#include "gtk4-layer-shell.h" #include static void activate (GtkApplication* app, void *_data) { (void)_data; // Create a normal GTK window however you like GtkWindow *gtk_window = GTK_WINDOW (gtk_application_window_new (app)); // Before the window is first realized, set it up to be a layer surface gtk_layer_init_for_window (gtk_window); // Order below normal windows gtk_layer_set_layer (gtk_window, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_LAYER_TOP); // Push other windows out of the way gtk_layer_auto_exclusive_zone_enable (gtk_window); // We don't need to get keyboard input // gtk_layer_set_keyboard_mode (gtk_window, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_KEYBOARD_MODE_NONE); // NONE is default // The margins are the gaps around the window's edges // Margins and anchors can be set like this... gtk_layer_set_margin (gtk_window, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_LEFT, 40); gtk_layer_set_margin (gtk_window, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_RIGHT, 40); gtk_layer_set_margin (gtk_window, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_TOP, 20); gtk_layer_set_margin (gtk_window, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_BOTTOM, 0); // 0 is default // ... or like this // Anchors are if the window is pinned to each edge of the output static const gboolean anchors[] = {TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE}; for (int i = 0; i < GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_ENTRY_NUMBER; i++) { gtk_layer_set_anchor (gtk_window, i, anchors[i]); } // Set up a widget GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new (""); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), "" "GTK Layer\nShell example!" ""); gtk_window_set_child (gtk_window, label); gtk_window_present (gtk_window); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { GtkApplication * app = gtk_application_new ("com.github.wmww.gtk4-layer-shell.example", G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE); g_signal_connect (app, "activate", G_CALLBACK (activate), NULL); int status = g_application_run (G_APPLICATION (app), argc, argv); g_object_unref (app); return status; }