel.
NOTE: Using this function on a mono audio device will not register the effect, nor will it return an error status.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as bad channel, or if Mix_RegisterEffect failed.

// pan channel 1 halfway to the left
if(!Mix_SetPanning(1, 255, 127)) {
    printf("Mix_SetPanning: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no panning, is it ok?

See Also:
Mix_SetPosition, Mix_UnregisterAllEffects

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5.6.9 Mix_SetDistance

int Mix_SetDistance(int channel, Uint8 distance)


Channel number to register this effect on.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.


Specify the distance from the listener, from 0(close/loud) to 255(far/quiet).

This effect simulates a simple attenuation of volume due to distance. The volume never quite reaches silence, even at max distance.
NOTE: Using a distance of 0 will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllEffects on the channel.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as an invalid channel, or if Mix_RegisterEffect failed.

// distance channel 1 to be farthest away
if(!Mix_SetDistance(1, 255)) {
    printf("Mix_SetDistance: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no distance, is it ok?

See Also:
Mix_SetPosition, Mix_UnregisterAllEffects

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5.6.10 Mix_SetPosition

int Mix_SetPosition(int channel, Sint16 angle, Uint8 distance)


Channel number to register this effect on.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.


Direction in relation to forward from 0 to 360 degrees. Larger angles will be reduced to this range using angles % 360.
0 = directly in front.
90 = directly to the right.
180 = directly behind.
270 = directly to the left.
So you can see it goes clockwise starting at directly in front.
This ends up being similar in effect to Mix_SetPanning.


The distance from the listener, from 0(near/loud) to 255(far/quiet).
This is the same as the Mix_SetDistance effect.

This effect emulates a simple 3D audio effect. It’s not all that realistic, but it can help improve some level of realism. By giving it the angle and distance from the camera’s point of view, the effect pans and attenuates volumes. If you are looking for better positional audio, using OpenAL is suggested.
NOTE: Using angle and distance of 0, will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllEffects on the channel.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as an invalid channel, or if Mix_RegisterEffect failed.

// set channel 2 to be behind and right, and 100 units away
if(!Mix_SetPosition(2, 135, 100)) {
    printf("Mix_SetPosition: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no position effect, is it ok?

See Also:
Mix_SetPanning, Mix_SetDistance, Mix_UnregisterAllEffects

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5.6.11 Mix_SetReverseStereo

int Mix_SetReverseStereo(int channel, int flip)


Channel number to register this effect on.
Use MIX_CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.


Must be non-zero to work, means nothing to the effect processor itself.
set to zero to unregister the effect from channel.

Simple reverse stereo, swaps left and right channel sound.
NOTE: Using a flip of 0, will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllEffects on the channel.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as an invalid channel, or if Mix_RegisterEffect failed.

// set the total mixer output to be reverse stereo
if(!Mix_SetReverseStereo(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, 1)) {
    printf("Mix_SetReverseStereo: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no reverse stereo, is it ok?

See Also:

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5.6.12 Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning

int Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning(Mix_Music *music, Uint8 left, Uint8 right)


Music to register this effect on.


Volume for the left channel, range is 0(silence) to 255(loud)


Volume for the left channel, range is 0(silence) to 255(loud)

This effect will only work on stereo audio. Meaning you called Mix_OpenAudio with 2 channels (MIX_DEFAULT_CHANNELS). The easiest way to do true panning is to call Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning(music, left, 254 - left); so that the total volume is correct, if you consider the maximum volume to be 127 per channel for center, or 254 max for left, this works, but about halves the effective volume.
This Function registers the effect for you, so don’t try to Mix_RegisterMusicEffect it yourself.
NOTE: Setting both left and right to 255 will unregister the effect from music. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects on the music.
NOTE: Using this function on a mono audio device will not register the effect, nor will it return an error status.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as bad music, or if Mix_RegisterMusicEffect failed.

// pan someMusic halfway to the left
if(!Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning(someMusic, 255, 127)) {
    printf("Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no panning, is it ok?

See Also:
Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition, Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects

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5.6.13 Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance

int Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance(Mix_Music *music, Uint8 distance)


Music to register this effect on.


Specify the distance from the listener, from 0(close/loud) to 255(far/quiet).

This effect simulates a simple attenuation of volume due to distance. The volume never quite reaches silence, even at max distance.
NOTE: Using a distance of 0 will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects on the music.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as an invalid music, or if Mix_RegisterMusicEffect failed.

// distance someMusic to be farthest away
if(!Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance(someMusic, 255)) {
    printf("Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no distance, is it ok?

See Also:
Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition, Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects

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5.6.14 Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition

int Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition(Mix_Music *music, Sint16 angle, Uint8 distance)


Music to register this effect on.


Direction in relation to forward from 0 to 360 degrees. Larger angles will be reduced to this range using angles % 360.
0 = directly in front.
90 = directly to the right.
180 = directly behind.
270 = directly to the left.
So you can see it goes clockwise starting at directly in front.
This ends up being similar in effect to Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning.


The distance from the listener, from 0(near/loud) to 255(far/quiet).
This is the same as the Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance effect.

This effect emulates a simple 3D audio effect. It’s not all that realistic, but it can help improve some level of realism. By giving it the angle and distance from the camera’s point of view, the effect pans and attenuates volumes. If you are looking for better positional audio, using OpenAL is suggested.
NOTE: Using angle and distance of 0, will cause the effect to unregister itself from music. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects on the music.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as an invalid music, or if Mix_RegisterMusicEffect failed.

// set someMusic to be behind and right, and 100 units away
if(!Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition(someMusic, 135, 100)) {
    printf("Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no position effect, is it ok?

See Also:
Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning, Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance, Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects

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5.6.15 Mix_SetMusicEffectReverseStereo

int Mix_SetMusicEffectReverseStereo(Mix_Music *music, int flip)


Music to register this effect on.


Must be non-zero to work, means nothing to the effect processor itself.
set to zero to unregister the effect from music.

Simple reverse stereo, swaps left and right channel sound.
NOTE: Using a flip of 0, will cause the effect to unregister itself from music. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects on the music.

Returns: Zero on errors, such as an invalid music, or if Mix_RegisterMusicEffect failed.

// set the someMusic to be reverse stereo
if(!Mix_SetMusicEffectReverseStereo(someMusic, 1)) {
    printf("Mix_SetMusicEffectReverseStereo: %s\n", Mix_GetError());
    // no reverse stereo, is it ok?

See Also:

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6. Types

These types are defined and used by the SDL_mixer API.

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6.1 Mix_Chunk

typedef struct Mix_Chunk {
    int allocated;
    Uint8 *abuf;
    Uint32 alen;
    Uint8 volume;     /* Per-sample volume, 0-128 */
} Mix_Chunk;

a boolean indicating whether to free abuf when the chunk is freed.
0 if the memory was not allocated and thus not owned by this chunk.
1 if the memory was allocated and is thus owned by this chunk.


Pointer to the sample data, which is in the output format and sample rate.


Length of abuf in bytes.


0 = silent, 128 = max volume. This takes effect when mixing.

The internal format for an audio chunk. This stores the sample data, the length in bytes of that data, and the volume to use when mixing the sample.

See Also:
Mix_VolumeChunk, Mix_GetChunk, Mix_LoadWAV, Mix_LoadWAV_RW, Mix_FreeChunk, Mix_Music

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6.2 Mix_Music

typedef struct _Mix_Music Mix_Music;

This is an opaque data type used for Music data. This should always be used as a pointer. Who knows why it isn’t a pointer in this typedef...

See Also:
Mix_LoadMUS, Mix_FreeMusic, Mix_Chunk

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6.3 Mix_MusicType

typedef enum {
    /* MixerX specific codecs starts with 100 */
    MUS_GME = 100,
    /* Special cases to play formats IMF, MUS, or XMI are can't be played without specific MIDI libraries */
    MUS_ADLMIDI = 200,
} Mix_MusicType;

Return values from Mix_GetMusicType are of these enumerated values.
If no music is playing then MUS_NONE is returned.
If music is playing via an external command then MUS_CMD is returned.
If music is playing via an Game Music Emulators then MUS_GME is returned.
MUS_SPC is legacy value added as single SPC playing support before GME was added. Use MUS_GME instead.
MUS_KnownCodecs is a count of known music codecs. Used internally.
Otherwise they are self explanatory.

See Also:

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6.4 Mix_MIDI_Device

typedef enum {
    MIDI_KnownDevices   /* Count of MIDI device types */
} Mix_MIDI_Device;

MIDI_KnownDevices is a count of known MIDI sequencers. Used internally.
Otherwise they are self explanatory.

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6.5 Mix_ADLMIDI_VolumeModel

typedef enum {
} Mix_ADLMIDI_VolumeModel;

ADLMIDI_VM_AUTO is automatical choice of volume model in dependence from selected bank.
Otherwise they are self explanatory.

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6.6 Mix_ADLMIDI_Emulator

typedef enum {
} Mix_ADLMIDI_Emulator;

ADLMIDI_OPL3_EMU_NUKED is a Nuked OPL3 1.8 emulator which a very accurate, but needs a powerful CPU.
ADLMIDI_OPL3_EMU_NUKED_1_7_4 is an unofficial optimized Nuked OPL3 1.7.4. Needs a powerful CPU.
ADLMIDI_OPL3_EMU_DOSBOX is a DosBox 0.74 emulator. Fast emulator.
ADLMIDI_OPL3_EMU_OPAL is a Opal emulator made by developers of the Reality Adlib Tracker. Doesn’t implements rhythm mode.
ADLMIDI_OPL3_EMU_JAVA is a C++ port of the "That Vintage Tone" Java-written emulator by Robson Cozendey.

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6.7 Mix_OPNMIDI_VolumeModel

typedef enum {
} Mix_OPNMIDI_VolumeModel;

OPNMIDI_VM_AUTO is automatical choice of volume model in dependence from selected bank.
Otherwise they are self explanatory.

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6.8 Mix_OPNMIDI_Emulator

typedef enum {
    OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_GX, /* Caution: THIS emulator is inavailable by default */
} Mix_OPNMIDI_Emulator;

OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_MIME is a MAME YM2612 emulator, fast and well-accurate.
OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_NUKED is a Nuked OPN2 is a very accurate, but needs a VERY powerful CPU. It’s much stronger even than Nuked OPL3!
OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_GENS is a GENS GS/II emulator. Isn’t so accurate, but the fastest emulator here.
OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_GX is a Genesis Plus GX emulator, a fork of the MAME. Experimental and usually disabled by default at the libOPNMIDI side.
OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_NP2 is a Neko Project II Kai OPNA emulator. Performance is almost same as GENS.
OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_MAME_OPNA is a MIME OPNA emulator, very similar to MAME YM2612, but works a bit differently.
OPNMIDI_OPN2_EMU_PMDWIN is a PMDWIN OPNA emulator, old and dirty emulator.

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6.9 Mix_Fading

typedef enum {
} Mix_Fading;

Return values from Mix_FadingMusic and Mix_FadingChannel are of these enumerated values. If no fading is taking place on the queried channel or music, then MIX_NO_FADING is returned. Otherwise they are self explanatory.

See Also:
Mix_FadingChannel, Mix_FadingMusic

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6.10 Mix_EffectFunc_t

typedef void (*Mix_EffectFunc_t)(int chan, void *stream, int len,
                                 void *udata);

The channel number that this effect is effecting now.
MIX_CHANNEL_POST is passed in for post processing effects over the final mix.


The buffer containing the current sample to process.


The length of stream in bytes.


User data pointer that was passed in to Mix_RegisterEffect when registering this effect processor function.

This is the prototype for effect processing functions. These functions are used to apply effects processing on a sample chunk. As a channel plays a sample, the registered effect functions are called. Each effect would then read and perhaps alter the len bytes of stream. It may also be advantageous to keep the effect state in the udata, with would be setup when registering the effect function on a channel.

See Also:
Mix_RegisterEffect Mix_UnregisterEffect

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6.11 Mix_EffectDone_t

typedef void (*Mix_EffectDone_t)(int chan, void *udata);

The channel number that this effect is effecting now.
MIX_CHANNEL_POST is passed in for post processing effects over the final mix.


User data pointer that was passed in to Mix_RegisterEffect when registering this effect processor function.

This is the prototype for effect processing functions. This is called when a channel has finished playing, or halted, or is deallocated. This is also called when a processor is unregistered while processing is active. At that time the effects processing function may want to reset some internal variables or free some memory. It should free memory at least, because the processor could be freed after this call.

See Also:
Mix_RegisterEffect Mix_UnregisterEffect

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6.12 Mix_MusicEffectFunc_t

typedef void (*Mix_MusicEffectFunc_t)(Mix_Music *music, void *stream, int len,
                                 void *udata);

The music that this effect is effecting now.


The buffer containing the current sample to process.


The length of stream in bytes.


User data pointer that was passed in to Mix_RegisterMusicEffect when registering this effect processor function.

This is the prototype for effect processing functions. These functions are used to apply effects processing on a music. As a music plays a sample, the registered effect functions are called. Each effect would then read and perhaps alter the len bytes of stream. It may also be advantageous to keep the effect state in the udata, with would be setup when registering the effect function on a channel.

See Also:
Mix_RegisterMusicEffect Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect

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6.13 Mix_MusicEffectDone_t

typedef void (*Mix_MusicEffectDone_t)(Mix_Music music, void *udata);

The music that this effect is effecting now.


User data pointer that was passed in to Mix_RegisterMusicEffect when registering this effect processor function.

This is the prototype for effect processing functions. This is called when a music has finished playing, or halted, or is deallocated. This is also called when a processor is unregistered while processing is active. At that time the effects processing function may want to reset some internal variables or free some memory. It should free memory at least, because the processor could be freed after this call.

See Also:
Mix_RegisterMusicEffect Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect

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6.14 Mix_CommonMixer_t

typedef void (*Mix_CommonMixer_t)(void *udata, void *stream, int len);

User data pointer that you can pass into the function.


The destination buffer to write the data.


The length of the buffer to write the data.

This is the prototype for the internal mixer processing callback. You should to call given callbacks to run the internal mixer processing and get the final audio data ready for output.

See Also:
Mix_GetMusicMixer Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer Mix_GetGeneralMixer

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7. Defines


SDL_mixer library major number at compilation time


SDL_mixer library minor number at compilation time


SDL_mixer library patch level at compilation time


Presense of this macro identifies the use of the MixerX extended fork library


The default mixer has this many simultaneous mixing channels after the first call to Mix_OpenAudio.


Good default sample rate in Hz (samples per second) for PC sound cards.


The suggested default is signed 16bit samples in host byte order.


Stereo sound is a good default.


Maximum value for any volume setting.
This is currently the same as SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME.


This is the channel number used for post processing effects.


A convience definition for the string name of the environment variable to define when you desire the internal effects to sacrifice quality and/or RAM for speed. The environment variable must be set (else nonexisting) before Mix_OpenAudio is called for the setting to take effect.

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8. Glossary

Byte Order
Also known as Big-Endian. Which means the most significant byte comes first in storage. Sparc and Motorola 68k based chips are MSB ordered.

Little-Endian(LSB) is stored in the opposite order, with the least significant byte first in memory. Intel and AMD are two LSB machines.

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Index Entry Section

Big-Endian8. Glossary
Byte Order8. Glossary

Little-Endian8. Glossary
LSB8. Glossary

Mix_ADLMIDI_Emulator6.6 Mix_ADLMIDI_Emulator
Mix_ADLMIDI_getAutoArpeggio5.5.96 Mix_ADLMIDI_getAutoArpeggio
Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankID5.5.84 Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankID
Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankNames5.5.83 Mix_ADLMIDI_getBankNames
Mix_ADLMIDI_getChipsCount5.5.102 Mix_ADLMIDI_getChipsCount
Mix_ADLMIDI_getEmulator5.5.100 Mix_ADLMIDI_getEmulator
Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullPanStereo5.5.98 Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullPanStereo
Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness5.5.94 Mix_ADLMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness
Mix_ADLMIDI_getScaleMod5.5.90 Mix_ADLMIDI_getScaleMod
Mix_ADLMIDI_getTotalBanks5.5.82 Mix_ADLMIDI_getTotalBanks
Mix_ADLMIDI_getTremolo5.5.86 Mix_ADLMIDI_getTremolo
Mix_ADLMIDI_getVibrato5.5.88 Mix_ADLMIDI_getVibrato
Mix_ADLMIDI_getVolumeModel5.5.92 Mix_ADLMIDI_getVolumeModel
Mix_ADLMIDI_setAutoArpeggio5.5.97 Mix_ADLMIDI_setAutoArpeggio
Mix_ADLMIDI_setBankID5.5.85 Mix_ADLMIDI_setBankID
Mix_ADLMIDI_setChipsCount5.5.103 Mix_ADLMIDI_setChipsCount
Mix_ADLMIDI_setCustomBankFile5.5.105 Mix_ADLMIDI_setCustomBankFile
Mix_ADLMIDI_setEmulator5.5.101 Mix_ADLMIDI_setEmulator
Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullPanStereo5.5.99 Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullPanStereo
Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness5.5.95 Mix_ADLMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness
Mix_ADLMIDI_setScaleMod5.5.91 Mix_ADLMIDI_setScaleMod
Mix_ADLMIDI_setSetDefaults5.5.104 Mix_ADLMIDI_setSetDefaults
Mix_ADLMIDI_setTremolo5.5.87 Mix_ADLMIDI_setTremolo
Mix_ADLMIDI_setVibrato5.5.89 Mix_ADLMIDI_setVibrato
Mix_ADLMIDI_setVolumeModel5.5.93 Mix_ADLMIDI_setVolumeModel
Mix_ADLMIDI_VolumeModel6.5 Mix_ADLMIDI_VolumeModel
Mix_AllocateChannels5.3.1 Mix_AllocateChannels
Mix_ChannelFinished5.3.16 Mix_ChannelFinished
Mix_Chunk5.2 Samples
Mix_Chunk6.1 Mix_Chunk
Mix_CloseAudio5.1.7 Mix_CloseAudio
Mix_CommonMixer_t6.14 Mix_CommonMixer_t
Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream5.5.15 Mix_CrossFadeMusicStream
Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos5.5.16 Mix_CrossFadeMusicStreamPos
Mix_EachSoundFont5.5.80 Mix_EachSoundFont
Mix_EachSoundFontEx5.5.81 Mix_EachSoundFontEx
Mix_EffectDone_t6.11 Mix_EffectDone_t
Mix_EffectFunc_t6.10 Mix_EffectFunc_t
Mix_ExpireChannel5.3.14 Mix_ExpireChannel
Mix_FadeInChannel5.3.7 Mix_FadeInChannel
Mix_FadeInChannel5.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels
Mix_FadeInChannelTimed5.3.8 Mix_FadeInChannelTimed
Mix_FadeInChannelTimed5.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels
Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume5.3.10 Mix_FadeInChannelTimedVolume
Mix_FadeInChannelVolume5.3.9 Mix_FadeInChannelVolume
Mix_FadeInMusic5.5.19 Mix_FadeInMusic
Mix_FadeInMusicPos5.5.20 Mix_FadeInMusicPos
Mix_FadeInMusicStream5.5.13 Mix_FadeInMusicStream
Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos5.5.14 Mix_FadeInMusicStreamPos
Mix_FadeOutChannel5.3.15 Mix_FadeOutChannel
Mix_FadeOutGroup5.4.8 Mix_FadeOutGroup
Mix_FadeOutMusic5.5.61 Mix_FadeOutMusic
Mix_FadeOutMusicStream5.5.57 Mix_FadeOutMusicStream
Mix_Fading6.9 Mix_Fading
Mix_FadingChannel5.3.19 Mix_FadingChannel
Mix_FadingMusic5.5.70 Mix_FadingMusic
Mix_FadingMusicStream5.5.66 Mix_FadingMusicStream
Mix_FreeChunk5.2.9 Mix_FreeChunk
Mix_FreeMixer5.1.12 Mix_FreeMixer
Mix_FreeMusic5.5.10 Mix_FreeMusic
Mix_GetChunk5.3.20 Mix_GetChunk
Mix_GetChunkDecoder5.2.2 Mix_GetChunkDecoder
Mix_GetError5.1.14 Mix_GetError
Mix_GetGeneralMixer5.1.11 Mix_GetGeneralMixer
Mix_GetMidiPlayer5.5.52 Mix_GetMidiPlayer
Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer5.1.10 Mix_GetMultiMusicMixer
Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag5.5.74 Mix_GetMusicAlbumTag
Mix_GetMusicArtistTag5.5.73 Mix_GetMusicArtistTag
Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag5.5.75 Mix_GetMusicCopyrightTag
Mix_GetMusicDecoder5.5.2 Mix_GetMusicDecoder
Mix_GetMusicHookData5.5.67 Mix_GetMusicHookData
Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime5.5.36 Mix_GetMusicLoopEndTime
Mix_GetMusicLoopLengthTime5.5.37 Mix_GetMusicLoopLengthTime
Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime5.5.35 Mix_GetMusicLoopStartTime
Mix_GetMusicMixer5.1.9 Mix_GetMusicMixer
Mix_GetMusicPosition5.5.32 Mix_GetMusicPosition
Mix_GetMusicTempo5.5.39 Mix_GetMusicTempo
Mix_GetMusicTitle5.5.71 Mix_GetMusicTitle
Mix_GetMusicTitleTag5.5.72 Mix_GetMusicTitleTag
Mix_GetMusicTracks5.5.40 Mix_GetMusicTracks
Mix_GetMusicType5.5.63 Mix_GetMusicType
Mix_GetMusicVolume5.5.22 Mix_GetMusicVolume
Mix_GetNextMidiPlayer5.5.53 Mix_GetNextMidiPlayer
Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders5.2.1 Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders
Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders5.5.1 Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders
Mix_GetSoundFonts5.5.79 Mix_GetSoundFonts
Mix_GetSynchroValue5.5.43 Mix_GetSynchroValue
Mix_GetTimidityCfg5.5.77 Mix_GetTimidityCfg
Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral5.5.25 Mix_GetVolumeMusicGeneral
Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream5.5.23 Mix_GetVolumeMusicStream
Mix_GroupAvailable5.4.5 Mix_GroupAvailable
Mix_GroupChannel5.4.2 Mix_GroupChannel
Mix_GroupChannels5.4.3 Mix_GroupChannels
Mix_GroupCount5.4.4 Mix_GroupCount
Mix_GroupNewer5.4.7 Mix_GroupNewer
Mix_GroupOldest5.4.6 Mix_GroupOldest
Mix_HaltChannel5.3.13 Mix_HaltChannel
Mix_HaltGroup5.4.9 Mix_HaltGroup
Mix_HaltMusic5.5.60 Mix_HaltMusic
Mix_HaltMusicStream5.5.56 Mix_HaltMusicStream
Mix_HaMix_HookMusicStreamFinishedltMusic5.5.58 Mix_HookMusicStreamFinished
Mix_HasChunkDecoder5.2.3 Mix_HasChunkDecoder
Mix_HasMusicDecoder5.5.3 Mix_HasMusicDecoder
Mix_HookMusic5.5.17 Mix_HookMusic
Mix_HookMusicFinished5.5.62 Mix_HookMusicFinished
Mix_HookMusicStreamFinishedAny5.5.59 Mix_HookMusicStreamFinishedAny
Mix_Init5.1.2 Mix_Init
Mix_InitMixer5.1.8 Mix_InitMixer
Mix_Linked_Version5.1.1 Mix_Linked_Version
Mix_LoadMUS5.5.4 Mix_LoadMUS
Mix_LoadMUSType_RW5.5.8 Mix_LoadMUSType_RW
Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG5.5.9 Mix_LoadMUSType_RW_ARG
Mix_LoadMUS_RW5.5.5 Mix_LoadMUS_RW
Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG5.5.6 Mix_LoadMUS_RW_ARG
Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME5.5.7 Mix_LoadMUS_RW_GME
Mix_LoadWAV5.2.4 Mix_LoadWAV
Mix_LoadWAV_RW5.2.5 Mix_LoadWAV_RW
Mix_MIDI_Device6.4 Mix_MIDI_Device
Mix_ModMusicJumpToOrder5.5.51 Mix_ModMusicJumpToOrder
Mix_ModMusicStreamJumpToOrder5.5.33 Mix_ModMusicStreamJumpToOrder
Mix_Music6.2 Mix_Music
Mix_MusicDuration5.5.34 Mix_MusicDuration
Mix_MusicEffectDone_t6.13 Mix_MusicEffectDone_t
Mix_MusicEffectFunc_t6.12 Mix_MusicEffectFunc_t
Mix_MusicType6.3 Mix_MusicType
Mix_OpenAudio5.1.4 Mix_OpenAudio
Mix_OpenAudioDevice5.1.5 Mix_OpenAudioDevice
Mix_OPNMIDI_Emulator6.8 Mix_OPNMIDI_Emulator
Mix_OPNMIDI_getAutoArpeggio5.5.110 Mix_OPNMIDI_getAutoArpeggio
Mix_OPNMIDI_getChipsCount5.5.116 Mix_OPNMIDI_getChipsCount
Mix_OPNMIDI_getEmulator5.5.114 Mix_OPNMIDI_getEmulator
Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullPanStereo5.5.112 Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullPanStereo
Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness5.5.108 Mix_OPNMIDI_getFullRangeBrightness
Mix_OPNMIDI_getVolumeModel5.5.106 Mix_OPNMIDI_getVolumeModel
Mix_OPNMIDI_setAutoArpeggio5.5.111 Mix_OPNMIDI_setAutoArpeggio
Mix_OPNMIDI_setChipsCount5.5.117 Mix_OPNMIDI_setChipsCount
Mix_OPNMIDI_setCustomBankFile5.5.119 Mix_OPNMIDI_setCustomBankFile
Mix_OPNMIDI_setEmulator5.5.115 Mix_OPNMIDI_setEmulator
Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullPanStereo5.5.113 Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullPanStereo
Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness5.5.109 Mix_OPNMIDI_setFullRangeBrightness
Mix_OPNMIDI_setSetDefaults5.5.118 Mix_OPNMIDI_setSetDefaults
Mix_OPNMIDI_setVolumeModel5.5.107 Mix_OPNMIDI_setVolumeModel
Mix_OPNMIDI_VolumeModel6.7 Mix_OPNMIDI_VolumeModel
Mix_Pause5.3.11 Mix_Pause
Mix_PauseAudio5.1.6 Mix_PauseAudio
Mix_Paused5.3.18 Mix_Paused
Mix_PausedMusic5.5.69 Mix_PausedMusic
Mix_PausedMusicStream5.5.65 Mix_PausedMusicStream
Mix_PauseMusic5.5.47 Mix_PauseMusic
Mix_PauseMusicStream5.5.26 Mix_PauseMusicStream
Mix_PauseMusicStreamAll5.5.27 Mix_PauseMusicStreamAll
Mix_PlayChannel5.3.3 Mix_PlayChannel
Mix_PlayChannel5.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels
Mix_PlayChannelTimed5.3.4 Mix_PlayChannelTimed
Mix_PlayChannelTimed5.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels
Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume5.3.6 Mix_PlayChannelTimedVolume
Mix_PlayChannelVol5.3.5 Mix_PlayChannelVol
Mix_Playing5.3.17 Mix_Playing
Mix_PlayingMusic5.5.68 Mix_PlayingMusic
Mix_PlayingMusicStream5.5.64 Mix_PlayingMusicStream
Mix_PlayMusic5.5.18 Mix_PlayMusic
Mix_PlayMusicStream5.5.12 Mix_PlayMusicStream
Mix_QuerySpec5.1.15 Mix_QuerySpec
Mix_QuickLoad_RAW5.2.7 Mix_QuickLoad_RAW
Mix_QuickLoad_WAV5.2.6 Mix_QuickLoad_WAV
Mix_Quit5.1.3 Mix_Quit
Mix_RegisterEffect5.6.1 Mix_RegisterEffect
Mix_RegisterMusicEffect5.6.4 Mix_RegisterMusicEffect
Mix_ReserveChannels5.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels
Mix_Resume5.3.12 Mix_Resume
Mix_ResumeMusic5.5.48 Mix_ResumeMusic
Mix_ResumeMusicStream5.5.28 Mix_ResumeMusicStream
Mix_ResumeMusicStreamAll5.5.29 Mix_ResumeMusicStreamAll
Mix_RewindMusic5.5.49 Mix_RewindMusic
Mix_RewindMusicStream5.5.30 Mix_RewindMusicStream
Mix_SetDistance5.6.9 Mix_SetDistance
Mix_SetError5.1.13 Mix_SetError
Mix_SetFreeOnStop5.5.11 Mix_SetFreeOnStop
Mix_SetLockMIDIArgs5.5.55 Mix_SetLockMIDIArgs
Mix_SetMidiPlayer5.5.54 Mix_SetMidiPlayer
Mix_SetMusicCMD5.5.42 Mix_SetMusicCMD
Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance5.6.13 Mix_SetMusicEffectDistance
Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning5.6.12 Mix_SetMusicEffectPanning
Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition5.6.14 Mix_SetMusicEffectPosition
Mix_SetMusicEffectReverseStereo5.6.15 Mix_SetMusicEffectReverseStereo
Mix_SetMusicFileName5.5.45 Mix_SetMusicFileName
Mix_SetMusicPosition5.5.50 Mix_SetMusicPosition
Mix_SetMusicPositionStream5.5.31 Mix_SetMusicPositionStream
Mix_SetMusicTempo5.5.38 Mix_SetMusicTempo
Mix_SetMusicTrackMute5.5.41 Mix_SetMusicTrackMute
Mix_SetPanning5.6.8 Mix_SetPanning
Mix_SetPosition5.6.10 Mix_SetPosition
Mix_SetPostMix5.6.7 Mix_SetPostMix
Mix_SetReverseStereo5.6.11 Mix_SetReverseStereo
Mix_SetSoundFonts5.5.78 Mix_SetSoundFonts
Mix_SetSynchroValue5.5.44 Mix_SetSynchroValue
Mix_SetTimidityCfg5.5.76 Mix_SetTimidityCfg
Mix_UnregisterAllEffects5.6.3 Mix_UnregisterAllEffects
Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects5.6.6 Mix_UnregisterAllMusicEffects
Mix_UnregisterEffect5.6.2 Mix_UnregisterEffect
Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect5.6.5 Mix_UnregisterMusicEffect
Mix_Volume5.3.2 Mix_Volume
Mix_VolumeChunk5.2.8 Mix_VolumeChunk
Mix_VolumeMusic5.5.46 Mix_VolumeMusic
Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral5.5.24 Mix_VolumeMusicGeneral
Mix_VolumeMusicStream5.5.21 Mix_VolumeMusicStream
MSB8. Glossary
Music Arguments5.5.120 Music Arguments

README1. Overview

sdl-config3.2 Compiling
SDL_AudioDriverName4. Conflicts
SDL_CloseAudio4. Conflicts
SDL_GetAudioStatus4. Conflicts
SDL_LockAudio4. Conflicts
SDL_MIXER_VERSION5.1.1 Mix_Linked_Version
SDL_MIXER_X7. Defines
SDL_OpenAudio4. Conflicts
SDL_PauseAudio4. Conflicts
SDL_UnlockAudio4. Conflicts

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